Jamal- "I had some help from some friends"

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Description: Take's place in season 4. You have watched the group for ages, you have watched their friendship grow and fall apart. Watched how miserable they are without one another. One lost camera pulls you into their drama or one person's drama.
Warnings: Swearing.
"This is bullshit. I know I picked it up" I muttered to myself, I picked the blanket that lay on my bed up and threw it to the side. It was illogical for it to be on the bed, and I knew that but I was frustrated and panicked. No sign of it. I let out a frustrated sigh before turning to my wardrobe and diving into the contents of that. No use. It wasn't here either. I felt the need to scream but fought the urge, I doubt the neighbours would want to be woken up by the sound of screaming.
"Y/n what's going on?" I turned from my wardrobe towards the bedroom door. There stood my mom, my mom looked at the bedroom floor then back at me then back to the floor. I could see the anger building upon her face. "Why have you emptied your wardrobe onto the floor" She stepped into the room picking up the closet piece of clothing.
"I can't find my camera" I turned back to the wardrobe and continued to empty the contains onto the floor not caring that my mom was standing only a few feet away from me.
"Do you really think it would be in your wardrobe?" My mom picked up another piece of clothing and placed it on my bed. I just shrugged in response, it could be anywhere at this point. "well it's not y/n"
"Okay, and how would you know that?" I turned to look at her, she picked another piece of clothing up and started to fold it.
"Because y/n I cleaned your wardrobe yesterday and it wasn't in there then so it won't just magically appear back in there" I looked back at the wardrobe before making my way over to the draws. "y/n you don't have time for this, you need to get to school" I knew she was right, I had left it last minute to look for my camera but I needed it for today. I didn't say anything but started to rummage through the drawers. "Fine five minutes then you getting your butt in the car so I can get you to school" I just nodded my head catching a glimpse of my mom leaving my room.

"Y/N!" I placed a piece of clothing back into the drawers. "y/n I said five minutes. Get your butt in the car, now!" I shut the drawer grabbing my school back and making my way towards the front door. My mom quickly pulled her jacket on as she saw me. "In the car, you're going to be late" I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and instead made my way out the house towards the car and quickly got in.

"So where are these photos you promised me" Miss Reyes leant on the desk, I draw a few more lines before straightening up.
"I currently can't find my camera" I placed the pencil down.
"oh y/n" The woman sighed with a shake of the head. "You have to have all this done by next week" Miss Reyes pointed to the work I was doing. I was really bad at having stuff done by a deadline, and this proved it.
"I promised Miss Reyes I will have it all done" I forced a smile even though inside I was panicking.
"I sure hope you do y/n, I can't give you an extension this time" Miss Reyes smiled before making her way over to another student. Great just great. I let out a sigh resting my head against the desk.

I unlocked my locker throwing in my art supplies, there was no point carrying them around for the rest of the day. My locker was pretty empty compared to other students, I didn't want to keep much stuff here just in case someone broke into it, it wouldn't be the first time that's happened to a student.

"I'm doing thing's my way Jasmine" My gaze left my locker to the commotion that was filling the hallway. There stood Ruby and Jasmine. The pair seemed to be arguing about something, most likely the election that was coming up between him and Jamal. The two had been at odds with one another since it was announced. Believe it or not, the two of them used to be best friends and now they didn't even talk. It's sad to think about, there used to be four of them, Jamal, Ruby, Monse and Cesar. Monse left and everything seemed to fall apart. I watched as the two continued to argue before Ruby pulled a face and turned and left Jasmine alone in the hallway, it only took her a few seconds before she turned and started to walk after him. I let out a sigh turning and shutting my locker almost jumping out my skin, there stood Jamal, in his hands was my camera.
"My camera" I reached out to pull the camera from the boy's hand but he reacted quickly pulling it out of my reach. "Thanks for finding my camera. Can I have it back now?" My eyes met Jamals he squinted his eyes.
"Do you know what's on here?" Jamal moved the camera from one hand to the other.
"Of course I know what's on there" I crossed my arms, I took the pictures, of course, I knew what was on there, how would he know what was on there unless..."Did you go through my pictures?" I questioned.
"Yeah to find out who the camera belonged to" He held the camera up. I shook my head. "Care to explain why there are pictures of me on here, why there are pictures of Ruby, Cesar and Monse on here? You even have one's of Oscar." God how do I explain that. I knew why I had them, I had my reasons but how do I explain it to him. "Well..."
"because I found you guys interesting" I leant against the lockers as I started to explain myself to Jamal. "You guys had this connection, you seemed happy even when you went through some of the worse things" I continued. "You guys were always there for one another like you were all aligned together"
"yeah right" Jamal scoffed again moving my camera from one hand to the other.
"Yeah, You've seen the pictures yourself. Don't tell me you don't miss them" Jamal didn't say anything, instead he just shook his head and looked down at the ground. "Bullshit Jamal. Don't you miss having friends who actually care about you? People who aren't just using you for your 'popularity'" I used my hands as I said popularity. Jamal again didn't say anything. "All I'm saying is look how happy you are in those pictures" I pointed to the camera, Jamal didn't move. I sighed grabbing the camera from Jamal.
"Hey" Jamal reached for the camera but I moved it out of his reach. I turned to the camera on scrolling through my most recent pictures and reached the ones of Jamal and the others.
"Just look" I turned to face the camera screen towards Jamal, a picture of him and the others laughing not long before Monse left. You could see how much they all cared for one another. "And this is the most recent picture I took of you and the football team" I scrolled through the pictures till I reached it. Jamal wasn't smiling, he seemed miserable like he knew deep down everyone around him was fake, that their laughs and smiles at his jokes were fake. "And it's not just you, Cesar isn't as happy as he used to be, neither is Ruby if you hadn't noticed all he and Jasmine do the last couple of months is argue. They were arguing just" I signalled over my shoulder to where the pair had been standing. "I'm not saying you all need to become friends again but you should make friends who care about you" I placed the strap of the camera around my neck before making my way to my next lesson leaving Jamal standing in the corridor.

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