Chapter 18: School?

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Up till this point, it never crossed Eryn's mind whether the little monstergirls had ever gone to school. Monstergirls and schooling just didn't mesh together in his mind. Well, it doesn't hurt to ask, right? He drew his attention to the monstergirl who seemed the most curious about it.

"Lofie." Eryn patted her hair between her ears. "Are you interested in going to school?"

"Huh?" Lofie snapped her eyes back to him. "No, I'm not." Her tail wagged around intensely in interest, betraying her own words.

"I see." He chuckled softly. Her tail is telling me otherwise...

"School..." Iris stared at the group of monstergirl children on the other side.

"It's where children learn new things and play with each other, right?" Melty said.

"That's... right?" Eryn raised a brow, not expecting Melty to answer. She knows what a school is. "Have you ever gone to school, Melty?"

"Nope!" she shook her head. "I only heard about it from my previous owners."

Previous owners... maybe this was one of their better owners. Did they plan to take the monstergirls to school?

"Is school a fun place?" Lofie asked, her attention focused on the children.

"Fun, huh...?" Eryn crossed his arms. What were my little child days like? His younger school days weren't the most memorable, he admitted.

"Eryn must have already gone to school, right?" Iris said with a smile.

"... Mhmm." He puffed his cheeks out, a frown adorning his face. "You're right. I graduated from... senior high school a while back."

"Senior... high... school?" Iris mouthed those three words, two words of which she didn't understand when they preceded school. "Is that a different kind of school?"

"Yes, you could say that." He scratched the back of his head. "There are different levels of school. I'd say those monstergirl children are... in a nursery school." Though he wasn't completely sure. I'm not sure if monstergirl schools follow the same standards as a regular school. He didn't even know monstergirl schools were a thing. If it weren't for Lofie, that knowledge would be lost to the abyss.

"Nursery school..." Lofie's ears twitched at those words. Words she found interesting.

"Oh, a message..." His phone vibrated in his pocket, prompting him to open it up and check it. Azusa... she's waiting at the registration center. He quickly slid his phone back into his pocket. Better get a move on.

"Come on, everyone." Eryn lifted Lofie up, sitting her on his shoulders. He then took hold of Iris and Melty's hands, gently pulling them to his side. "Azusa's waiting for us."

"Okay!" Iris and Melty said in unison. It fell deaf on Lofie's ears because the school still had her attention.

"Eryn." Lofie grabbed a fistful of his raven hair with her little hands.

"What is it, Lofie?"

"... Nothing." Lofie rested her chin on his head, nuzzling into it. Her ears and tail draped down, deprived of any lively motion.

"... Okay?" Eryn raised a brow, confused. It sounded like she wanted to ask me something...?

"Will you tell us about your school days, Eryn?" Iris asked in a curious manner.

"Yeah!" Melty agreed, grinning. "I want to hear about Eryn's life in school!"

"... It's not very fun to talk about." He let out a deep sigh as some memories, which he'd prefer to forget, flashed through his mind. "Sorry, maybe some other time."

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