Chapter 4: Breakfast Time!

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Rubbing her forearm, Melty lifted her gaze to look at him. She slowly, but surely, walked to the dining table and sat on the chair.

"Eryn! Eryn!" Lofie was practically drooling, eyeing her breakfast very closely. "Can I start eating it?"

"Haha, go ahead." Eryn nodded. "Enjoy your meal."

Lofie immediately stuffed her mouth with the sandwich, filling her cheeks out while Iris took her time and took little nibbles. The contrast between these two sisters...

However, Melty had put no effort to touch her sandwich or her glass of milk. She... must feel terrible about what happened.

He moved his chair next to her and sat beside her. "Melty..." he gently caressed her hair. "Do you not like the food? I can make something else if you-"

"N-No..." Melty shook her head, sniffing. "This is... fine."

"... I see." Eryn hummed. "Do you want me to feed you?"

Melty's mouse ears perked up hearing that question. Though her eyebrows were furrowed, Eryn could see the corners of her lips curving up. Is she trying to hold back a smile?

Heh, isn't that adorable. Her behavior amused him. Eryn cut her sandwich into smaller chunks. He held a chunk and guided it to her little mouth. Is there where I go and say 'aaaa' or something? "Say aaaah..."

"Aaaa..." Melty opened her mouth to eat the sandwich and chewed it.

"... How is it?"

"... It's good." Melty puffed her cheeks and looked away from him. It was clear to him she was restraining herself from letting a smile form on her lips.

Is this her way of punishing herself? Eryn thought. Whatever she was doing, it was a sight for sore eyes. Immediately, an idea popped into his mind. Maybe he could take advantage of the situation.

"Oh, Melty..." Eryn let out a dramatic sigh, resting his face on his forearm, which was plopped upright on the table. "I suppose I need to punish you for burning my couch."

Iris and Lofie's eyes widened in surprise. They looked at each other, confusion spread across their faces. However, Melty's expression was one of horror.

"E-Eryn..." Melty tried to voice out, her hands trembling. "I'm s-sorry! Please don't kick me out!"

"No, no. I won't kick you out." Eryn waved his hands. "However, I'll forgive you if you listen to this request of mine..."

"I'll d-do it!" Melty answered without hesitation.

"I see." Eryn tried to hold back his laugh. He then poked her cheek. "Then, please... let me see you smile."

"... H-Huh...?" Melty blinked a few times. That was not really a punishment now, was it?

"Yeah!" Iris nodded. "Melty, you shouldn't hold back your smiles!"

"M'eah!" Lofie apparently voiced her approval too, though her mouth was full of food.

It seems they noticed, too. Eryn hummed to himself. Well, they are sisters... aren't they? Eryn figured they weren't actually blood-related sisters, but that was a topic for another time.

"I wasn't holding back my smiles!" Melty huffed, puffing her cheeks at Iris. She folded her arms in defiance.

"Oh, really?" Eryn smiled, holding another chunk of the sandwich to feed her.

"Aaaa..." Melty opened her mouth to eat the sandwich. This time, she let the smile form on her lips as she chewed. "Hehehe!"

"... There." Eryn stroked her red hair. "That's better." Just seeing her little smile seemed to relieve some tension from his body.

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