Symbiotic Beacon pt.1

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Inside the sewers, Cletus was destroying walls, pipes, everything you can think of. He had lost connection with his son and is now royally pissed.

"Sweetheart." The host of Scream spoke as she walked up to the maniac. "He's not worth it."

"I spent eight fucking years molding him into a killer and he severs the connection between us. He was never grateful of the power I gave him!" He roared at her his face inches in front of her.

"Then why not take it back?" Shriek questioned. "Rip apart his mind, his body. Torture him and that traitor half. Make them regret leaving the family." She said with a smile on her face.

Pondering on what she said Cletus gained his smile back as he began to laugh.

"Oh, my dear. You are truly a blessing in symbiotic ooze." He smirked before whistling. "We shall take this to the surface and take everything from him."  He cackled as a stampede of carnages appeared in front of him as they all looked towards him waiting for orders. "We shall turn all of Vale into our new home!" He laughed as the symbiotes all stood ready. "Go my family and infect everything!" He ordered as they all ran towards the city.

Back in the city, Y/n and Carnage stood on a rooftop watching as civilians were being evacuated. It was hard to convince Ironwood to not take him away from Vale just yet. But until that time he is to help with evacuating the area. "Southside of vale is almost done." He muttered until a manhole cover was thrown off as a Carnage soldier appeared making the boy shocked. "God damn it!" He yelled before jumping off and swing kicked the symbiote making it bump into a store.

"Y/n!" Tai yelled but his son turned to him.

"Just focus on the evacuation!" He ordered before many other symbiotes crawled out of the sewers.

"Cletus was busy."

"Yeah." Morphing his right hand into an axe and his left into a morning star. "But we have as well."

"Let's go!" Carnage hyped before the two rushed towards the ten symbiotes.

Up at the vytal tournament

"My leg! Why did she do that?" Mercury questioned as he held his robotic leg?

"Miss xiao long you are under arrest."

"But he attacked me first." She defended but a sudden crash outside of the arena walls gained their attention as gunshots fired outside.

"What's going on out there?" One of the atlas officers asked only to get screams and laughter.  Just then multiple carnages jumped and began to attack the students morphing and infecting them. "What the hell?!" He exclaimed before they all turned their weapons and began to shoot the creatures.

Yang readied her weapons and began to shoot them with her weapons as the students that weren't being infected used their semblances to either counter their attack or escape.  Running to the other exits the students found more of them running towards them. Using her semblance Pyrrha closed the exits as Weiss used her time dilation to slow the symbiote from the various entrances.

"What do we do?" Jaune asked before noticing the top of the area as the symbiote began to scratch and claw at the protective barrier.

Just then a red and black portal opened as everyone turned to it. Yang, thinking it was her brother, told everyone to run to the portal but a sudden orange tendril punched her back making her gasp.

"Phage." She muttered as he smiled at her.

"Hello, dear niece. Where is your brother at?" He asked as everyone was panicking?

Not what it seems. (Mentally tortured male reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now