The Wizard meets the insane.

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Present year Y/n age 18.

Y/n sat on a buildings wall with a sever head in his right claw as Carnage was out, the boy and symbiote have been bonded for eight years now,the symbiote and boy looked at the night sky smiling and singing a little jingle. "They're pinky and the brain,brain,brain." Looking down Y/n smiled seeing a family of four walking down the sidewalk,throwing the head it landed right in front of them earning him a scream, crawling up towards the roof. The two smiled seeing the red painted roof filled with corpses as Carnage vanished Y/n was shown covered head to toe in blood along with his stolen weapons. "Well buddies you tried well,but that couldnt stop us. Hehehe." Walking towards the pile of corpses the boy pushed it over and sat on a corpse holding a different severed head. "Oh but why did we fail we had a great ambush." Y/n said as he shook the head a bit as if it was talking. Laughing to himself the boy tossed the head away laughing but a soft voice spoke to him.

"Y/n." Looking over his shoulder he was met with the ghost of Summer.

"Oh hello mom here to give me a talking to?" He smiled as he turned towards the ghost. "Oh mom do you like the cloak i think it fits me well." He smiled as he showed the red cloak with a smile. "Kind of small if you ask me. But you know it's a memo of our last time together." He smiled crazily but seeing Summers ghost tear up made him gain some senses and walked up to her. "I'm sorry mom, I honestly am I-I didn't mean to kill you." The boy collapsed to his knees and began to cry but Carnage tried to keep him in how the symbiote wants him. "Carnage stop!" The outburst made the symbiote back off a little bit. The boy looked at his step mother and wanted to say something but Carnage suddenly wrapped around him forcing the boy to go to his hands and knees as he struggled to get out of the symbiotes grasp.  "We don't need anyone, we have each other, so stop trying to stay normal become what you were ment to be. The newest Carnage Killer." trying to pull Carnage off his face Y/n couldn't as his body was covered in the symbiote as it spoke to him. "Looks like we need to talk once more Y/n." Y/n felt his body be suspended into the air and become constrict by tendrils, making a cacoon, looking in front of himself Y/n saw Carnage walk up to him in his mind. "Rehabilitation time!

The last thing that was heard during the rest of the night was a scream in pain and then laughter. The sun was now raised in the sky as Y/n swung around Vale looking around to find something to eat. The boy found a burger joint and gently swung down in front of the diner,sitting on a bar stool the boy ordered a coffee and a breakfast platter. "That's a nice cloak you got there kid." Turning his eyes to look over his shoulder he was met with four bikers. "Why don't you hand it over?"  The bikers leader didnt get a comment only a knife scraping against a plate and then chewing. "Hey didn't you hear me!" Suddenly multiple tendrils wrapped around their necks as Carnage began to surround the boy.

" You know we were having a good day today and all we wanted was to eat but if you want to die so badly we guess we can spare a few minutes."in a quick motion the tendrils cut deep into their necks decapitating them. Looking around Y/n looked at everyone. "Well looks like we got to get rid of some witnesses." A tendril moved towards the open sign and flipped it around showing the word closed, walking out of the diner Y/n held a to go box as slight movement from his clothing stopped as the boy cleaned his teeth with a toothpick. "Meh needed more salt hehe." Walking down the street Y/n turned a corner and was met with different weapons in front of him,sighing he looked at the people, but saw Ozpin the headmaster of Beacon looking at the people he saw four girls one with white hair, one with black hair and two with somewhat familiar hair, yellow and black with red tips. "What do you want Ozpin got a proposition for me?" The grey haired man walked up to him sipping from his mug.

"I want you to join my academy." The headmaster said as he spun the liquid in his mug. This statement earn a laugh from the boy making him drop his box and hold his sides.

"You want me to join your academy. Now that's a laugh." The boy said as he continued to hold his sides with tears in his eyes as he laughed after saying it was a laugh. "You must be crazier than we-i mean I am." 

"Why do you hide who you are Xiao-Long." The headmaster asked but  a hand held his neck as Y/n glared at him as Carnage began to surround him looking at the four girls he brought with him he noticed that they were held back by tendrils sprouting from the males back. The man was shocked as Carnage fully covered the boy.

"We gave up on that name for years you fucker and you have the audacity to call us a Xiao-long. That name was for the little boy who died after getting this,this,this parasite!"

Everyone watched as the head of the boy moved to the right thanking the boy.  The headmaster looked as the head turned back to him. " You want us to join even when we're a killer just for your needs to kill that bitch James wanted us to kill before we ran?!"

"No mister long I want to help you seperate from this thing."

Y/n stopped strangling the headmaster with a shocked look but tightened his grip "why would I want to seperate from Carnage he's the best thing that has ever happened to me. I left my family so I could journey my own way. When I was able to give in our kill count has been higher than the original! We.are.Carnage incarnate!" Y/n yelled and laughed with his signature Carnage laugh. But held his head as the symbiote began to spaze out and his grip lightened from the headmaster's throat. "Please, help me Ozpin, I don't want to live like this anymore."

"Don't worry, we'll help you but I think you should see your sisters."

Ruby and Yang stood up from the ground with tears as they saw the monster stand up and smile at them. "Hey, How ya doin'?"

 "Hey, How ya doin'?"

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