Y/n meets Eddie.

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Sitting in Ports class Y/n toyed with his pencils as the teacher went on about his life boring the new student. His eyes wandered around the class before landing onto Weiss' clock as the two of them looked at it waiting for it to change. Just then Jaune sliding next to her as Y/n raised his eye brows in confusion.

"Hey uhm Weiss I was wondering if you wanted to go grab a bite to eat? And Uhm i got two tickets to that new Bruce Willis movie i heard it's awesome. Then maybe we can study together?" Listing off his suggestions Jaune waited for an answer but got nothing except for the bell as the time changed from 3:59 to four o'clock making everyone pack up. "Uhm Weiss did you hear me?"

Walking pass Weiss and Jaune Y/n stretched with Weiss behind him.

"No,no,no,yes." She answered making the young man hit is head on the table in defeat as Yang walked pass him ruffling his hair saying "next time."

Walking down to the mess hall Y/n hanged back as he looked at the heiress. "Is he always like that?" Getting a groan from the schnee confirming his assumptions. "I see." Smirking a bit he looked a head. "So why didn't you take his offers?"

"It's just I know his heart is in the right place. It's just he doesn't ask how I feel about it." She answered making him look at her. "It's kind of like how it is with you and Carnage. Carnage does stuff and he doesn't ask how it makes you feel." She said making him nod as he rubbed his neck.

"Yeah. If I'm being honest I'm quite scared about this situation with Carnage and I. We have fights but it never turns into this." He sighed before getting smiling. "But let's not worry about me. It's Ice Queens time."

"Oum. You've been hanging with Yang too much." She said making him laugh.

"Correction I've been hanging with you too much. I don't nearly hang out with my sisters as much as I do with you. But i do plan on hanging with them if you're annoyed with me hanging out with you." He smirked causing her to roll her eyes with a smirk.

"Whatever floats your boat Y/n." She said making him poke her shoulder.

"See. I've rubbed off on you." He laughed making her playfully push him causing the two to laugh. "So you and the girls heading down to stop Mr. Bowler hat?"

"Yep. I do wish you could come with us." She said as they stopped at a fork in the hallways.

"Yeah. But Ozpin told me someone wanted to interview me so I'm just gonna see how it goes. Probably gonna ask me how many people I killed or whatever." Shrugging he played it off as Weiss and the rest of the team looked at him.

"Really wished that they asked more about the man suffering than ask the thing that starts it." Blake added making him nod.

"Yeah. Well I've been interviewed a few times and only one person showed concern for me when I was in Atlus. I think her name was Willow? I honestly don't remember." He said making the schnee look in surprise but no one saw as they all left to do their own thing.

Walking to the headmaster's office Y/n ran into Sun and Neptune.

"Sup dude!" Sun greeted making Y/n wave at them.

"Hey. How's beacon treating you guys?" Questioning the two Y/n placed his hands in his pockets.

"Pretty good. Definitely different from Vacuo" the two said making Y/n nod as they both had a friendly conversation.

"Anyways I got to go guys. RWBYs dorm is a little ways that way. Shouldn't miss it." He smiled making Sun thank him along with Neptune.

Walking to the headmaster's office Y/n greeted Glynda as she smiled and asked how him and Carnage are doing but smiled seeing as he told her they were doing fine. Joining Y/n in the elevator the two went up and saw Ozpin and Ironwood along with the interviewer.

Not what it seems. (Mentally tortured male reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now