Oscar - "We're both idiots"

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Description: Being Oscars best friend but both wanting to be more but scared to do anything about it. 
"This is so boring" I leant my head against Oscar's arm, the feeling of boredom growing. I swear we spend most of our day's just sat on this front lawn.
"Only you would find being a Santo boring, y/n/n" Oscar turned his head to look at me.
"Well it is, I mean come on..." I lifted my head looking at the surrounding area, a few of the other Santos listening into Oscars and mines conversation.
"Only because Spooky keeps you out of all the fun shit" One of the closer Santos spoke, Oscar's turned to look at the man with a glare.
"Yeah, you should come with me y/n/n I'll show you some fun" I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the man's comment.
"Hey!" Oscar's glare becoming more intense. "Only I call her y/n/n" I tried to fight the smile that wanted to appear on my face. "Make another one of those comments and it'll be your last" that was all it took for the man to back off returning to the other Santos who were making small talk with one another.
"You didn't have to do that, I could have dealt with it" I tilted my head to look at Oscar.
"Yeah, I did..." Oscar turned to look at me. "You're my best friend..." I forced a smile even though that comment killed me, just best friends even after all this time, all the flirting. I nodded turning to look away from him. I focused on the house across from us, my cousin stood looking over his car. He's the reason I met Oscar. The three of us use to be friends but Oscar joined the Santos, I followed not long after, my cousin, on the other hand, had other plans. We still spoke but he kept his distance most of the time not wanting to get involved in any gang drama.

"Hey, can you drive me somewhere?" Cesar's voice pulled me back to the present moment.
"Sorry hermano, I've had a few drinks" I smiled, Oscar had only had a couple and probably could still drive but he would never with his brother. That was one of the many thing's I loved about him, how protective he was of the people he cared about.
"I can drive you" without giving Oscar a chance to question it I slipped my hand into his pocket and pulled the keys to his car out. If any other person had tried to do this they would have ended up with a black eye, I was the only person allowed.
"Not even going to ask?" Oscar questioned as I stood up.
"What's the point? You would have said yes" I shrugged looking down at the man. I could see Oscar suppressing a smile. "Would you not?" I tilted my head waiting for his response.
"Just get out of here" Oscar pretend to be annoyed but wasn't doing a good job.
"Come on Cesar" I signalled for the boy to follow me to Oscar's car.
"Scratch it and...."
"You'll what?" I turned walking backwards towards the car. "oh please let me know if it's something good I might just scratch it on purpose" I smirked, Oscar, didn't respond. I unlocked the car and quickly climbed into the driver's seat.

I tapped my fingers against the steering wheel as I waited for Cesar and his friends to come back from whatever they were doing, as long as it wasn't dangerous I wasn't worried. My phone resting on my knee just in view in case there was an emergency. I turned to look at where the kids had walked off expecting to see them walking back.
"y/n" Someone called my voice, I turned to the other side. A face I hadn't seen since graduation. 
"Alex?" I furrowed my brows, Alex walking closer to the car.
"Yeah, it's been a long time" Alex laughed.
"Yeah last time I saw you was graduation, what are you doing back?" I questioned sitting up more.
"Well I finished college so it was time to move back, find a job, real adult shit" Alex laughed, a smile forming on my face. "I was hoping to run into some old faces"
"How come?" I asked.
"Well I'm throwing a party tonight and wanted to invite some of my high school friends" Alex replied. "Are you still friend's with Oscar?" I nodded my head. "You should bring him and your cousin as well, he used to be fun" Again I just nodded. "Like I said it'll be a mix of people from high school and some of my new friends but it'll be fun. You should bring some of your friends"
"Yeah that sounds great" I moved my phone from my knee leaning more forward. Alex nodded.
"What's going on here?" I turned to see Cesar and the others stood staring from me to Alex.
"You guys done?" I turned feeling relieve seeing the group of teenagers, as much as I would like to say I wasn't worried I was.
"Yeah, I can't wait to get home" Monse opened the door and was the first to climb in the car quickly followed by Ruby then Jamal, Cesar stood still staring from me to Alex then back.
"Cesar you gonna get in the car" I pulled Cesar out of whatever trance he seemed to be in. The boy didn't say anything but just climbed into the car shutting the door. "Anyway it was good to see you" I smiled starting the car.
"Yeah same, hopefully, I'll see you tonight" I smiled with a nod before pulling off and starting the journey to drop Ruby off first.

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