Chapter 23

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I am making up for the lost days :) 

Louis is thankful that Niall made sure to hire the full restaurant so no other people are there. It's just the six of them and Louis thanks god that he doesn't have to deal with paparazzi. It would be too much, really.

So now he is sitting next to Liam and his head is resting on Liam's shoulder. Liam is playing with Louis' hair and it relaxes the boy. He doesn't really take part in the conversation that his friends are having. He is just happy to be comforted by Liam.

"You okay, bud?" Liam asks softly before kissing Louis' cheek.

"The two of you are pretty cute, like a couple!" Eleanor smiles. "I would totally ship you guys."

Louis rolls his eyes. Can someone just bring her the fucking salad she ordered and push it in her mouth? That would be awesome.

"They don't look like a couple." And Louis can hear how dark Harry's voice is. "Louis and I are a lot more touchy."

And Louis is pissed. Harry doesn't have any right to bring up their friendship like this. He doesn't have the right to say that he looks closer to Harry than he does to Liam.

"The only difference is that Liam is a good friend." Louis mumbles under his breath, but apparently loud enough for the others to hear.

Harry's eyes go wide and Louis can see a flash of hurt, that quickly gets replaced by anger.

"Oh, so I'm not a good friend? Is that what you want to say, Louis? I'm not like perfect Liam." If eyes could spit fire, Harry's would.

"That's exactly what I am saying. Liam is my best friend ever and no one can make me feel this safe like he does. He's the only person on this planet that I can actually trust."

"Oh, is that so." Harry raises his eyebrow and crosses his arms. "So you can fully trust Liam, right? He would never lie to you?"

"Never." Louis states, looking Harry deeply in the eyes. "He would never hurt me the way like some other friends I had did. He would never take me for granted and use me."

And Harry's hands are shaking and Louis sees that the younger boy wants to cry. He wants to hug him, pull him on his lap and kiss his temple, saying that things are going to be alright. But it's Harry that started this mess. Harry broke his heart.

"Ask Zayn who he is dating." Is all that Harry says.

Louis rolls his eyes and laughs.

"He's with Niall, Harry. Why would I ask."

"Ask him." Harry repeats. "Or you know what? Why don't you ask Liam who he is dating?"

And Louis is so confused. Why would he have to ask Liam and Zayn who they are dating? Liam is single as a pringle and Zayn is with Niall.

"H, don't do this..." Niall whisper yells, taking a sip of his beer. "Please, don't."

"Don't do what?" Louis asks.

"Ask them, Louis. Ask your best friend who is always so good to you and never lies who he is dating. If he has no secrets, it's not a big deal right?"

And Louis looks at the boy next to him, who is nervously playing with his nails.

"It's nothing, Tommo, really. Maybe we should go back to the bus and have an early night? Catch up tomorrow?"

Louis has no clue what's going on. He only sees Liam being nervous, Zayn looking down at the table, Niall drinking his beer, Eleanor leaning back to follow everything and Harry who has this dark look in his eyes.

"No. If you are really such a good friend, Liam then tell him the fucking truth." Harry spats. "I never lied to you, Louis." Harry turns at the singer. "I never lied to you, because you mean so much to me. I couldn't lie to you. Yet I am the sinner in your eyes. I am the one that 'hurt' you. But ask him, Louis. Ask him what he has hidden for you already a few months." Harry points at Liam. "I didn't want to tell you because it's not my place. But I am being painted as the horrible friend while Liam is the angel? While I am the one who always has your back, never lied to you, never Louis. I have always been honest to you. And you should know that Liam isn't. He has been dating Zayn since before the tour!"

And Louis' mouth drops.

"But that's impossible..." Louis mumbles. "Liam is straight and Zayn is with Niall."

"Tell him the truth." Harry hisses at Liam. "Stop hiding shit from him. It's not only hurting Louis, it's hurting Niall as well!"

"Niall?" Louis turns around to look at the Irish.

"Louis, I'm sorry. Zayn asked me to and..." the Irish explains.

"Zayn?" Louis' eyes start to tear and look at the raven haired boy.

"I'm sorry, Louis. I'm in love with him but I just couldn't tell you. I asked Niall a favour so you wouldn't hit on me while I'm with Liam..." Zayn confesses. "I'm so sorry..."

"Li?" now tears are rolling down Louis' cheeks. He feels so betrayed. Everybody knew about this except for him. His best friend in the world has been lying to him.

"I didn't want you to know like this, Tommo." Liam apologises. "It was just hard to tell you..." Liam confesses.

"Why? I didn't even know you were into guys! Why didn't you tell me?" Louis is crying hard now and he slaps Liam's hand of comfort away.

"Because I didn't want to make you feel bad, Lou. I didn't want to make you feel like you were third wheeling if I were to join the tour. I didn't want to make you feel bad because I can be openly with Zayn while you..."

"Am stuck in the closet." Louis spits. "I get it. I'm not even enough for you, the person I know whole my life." Louis' heart is literally bleeding. Everyone and everything is against him.

"Louis it's not like that! You are enough! You are my best friend, I lov..."

"Shut up!" Louis screams. He is now standing up, while all the others are sitting down.

"You." He points at Niall. "You have lied in my face since the day I met you. There hasn't come one honest word out of your mouth. If it wasn't the middle of the tour, I would have let you fired."

Then Louis looks at Zayn.

"I thought we were friends." He says to the raven haired boy. "But you have been pulling other people into your sick game of lying to me. If you didn't want to suck my dick anymore you could have just told me, Zayn Malik, without pulling an innocent guy into the story. You fucking disgust me."

"Liam." Louis looks at the boy next to him. "The person that knows me since the day we both were diapers. I can't believe you lied to me, betrayed me. I trust you with the whole fucking world and you couldn't even come out to me? Me? Your gay best friend? I thought what we had was fucking friendship Liam, but that's clearly one sided."

Then he looks at Eleanor.

"You are just a bitch that needs to fucking realise that I am gay and I don't want you. You are annoying and pathetic for trying to get into my pants. I'm gay, Tina."

"But you..." Louis ends up looking into a pair of green, watery eyes. "You, I have to congratulate you. Because you did it again, Harry Styles. You found another way of how to break my heart. Twice in twenty four hours? Congratulations, you know how to bring the Louis Tomlinson down." And Louis starts to clap in his hands sarcastically.

"Louis, I..." Harry's voice is raspy.

"Save it, Harry. You got exactly what you wanted. I'm ruined. Now leave me the fuck alone, all of you." Louis grabs his jeans jacket and leaves the table, calling for a taxi that luckily just passed by.

He can't handle this anymore. He just wishes he was home. His heart was already broken but Louis doubts if there is still a piece left after tonight. 

Eleanor, my girlfriend [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now