Ruby- "So my shirts off..."

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Requested/personalised for: @kekerules1312
Description; a date night at yours takes an unexpected turn.
Warning: swearing/PG
I let out another sigh as I looked over at the clock, there's was still another half hour till lunch, another half hour till I got to see Ruby. Ruby was my boyfriend, the two of us had been together just over a year. He was the best thing about my life. I let out another sigh as I looked up at the clock hoping time would just speed past.
"What's wrong?" I turned to see Cesar looking over at me with a questioning look on his face.
"This class is dragging" I huffed looking from him to the front of the class at the teacher. The teacher was not paying attention to the class, I honestly don't blame her, I mean being payed little to deal with a bunch of sixteen year olds.
"Why are you so eager to get out of class?" Cesar asked. I looked from Cesar to my desk. The reason that I wanted to lunch to hurry up is so that I could ask Ruby to come over tonight. My parents were away on a business trip and my brother was staying at his girlfriends so I had the house to myself.
"I'm just really hungry?" I lied with a smile. Cesar nodded accepting my answer.

After what felt like three hours the bell rang signalling that it was time to head to lunch. I threw all my things into my bag and quickly made my way to Ruby's locker. I learn against the lockers watching as other students walked past in a hurry trying to get to the canteen.
"That's not how it works" I snapped my head looking in the direction of the voice and seeing Jamal and Ruby making their way towards me.
"Uh yes it does" Jamal argues with Ruby.
"I swear-"Ruby started shaking his head at the boy.
"What are the two of you arguing about?" I questioned interrupting them.
"Hey keena" Jamal greeted.
"Hey Bebe" Ruby walked greeted me walking closer.
"Hey" I smiled closing the gap between us, I gave him a quick kiss, nothing to put there but something sweet. I swear I fell in love all over again when we kissed.
"Ewww" Jamal interrupted us. I rolled my eyes looking at the boy. "Do you have to do that here?" I shook my head as Ruby unlocked his locker.
"Why don't you just go find Cesar and Monse" Ruby said as he placed his book in the locker.
"They're not any better then you two" Jamal looked between the two of us.
"Actually Jamal I wanted to talk to Ruby so if you didn't mind" I tried to be as nice as possible, I knew Jamal sometimes felt left out as he was the only single one.
"Fine" he huffed walking off, I shook my head at the boy.
"What wrong?" Ruby questioned as he shut his locker and turned to face me properly.
"Nothing wrong" I smiled reassuring the boy. "Actually I was wondering if you wanted to come over tonight? I mean both my parents are away and my brothers staying at his girlfriends" I looked at the boy.
"I would love to" he smiled giving me another quick kiss before taking my hand in his and walking towards the canteen.

I grabbed a blanket and threw it on the sofa taking one last look at everything, I had set out a few snacks and put a movie in ready to play. I wanted it to be perfect. Ruby wasn't here yet, we decided that it was best that he went home to let his mom know his was coming to mine, it also gave me chance to clean and set everything up. I busied myself with simple things when there was a knock of the front door, I took in a deep sigh and made my way over to the front door. I unlocked the door and pulled it open. There stood Ruby with a bunch of flowers in his hands, I smiled at the boy, ever since we started dating Ruby would turn up to all our dates with flowers.
"Come in" I smiled stepping back and allowing the boy to enter.
"These are for you" Ruby smiled back hanging me the flower.
"Thank you. I'm just going to put these in some water" I smiled and made my way to the kitchen leaving Ruby. This wasn't the first time Ruby had been in my house it wasn't even the tenth time. I grabbed a vase and quickly filled it up before placing the flowers inside and putting it on the side. I made a mental note to sort them out properly later. I dried my hands before making my way back to the living room.
"Looks like you've been busy" Ruby signalled to everything around the room.
"Yeah, it okay isn't it?" I looked at the boy who had a smile on his face.
"Keena it's fine" he smiled taking a seat on the sofa. Ruby then signalled for me to join him. I smiled as I made my way over to the sofa and sitting next to him. I grabbed the TV remote before resting my head on Ruby's shoulder.
"So what are we watching?"Ruby asked looking at me.
"Something great" I smiled looking at the boy.
"Something great?" He questioned with a smile.
"What?" I laughed sitting up and staring at the boy.
"It's just..."he trailed off with a laugh.
"Just what?" I tried to hold my laugh in as I watched him.
"You always watched that movie, your like obsessed, I'm starting to think you like Gina Rodriguez more then me" Ruby laughed shaking his head.
"I mean..." I trailed off looking at the boy.
"You mean?" He encouraged me to carry on.
"I mean have you seen her. Come on Rubes, she like wow"
"Like wow? More then me" I bite my lip as I watched the boy.
"I mean if it was between you and her..." I looked over at the boy who seemed to raise and eyebrow at me.
"Oh really?" Ruby leant forward so that our faces were only millimetres away. Being this close to him made my heart skip like twenty beats, I swear I stopped breathing. Ruby's eyes moved from mine to my lips then back up, I was a hundred percent sure he was going to kiss me but he then did something else. Ruby grabbed the pillow from behind him and pushed it between us. I let out a huff as Ruby leant back laughing.
"God your evil" I looked at him.
"Maybe you should tell that to Gina" he held the pillow up and pushing it at me. I placed my hand on the pillow and pulled it from him. I placed the pillow behind me before scooting over to Ruby.
"Hey Rubes" I placed my hand on his face and turned him to face me. "If it was between you and Gina Rodriguez, is pick you" I leaned forward again kissing him.

The kiss started out simple but eventually turned into a heated make out session, I'd moved from my previous position to straddle Ruby. I had my hands running through Ruby's hair while his were on the sides of my hips making sure that I didn't fall backwards. I finally pulled away taking a breathe, Rub moved one of his hands from my hips to my face moving my hair behind my ear, I smiled at the boy before rejoining the kiss. The two of our bodies together. I untangled my hands from Ruby's hair and pulled away. My hands went to the bottom of my shirt ready to pull it up. I was able to get the shirt off with one movement before throwing it on the floor.
"So my shirts off..." I looked at him and started to play with his shirt. Ruby laughed before finally taking his shirt off and throwing it next to mine. I ran a hand through my hair as Ruby started to kiss my neck, after finally getting my hair out the way I ran my hands up Ruby neck and into his hair. I let out a small moan as Ruby started to suck and nibble against my neck. I slightly pulled on Ruby's hair, he stopped and looked at me, I quickly kissed him. Ruby's hands started to roam over my body.
"What the fuck!" I quickly pulled away looking to where the voice came from. There stood my brother, he was stood there with his keys and bag in his hand, a pisser expression on his face. "Put you shirt back on!" He yelled looking at the two of us. I quickly scrambled off Ruby grabbing the two shirts off the floor. I quickly threw my shirt on, not caring if it was on correct before throwing Ruby his. Ruby day on the sofa scared shitless.  My brother stood there seething, his eyes going between me and Ruby. Ruby finally stood up, now with his shirt on. After a few more seconds I found my voice again.
"I promise this isn't what it looks like" I looked from my brother to Ruby, that was obviously a lie.
"Really?! It looked like my little sister was going to have sex!" His voice filled with anger, I'm pretty sure he wanted to hurt Ruby. I didn't say anything else, I knew that it would just anger him even more. "You have ten seconds to get out my sight" my brother pointed over at Ruby looked at me. I smiled at the boy signalling that it was okay for Ruby to leave, he nodded his head before making his way to the front door, my brother giving him death glares as he walked.

As soon as Ruby was out of eyesight my brother started to speak to me.
"I can't believe you Keena" he sighed throwing his bag on the sofa.
"Seriously? You were like fourteen when you started to have sex" I crossed my arms looking at him.
"Yeah but..." he started trailing of with a sigh running his hand over his face.
"Yeah but..? Because I'm a girl? The girl you slept with at FOURTEEN had a brother and dad. Plus Ruby and I have been together over a year" I looked at him, he shook his head walking and sitting on the sofa.
"Yeah but your my baby sister. I don't care" I didn't say anything. "I won't tell mom and dad" that honestly surprised me.
"Why not?" I questioned.
"Because your my sister I'm not gonna snitch on you. But I promise you Keena whenever his around now the two of you won't be left alone" my brother stood up and made his way to the kitchen. I was honestly expecting to be shouted at more.

Hope you liked.
I'm not good at writing smut soo,
But yeah I hope you enjoyed it.
Also would you guys still be interested if I published that On My Block story I spoke about ages ago.

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