Chapter 24

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Gooood morning :) 

Locked up in his room, wearing a grey pair of sweats and an oversized black tank top. He called his mom, but sadly all his sisters were already put to bed. He wanted to see them so badly, they always make Louis feel less lonely. He is never lonely at home.

"I want to go home, mom." Louis' voice cracks and it hurts for a mother to see and hear her son like that. "I don't want this anymore."

"You know that you are always welcome back home, baby if it's too much. But are you sure you want to? What about the fans, boo bear?"

"I wish I never participated with the X-factor." Louis' voice is soft and he is crying soundless. He means it though.

If he never participated he could be openly gay, he could find love. Liam would have never met Zayn and they would be alright and Harry wouldn't have been in his life. It would have saved him the heartbreak he is going through right now.

"You don't mean that, Lou." His mother coos. "I don't know what happened and I know you won't tell me because that's how you are, Lou, just know you always can. But you are so strong and you are such an amazing example for so many people. "

"How am I an example if I can't even be myself, mom?" Jay can see how deep her son is right now and she is so worried. She wishes she could just take the first plane to Spain but it's hard when you have two teenage girls and a set of baby twins.

"Because you are the strongest person I know, Louis. You have been through so much already all your life and look where you are now. You are so successful, you bought a house for me and your sisters so we could properly live with your first pay check instead of some crazy sportscar. You have your heart in the right place and your fans know that. That's why they love you. That's why I love you and your sisters do as well. We are so proud of you, boo bear."

Louis breaks down completely and he wipes away his tears with the palm of his hands.

"I'm going to sleep. I'm so tired and I have to do some interview and a small performance tomorrow. Can you call me tomorrow when the girls are awake? I want to see them. I'm off in the morning."

"Of course, boo. Go to sleep now, yeah? Make yourself some hot tea."

"I will. Thanks mom, I love you."

"I love you too, boo bear. I'll call you tomorrow."

Louis quickly runs to the kitchen, makes himself some tea and runs back. Not even a few seconds later he can hear noises in the bus, and someone knocks on his door.

"Tommo... Can we talk please?"

"Go to Zayn." Louis snaps, ignoring his burning tears.

"I need to talk to you, Louis. I promise it isn't that bad. I wanted to protect you, Louis. I didn't want to shove in your face that I can be with Zayn while..."

"Liam, I don't need your fucking explanations, just leave me alone. Leave this bus or I will call security."

"Louis, you don't mean that."

"I do." Louis yells back, still just communicating with the boy with a door between them.

"Look, Louis. I know you and I know how stubborn you are. I'm booking a flight back, but don't think you can get rid off me. I'll let you cool down for a week and I'll be back to talk. You are my best friend and I'm not giving up on you."

"What about you book a flight and that's it? " Louis snaps. "I don't want to see you, Liam."

He can hear Liam sigh on the other side of the door.

"I'll see you next week, Louis."

Louis doesn't answer anymore. He just pulls his blanket over his head and makes himself a small ball. He knows that he is being hard towards Liam, but he really can't deal with it now.

And when he hears Harry knocking on the door a few minutes later, he just pretends to be asleep.


The next morning Louis wakes up with a headache. His stomach is grumbling from the lack of food from yesterday. It's still pretty early so he is sure that both Harry and Eleanor are still asleep.

When he wants to open the door though, there is some weight against it. When Louis is able to open it, he sees Harry against it, hands rubbing his eyes.

"What are you doing here?" Louis really wanted to sound harsh, but for some reason he can't towards Harry.

"You didn't want to talk to me and I figured that you have to leave your room once and I didn't want to miss it."

Louis' heart is beating faster because Harry slept in front of his door, he was there all night and he wishes it didn't make his heart flutter.

"If I don't want to talk then... what happened to your eye?" Louis' mouth drops when he looks properly at Harry's face, one eye being black and swollen.

"It's nothing, really don't worry about it."

"You said you would never lie to me." Louis says, making eye contact with the curly boy. "Then don't lie. Who beat you? Was it Liam because you outed him? If that's the case I will fuckig ki..."

"It was Eleanor." Harry's voice is barely a whisper and Louis' heart breaks. He can't imagine how it must be to be beaten up by the one that you love.

And as much anger that he has towards Harry, he Is still deeply in love with him and he cares so much.

"Come here." Louis grabs Harry's hand and he pulls him up and leads him to the bathroom. He takes some cream and carefully puts it around his eye, making sure it's not getting inside.

"How can you stay with her, Haz?" Louis mumbles more to himself than to Harry as he brings on the cream.

"It's complicated."

Louis just nods and put the cream away, leaving Harry by himself in the bathroom.

"Louis!" Harry follows him immediately.


"We need to talk. I want to say I'm sorry, I...."

Louis shakes his head.

"You're not forgiven. I don't want to talk. I put my best friend that I know my whole life already on a plane yesterday. Don't think I forgive you just because I helped you with your eye. I was just being human, Harry. What you did to me... just leave it. I'll see you in the studio later. Just know that if I could have put you on a plane as well, I would have Harry." 

Eleanor, my girlfriend [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now