Y/n tries to be a hero.

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Over the sea ten hours until Atlas day of the dance.

Cletus laid in the glass containment as  he slept. As the guards watch him they began to converse with themselves.

"So this is the famous Carnage Killer? He looke nothing like I'd expect." The first guard said as he looked towards the serial killer.

"Hey. I suggest you watch what you say. There's a reason he's the worlds most dangerous experiment. They say he killed an entire army just over night." The second guard chimed in as he looked at the man.

"Psh. That sounds like a load of crap." His partner said making the glass shift  making the two look at it but suddenly a claw broke through as Cletus grabbed the first ones neck smirking.

"A bunch of crap huh?" He smirked insanely before turning into Carnage "How about I show you how real it is." He smirked as the guards looked scared before all that was heard were screams and blood appearing on the windshield as the first gaurds hand was pressed against the glass before she screamed and was killed.

At beacon.

Y/n woke up to Koda as he placed his paw on the boys cheek and in turned pushed him off a small bed that Ozpin gave him to sleep on making the boy face plant on the ground causing him to groan.

"Good boy Koda." A happy dragon said as she held the cub in her arms as he proudly growled.

"Yang. What the hell? I was sleeping pretty good." He yawned as he rubbed his eyes as he saw a mug in the corner of his vision. "Yes. Coffee." He praised as he grabbed the mug as Weiss smiled.

"Good morning dolt." She greeted as he smiled tiredly.

"Morning Snowflake." He chuckled as he heard a gag but he looked around the room but didn't see anyone with a grossed out look. "Morning to you too Carnage." He greeted with a smile as the symbiote just stayed quiet.  "Hey where's Rubes?" He asked taking a sip from his coffee.

"Ozpin said he wanted to talk to her." Setting Koda down the cub walked to Y/n before plopping down and licking the boys hand making him pet him as Yang explained.

"Ah I see." Yawning Y/n looked at the small cub as he began to play with his hand. "Where's your ball Koda?" He asked the small cub as he came back with a orange ball in his hands as he sat on his butt. Placing his coffee next to him Y/n began to move the ball side to side making the Ursa cub follow it before pouncing at it but missing. Smiling he rolled it past the cub as the small grimm jumped on it and began to spin as he laid on it making him laugh while Koda made a happy growl.

"Ah Koda you're a treasure." The boy said making the cub smile. "But let's get you some food." He smiled making the cub instantly appear in front of his bowl. Getting a small boneless fish he began to chop it up along with getting some of Koda's food. Mincing the meat he spread the meat onto the cubs food and placed it into his bowl making the cub drool before digging in.

Washing his hands he went to get his coffee but a tendril appeared and grabbed it handing it to the boy as it shook in excitement. "Oh no. Carnage and Coffee seem to be a dangerous combination." He chuckled but the tendril turned into a head and dunk itself into the coffee chugging it down making Y/n pull the mug away causing Carnage to go after it. "Carnage this is mine too." He told the symbiote but the small head went to his hand and bit it making him hiss in pain before giving it to the symbiote as it went back and submerged itself into the coffee before it returned into the boy.

Just then the door opened as the four saw Ruby. Sliding in front of her Y/n stood next to Yang as she took the middle, Blake on the right and Weiss on the left with Koda laying on Y/ns head.

Not what it seems. (Mentally tortured male reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now