Ruby and Yang use their big brother coupon.

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Team RWBYY along with JNPR all sat in the stands of Glyndas class seeing Pyrrha deal the final blow to Cardin as he passed out from the impact. Blake had her nose in her book while Y/n was fast asleep in his seat as he hand his arms around the two seat tops next to him soon he had a little snore come out causing Glynda to clear her throat. Blake looked up but Y/n was still asleep causing Glynda to sigh.

"Will someone wake Mr. Branwen?" The teacher asked as a red tendril came out of Y/ns arm and slapped him hard making him snap open.

"I'm up!" He yelled as he rubbed his right eye.

"Mr.Branwen and Ms.Belladonna you both have been either docile and very tired is something ever the matter?" The teacher said as she looked at the two.

"No nothing ma'am." The both replied as they noticed the bell starting to ring.

Y/n was the first to get up as he grabbed his bag and walked on the stands before jumping to the exit and making his way to the dorm.  Yang and Ruby went to catch up with him but he was already gone as soon as they went outside. The two sisters looked around for him unknowing to them he was sitting on the roof of the building as he laid back and went to sleep again. Since the fight he's been trying his hardest to talk to Carnage again but hasn't gotten a answer from the symbiote at all.

Blake sat in the dorm room with her team as the three of them tried to have her take a day off as she's been tired lately from the constant search on why Roman's working with the fang.

Sleeping on the roof Y/n woke up feeling well rested as night appeared in the sky. "Alright time for a dance." He said stretching. "We'll talk later buddy. Just know I'm sorry for not understanding." He mumbled before jumping and swinging down to the ground. "Now. Where to find Weiss." Looking around he soon began to hear the Schnee as he turned the corner he went to call out her name but stopped as she was with Neptune.

"So I was wondering if you wanted to go to the dance with me tomorrow?" She asked shyly as Neptune smiled.

"I would love to go to the dance with you." Answering a little to cheerfully Y/n sighed in defeat as he looked up and tried to smile.

"I shouldn't be upset. I mean I kind of saw this happening. He is cooler, nicer and all the while more mentally stable. Plus he isn't a killer." He said in a defeat tone as he swung through the window of the dorm where Koda was waiting for him along with Ruby.

"Oh hey Y/n. You ready for the dance?" She asked happy as she usually is.

"I uhm change my mind. I think I'm gonna go and swing around Vale for a bit. You know to clear my head of some stuff." He said putting on a fake smile but he didn't fool his little sister.

"Okay." She said with a smile as he began to pet the cub just as Weiss came in.

"Oh there you two are. Did you get your outfits?" She asked as Ruby nod but Y/n stayed quiet. "Y/n?"

"I actually decided to swing around Vale tomorrow night. You know to clear my head. Sometimes my mental state breaks and I've recently found that swinging helps." He said smiling "but you two have fun don't let me slow you down." Smiling he left to the bathroom to take a shower.

Weiss looked at him with confusion as she turned to Ruby.

"Is he okay? I thought he was excited for this?" She asked making Ruby shrug her shoulders.

"I don't know. He swung in here kind of depressed." She explained making Weiss look at the bathroom door.


Y/n swung through the city of Vale without Carnage covering him as he began to think over what happened last night. Launching himself to the pillar of a church he sat on a gargoyle sighing.

Not what it seems. (Mentally tortured male reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now