Chapter 21

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Happy reading my loves xoxo

Eleanor freaked out on Harry when they came back, cussing him out for not letting her know that he would stay away all night. For the first time Louis thinks she is right. She should know what he has been up to... Louis decides to give them privacy and locks himself up in his room so he can take a nap. He barely slept last night and he can't do a concert with bags under his eyes. He is sure he has them right now, he can even feel them.

When he leaves his room after 2 hours though he can feel his heart break. Eleanor and Harry made up and now she is cuddling into him and he is kissing her. Those fingers that were touching Louis' body, those lips that were on his own, it's all Eleanor's. Louis feels a lump in his throat and before any of them could notice Louis' presence, he goes back to his room.

And all his tears are just leaving his eyes. It's always the same. He is always the one on the side, the one night stand, the quick fuck. No one ever just chooses him, cares about him, loves him. Louis just wants to be loved. He was stupid to let himself go. He knew that Harry would never feel that way about him like he does feel towards Harry. It's one sided, like it always is. Louis doesn't even understand why his heart still decides to fall in love. It's always facing the same disappointment.

Louis is close to a panic attack and he knows exactly what he has to do.

He takes his phone and presses Liam's name. Only a few seconds later the lad appears on his screen.

"Hey, Tommo! How are you doi... Lou are you crying?"

"Please come over." Louis sobs. "I need you to visit me. I don't care if I have to share my bed with you or I'll have to sleep on the couch or the bloody floor. Please come over, I need you. I'm going insane."

"What happened?" Liam's big brown eyes are full of concern. He can't have his best friend like this.

"I don't want to talk about it over the phone. Tell me when you have a flight and I'll transfer the money to you. Just please, Li..." Louis begs. He needs someone on his side for a few days. Seeing Harry with Eleanor right after the night they had shared hurts too much. He needs a distraction. He needs someone that keeps him sane. He needs Liam.

"What's your next stop? And when will you be there? For how long?" Liam asks.

"Madrid. I'll be there in about an hour and I'm staying there for the rest of the week. I've got loads of interviews, photoshoots and I have to record some songs."

He can't see Liam's face which means he is doing something else on his phone.

"Rome-Madrid is close. I have a flight at five and I should land around seven thirty. I'll just come straight to your concert hall. Make sure security knows."

"Love you, Li." Louis says weakly.

"Love you too, mate. I'll see you. I have to go now, explain my family that I can't stay and I have to pack my stuff and find a taxi to drive me to the airport."

"You are the best friend I could wish for. Have a safe flight, Liam."

"Thanks, Lou. Hold on, I'll be there before you know it." Liam waves at the screen when he is back on and Louis waves back, a small smile appearing on his face. It's genuine. He can't wait for Liam to arrive. He is mentally drained. He should have never gone further with Harry. He should have known it would mess him up.

When Louis has taken a quick shower and changed into comfy clothes, he goes to the kitchen. He needs some food. Food is always there. Food never disappoints. Food doesn't make out with fucking Eleanor after they sucked your dick.

Okay, so Louis is being a bit dramatic, just let him be.

"Hey, Lou." The boy freezes when he feels a pair of arms wrapped around his body, a chin resting on his shoulder. "Are you going to make food?"

Louis carefully pushes Harry aside. He can't have him touch him. It will drive him insane. He has to get rid of those feelings he has for the younger boy and that won't work if he is touching him all the time. Harry gives him a kind of hurtful look when he gets pushed away, but Louis ignores it.

"Was just checking if there was something easy. I can't cook for shit." Louis mumbles, not looking at Harry. He knows he would probably just burst out in tears.

"I can make you something? Want a sandwich? I can make you the turkey one that you liked so much last time?" and Harry looks at him with those bright, big green eyes and Louis feels his heart clench.

"I'm alright. It's not like I'm that hungry." Louis lies, and of course his stomach decides to betray him by grumbling.

"Why are you lying?" this time Harry looks straight into Louis' eyes.

"Just don't want to bother you. You're not my maid or anything to make me food whenever I want. I'm nineteen, Harry, I can take care of myself." Louis sounds snappier than intended but he doesn't think it' immediately a bad thing. The further away he can push Harry, the easiest it will be to get over him.

Because even though Louis is convinced that Harry deserves a better girlfriend than Eleanor, he loves her unconditionally and Louis is sure that it was the alcohol that made Harry behave like this. He was probably still drunk in the morning and maybe he even still is. Louis doesn't know but he does know that he would never be the person that Harry would choose. It's always Eleanor and Harry made that very clear. And even if Harry finally sees he deserves so much better, he wouldn't choose Louis. Why would anyone choose Louis?

Nobody wants to be pushed in the closet with some pathetic teenage singer.

"You said nothing would change, Lou." Harry's voice is shaking. "But here you are, already pushing me away."

"I never said it wouldn't. I said that we will see what the future brings." Louis knows it's a weak defence but it's the only he has.

"It's you that decides if you want to talk to me or not, Louis, not future. But I get it. I know I never meant anything to you anyway." Harry bumps his shoulder into Louis' and then runs out of the kitchen and Louis can't help but cry.

He brought himself into this mess and he has no clue how to get out of it. 

Eleanor, my girlfriend [Larry Stylinson]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora