Symbiotic Beacon pt. 2

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"Please everyone enter the bullheads in a calm and orderly fashion." Glynda asked as everyone was pouring into the ships.

Some of the students along with professional huntsmen and women started to fight off the Grimm that came from the chaos of this invasion. Yang fired from her gauntlets side by side with Blake and Weiss. Jumping a massive black mass grabbed a Beowulf and ripped it apart roaring. Venom and Eddie fought to help out the people next to him were Koda and Zwei, Both wearing animal vests that said "beacons evac hounds." Due to Koda being Grimm he was able to warn people about the upcoming attack by bellowing at the location along with Zwei and his barks.

Tai helped an old lady into the ship as a huntress slashed at a Beowulf with her axe. Just then at the CCT tower, an explosion went off causing everyone to look at the massive building. Looking in worry he began to slowly panic, his son and daughter are there and he couldn't be bothered to go there due to the massive amount of Grimm and the ever-growing symbiote slaves. Beacon, no vale, was slowly being taken and all he could do was stay back and focus on evacuation. He scolded himself as a father.

"Y/n, Ruby please be safe."

Over at the tower, Y/n is seen falling from the roof as Carnage quickly shot a tendril to avoid an attack from the scream symbiote. Swinging his host's body side to side the boy came to. Grabbing a beam he flipped over it and looked up seeing his sister in danger.

"Ruby!" He yelled out to her as she looked down at him with Cletus crawling his way towards her like a monster.

Shooting two webs Y/n went to slingshot himself but a grey mass grabbed his midsection and pulled him towards the ground slamming him into it. Wincing in pain he stood up but was quickly dodging attacks as Thrasher attacked him with small but very dangerous tendrils. Back flipping Y/n dodged a attack from Phage, landing on another beam he jumped up and ran up one of the columns before jumping off and connecting a web at a beam. Using his momentum he kicked Riot back before quickly pulling himself up towards his sister.  Climbing up to his web he shot another before jumping onto another pillar. Running up he jumped towards her.

"Don't be afraid my soon-to-be daughter. Hehe haha!" Cletus laughed.

Ruby looked in fear, whatever Phage injected into her she couldn't use her semblance at all, so all she can do it try to climb away. 

"Hang on!" Y/n yelled as he jumped towards her. Thwiping a web out he reached for his sister as Carnage used his web like a small hand reaching towards her. "I'm not losing her like I did with summer!" He thought to himself as the web was inches away from his sister.

"Watch out!" Carnage yelled as his host felt something grab his leg. Looking down he saw Scream as she blew a kiss to him. Throwing him down and below her, he could feel the whiplash from the sudden change in momentum before swinging upside down thanks to Scream.

Before he could react Y/n was quickly closed-lined as Agony appeared upside down on one of the beams. Face planting into the floor Y/n hissed in pain as he slowly got to his hands and knees. Suddenly he was picked up by Riot as the bigger symbiote began to do a backbreaker making the hero scream in pain. Carnage quickly shot a mass of himself as his head appeared at the end before sinking his razor-sharp teeth into the symbiote collarbone.

Ruby looked down seeing her brother and Carnage fight against Riot making her tear up. Cletus noticed this and came to a conclusion as he smirked. Jumping off the web and swinging towards the two the man morphed his arm into a sword before cutting the symbiote making Carnage screech in pain as his skinny figure grow a bit.

"Drop him," Cletus ordered as Riot glared at him with the lunatic glaring back.

Dropping the boy down Y/n hissed in pain. Extending his claws Cletus began to slash at the boy left and right making Y/n and Carnage scream/screech in pain. With every slash, the original symbiote began to become whole again. 

Not what it seems. (Mentally tortured male reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now