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The fall of Vale was one of Remnants' most horrific battles. Since the fall Atlas has made Vale a containment zone, no one is to go to the virus region nor are they allowed to go to any region even if they are found safe at the beach of Vale. Ozpin, Ironwood, Theodore, and Leo do not want the rest of Remant to be infected. The survivors of Vale are regularly checked for any infection of the Carnage symbiote while in Atlas for shelter and rations.

Ruby was currently being scanned for any symbiote traces since she was the closest to Carnage besides her brother that was last seen being torn apart. Laying on a bed she was placed under a scanner as Pietro, Ironwood's top scientist, scanned her. The door behind him opened up to show Penny as she looked at her friend with worry.

"How is she?"  The ginger robot asked as her father looked over the readings.

"She's okay. So far we haven't found any source of the symbiote. But it could be lying dormant, I'll have to do more tests."

"I'm just glad we were able to get the majority of the civilians here."

"Yes. I just wish the same could be said about the rest of Vale along with the boy."

"I think we all do dad." She frowned before moving towards her maker and kissing his cheek. "I'm gonna go make sure everyone is doing okay."

"Okay. Please be careful." Upon hearing her leave he sighed before taking off his glasses.

Once the tests were done Ruby left, not in her cheery mood, but in a gloomy state. The fall of Vale was horrifying, to say the least. The small teen turned around the corner but stopped in front of her was her brother. His red bloody eye, claw marks all over his body were shown along with one thing that horrified her. His left arm was hanging on by just a small group of muscles.

"You left me. Everyone one of you left me in the city." He said making Ruby tearing up. "He took me. He's torn me apart and now as we speak. I'm being devoured over and over again." He spoke in a numbing voice as Ruby noticed the lights flickered off and on before showing multiple symbiote's rushing at the boy with each flash before he was suddenly torn in half. by Cletus himself. Ruby was pulled out of her funk by Yang as she placed her hand in the girl's shoulder.

"Ruby, have you taken your meds today?" She asked as the girl shook her head as her older sister wore the atlas school uniform wanting to continue her training. "Let's go get them." She said as Yang walked with her.

Since the fall, Ruby has gained she gained trauma. The symbiote, the fall, and her brother changed the way Ruby sees the world along with Yang to a certain degree. This very thing cause the small rose to question her drive to become a huntress. Ruby looked around seeing the people that were either being helped or are mourning over their loved ones that either died or was consumed by the carnage symbiote.  Going to their shared dorm Ruby and Yang noticed their dad sleeping while looking at an article about the fall of Beacon.  Zwei laid in his dog bed with Koda's scarf laying on his snout.  Qrow was no where to be seen but the girls figured he was out drinking. 

Gently grabbing the scroll from her dad's hand Yang looked at the  news article of Vale's fall. The headline stating that over seven hundred people were either killed or turned into symbiotes and that refuge is at the kingdom of Atlas.  Yang looked down as her hands began to tremble. The fall was something she didn't want to remember. But these headlines could never make her forget.  She could only hope that her brother was alive same with Eddie and Venom.

James Ironwood sat in the seat of his office getting chewed out by the council since his symbiotes are what caused the fall of Beacon. His bio-weapon failed and thanks to this bio-weapon, vale was destroyed.

"Look if you give me time I can work on a cure for this." He begged as the council glared at him.

"No James you failed and Vale is like this thanks to you. Your symbiotes are what caused this to happen." The woman on the council said as she pointed at him before showing video feed of the infected city.

"But you're missing the Symbiote hero that helped us." He said before showing feed of you stopping the infected people and freeing who you could. "If I can get a host, a honest to good host, Project Cure can work!" He said before forwarding copies of the next symbiote that he had planned.

"This is still a no James." Another one spoke. "We can't risk another Vale incident. Your Projects are over. We will be sending huntsman and woman to you in the upcoming week."

"But!" He said before the video feed ended. Standing up Ironwood threw his coffee mug at the glass causing it to shatter. "I need a host for Project Cure." He muttered before leaning back in his seat. "I need Y/n." He concluded. "But I can't risk more people to go into Vale. Damn it." He muttered.

Vale city Beacon academy.

Cletus sat on the roof of the tower Yoyoing the boy he tortured. His body dangled in the air as Cletus' symbiote slaves tried to attack him. The boy had a fully missing arm, right leg, massive gash along his chest and missing a bit of his hair. The only reason why the boy hasn't died yet was because Cletus kept using his symbiote to heal the wounds. The other symbiotes sat around bored out of their mind before Cletus retracted his arm and slammed the boy onto Ozpins floor. The boy laid motionless as Scream sat next to him and laid his head on her lap.

"Did you have fun nephew?" She questioned a sick smile on her face as the boy stared blankly into the sky.

"Now,now Shriek. Leave the boy alone he needs his sleep." Cletus spoke as he picked the boy up in his arms and rest him on a web.

Blood ran across the webs and dripped onto the floor. Unknowing to anyone a slim black mass crawled up the side of the building from a drainage pipe. The mass made its way up the building avoiding any and all red webs. But it's focus was on the boy. The liquid trembled as it felt the blood drip onto it.

Slowly the mass was close to the boy as it reached out to the boy, while taking the form of a hand mid air. The black mass quietly touched the boy before it began to bond with him. Making the boys eyes dilate.

"Easy there kid. I will begin to rebuild your body. I will keep myself hidden until the time has come. Eddie is worried about you and we are doing everything we can to help you get you home. For now....just rest and let me handle the hard stuff." The voice that sounded all too familiar said causing the boy to fall asleep. "Beacuse once we leave......You will have to fight Carnage to the death. No matter what.'


Sorry for the Long wait everyone. Been trying to figure out how to transition to volume 4 I think this is a good first step. You are now bonded with Venom and will he traveling to Atlas after making a pit stop to a certain farm boys home. One that will be in my opinion a little brother to the reader.

Not what it seems. (Mentally tortured male reader x RWBY)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant