Oscar~ "I don't believe you"

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Description: y/n's dating Oscar but her parents don't like him. Y/n and Oscar make plans together but y/n is then accepted into college and has a difficult decision to make, or will it be made for her...
Warnings: Swearing
I grabbed my jacket of the coat hanger and grabbed my phone pulling the door open before yelling to my parents that I was heading to the Library.
"Don't be back to late" My mom yelled as I exited the house. I made my way down my street and towards Oscars car that was parked around the corner. I hated lying to my parents about where I was going but they hated Oscar, they thought he was just another troubled youth, that he was no good but I knew him better then them. I reached his car and quickly opened the passenger and slipping in.
"Hey Princesa" Oscar smiled turning to me.
"Hey" I smiled leaning over to him and giving him a kiss before slipping into my seat and doing my seat belt. "Where are we going anyway?" I asked as Oscar started his car.
"Just wait and see" Oscar smiled.
"Oscar, you know I hate surprises" I crossed my arms.
"You won't hate this one" I rolled my eyes focusing on our surroundings trying to see if I could guess.

After about an hour and multiple wrong guess Oscar finally pulled into a parking lot. I looked around and took in the surroundings, in front of us was a beach.
"The beach?" I took my seat belt off and turned in my seat looking at him.
"Yeah I thought you'd like it, I also brought a picnic" I smiled leaning over to Oscar and wrapping my arms round him placing a kiss on his cheek. I pulled away and got out the car, Oscar doing the same. Oscar grabbed a basket from the back of the car that was hidden by a blanket. I turned to look at the beach. It wasn't too busy, there were a few kids and their parents but other then that it was empty.
"Let's go" Oscar walked past me holding his hand out to me. I walked forward interlocking his hand in mine as we made our way down the beach.

Oscar and I spent the first few hours sat on the beach eating and talking. This is the Oscar I knew, the Oscar that organised things like this not the one that was in a gang. This is the Oscar I had loved since I was fifteen, three years together like this. After a while Oscar suggested that we hit the arcade that was close, the two of us walked hand in hand. We then spent the next two hours getting really competitive with each other, neither of us wanting to lose at whatever we were doing. After a while we done most the games so it was starting to get boring, I pulled my phone out my pocket checking the time. 6:30pm.
"Shit" I said lowly catching Oscars attention.
"What wrong?" Oscar asked.
"It's just getting late and you know how my parents are" Oscar looked down nodding his head.
"There's just one more thing I want to do" Oscar took my hand on his. We exited the the arcade and made our way back to the beach, the sun had started to set as it was early February.
"Here" Oscar said as the two of us stood watching the sunset, Oscar moving behind me and wrapping his arms around me nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck. After two minutes or so of watching the sunset Oscar unwrapped his self and turned me to face him.
"Y/n you know I love you right" he face was all serious.
"Yeah" I smiled. Oscar nodded reaching into his pocket and pulling a box out, I swear I stopped breathing. Oscar then got down on one knee opening the box.
"Y/n Y/l/n, will you marry me?" I could feel tears start to fill my eyes as I looked down at the guy I loved. I nodded my head smiling. Oscar got up taking the ring out the box and taking my hand in his, he slipped the ring on my finger before kissing me. "I love you" he said as he pulled away.
"I love you Oscar" I replied.
"We should probably get you back" Oscar said, I had completely forgot about my parents. They're going to flip.

The journey back was a quiet one, Oscar focused on driving while I focused on the ring on my finger and what my parent would say. Without realising it we'd finally pulled up at the usual spot Oscar would drop me off.
"Y/n" Oscar called breaking me out my thoughts.
"Mmm" I turned to look at him.
"We're here" I looked around nodding.
"Hey Oscar my parents can't found out till after" I said.
"What do you mean after?" He questioned looking at me.
"After we're married. I just want it to be us so no one can stop us" I ran a hand through my hair.
"What are you saying?" He questioned.
"I'm saying let's just elope, don't tell anyone, we're both eighteen" Oscar pondered the idea.
"If that's what you want" I nodded.
"It is, it's all I need" I smiled leaning over and kissing him before getting out the car and walking down the street to my house. As soon as I entered I was bombarded with questions, I lied covering everything up.

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