Mario- "I won't, I promise"

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Requested by: _Lolli_the_pop
Description: Mario and y/n have always had a thing, even when either of you were in a relationship. Ruby invited you to the New Year's Party that he was throwing, you accepted. Mario then makes an appearance with some shocking news.
Warnings: Swearing
I stood examining my appearance in the mirror. I was wearing a simple red dress, I decided to leave my hair down and only apply light makeup. I wasn't trying to impress anyone as I was only going to Ruby's for a New Years party that he was throwing. The story would probably be different if Mario was there. Mario and I had always had a thing, if one of us got into a relationship we'd stop it but that never lasted long. The two of us would end up sleeping with each other again, of course we felt bad but we never planned it, there was always just this connection that neither of us could deny. Mario never wanted the two of us to become an item in case we were to break up in the future and wreck what we have, I always agreed but I didn't feel that way. After a while I stopped trying to date other guys as I felt like crap for doing what I was doing. I checked myself out once more before grabbing my purse and heading to the Martinez residence.

I was close with Mario's family and had known them for a while but they only ever thought we were friends like everyone else. I knocked on the door and was soon greeted by Mrs Martinez or Geny as I was allowed to call her, over the years she'd grew to be a mother figure to me, I went to her about problems that i thought she could help with, even if she couldn't she always been there to comfort me.
"Mijah" she greeted me pulling me into a hug.
"Hey" I smiled as she stepped back allowing me into the house. I looked around the living room and spotted Ruben, Ruby's dad, sat talking to the twins. "Hey" I said stepping more forward so that they could see me.
"Y/n!" The twins yelled running pulling me to a hug. I smiled looking around again, abuelita was stood in the kitchen doorway with a smile, I smiled back before giving her a small smile.
"Where Ruby?" I turned looking at Geny.
"In his room" she tried to force a smile but let it fall, I nodded slowly unwrapping the twins arms from around me before making my way to his room. I knocked on the door before popping my head in, Ruby was sat on the edge of the bed staring at a cardboard box. "Hey" Ruby's gaze turned to me.
"Hey" he quietly said. I pushed the door open some more entering.
"I would ask how you are but I think I can tell" I say on the bed opposite. Ruby looked up at me and he was trying so hard not to show that he was not okay. "Come here" I got off the bed walking over to him and pulling him into a hug. We stayed like this for a couple of seconds before abuelita came walking in. I got up and decided to let the two talk, she would probably be better at this then me.

I spent the time helping Ruby's mom in the kitchen, it may sound cheesy but helping her and learning from her made me happy. We'd just finished cleaning when there was a knock on the door.
"I'm going to see who that is. Are you okay with this?" She asked.
"Yeah I'm fine" I replied finishing the last thing.
"My baby!" I heard someone yell, I placed the towel down and made my way into the living room. I think my heat literally skipped a beat. There stood Mario, god he looked as good as either. I watched as he was pulled into a hug by his mom.
"Aren't you supposed to be with your friend up north?" He dad asked shaking Mario's hand.
"There was, uh, a change of plans" Mario replied. "I have a surprise for you" I watched as the three carried on speaking.
"Okay. Tell us" his dad said.
"It's,'s...its a really big one" after knowing Mario for so long I could tell when he was nervous and right know was it.
"Okay, we're ready" his dad smiled as Geny clasped her hands together.
"It's like big-big, like—like, life-changing" I carried on listening.Maybe I should say something, but then it would ruin this moment, I should wait.
"Mario!" I turned to see Ruby and Abuelita walking in and past me. Mario's gaze left his parents and towards me finally noticing that I was here. I walked more forward towards the group, Abuelita pulled Mario into a hug like his mom had done while Ruby and Mario did there signature hand shake.
"Y/n" he said turning to face me.
"Hey" I smiled walking forward, I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him into a hug while he wrapped his around my waist. Maybe we lingered in the hug for too long but I really didn't care.
"Ai, Mario. Stop with the theatrics" Geny said as the two us pulled away. "What the surprise" excitement on her face, I smiled as I watched her.
"Happy New Years!" The front door opened revealing Monse who was carrying a pie. "Did ya'll know there's a pregnant white girl on your porch?" All our gazes fell on Mario. Mario's chuckled looking down.
"Uh surprise" I looked over at his mom who looked like she was prepared to kill him.
"How about we invite her in?" His dad suggested.
"Do what you want I'm going to the kitchen" Geny turned round walking to the kitchen.
"Mario" I looked over at the twins room signalling that I wanted to talk to him.

I opened the door to the twins room Mario behind me.
"Are you stupid?" I asked him as soon as he turned around.
"What?" He turned to face me.
"You can't just drop this shit on people. Your mom looked like she wanted to kill you" I crossed my arms down. "What are you going to do about college your only in your first year"
"Do you think I asked for this to happen?" He walked away from the door and closer towards me.
"There's a thing called a condom and I know you know how to us one" I looked him up and down.
"Oh so that what this about" Mario smiled as if I had some ulterior motive.
"What?" I questioned.
"This is about me and you" He signalled between the two of us.
"Dude your having a baby with another girl, there is no me and you" I rolled my eyes before walking past him, I didn't get far as Mario stopped me turning me to face him again.
"I have no feelings for her" he said.
"Mario just stop" I looked down, my heart breaking everything between us had to end.
"What's so different this time, it not like this isn't something with done before" he reached for my hand.
"The difference is there is a baby" I looked at him tears forming in my eyes.
"Don't cry" Mario stepped for wiping the tear that had slid down my face. He kept his hands on the side of my face, before he started to lean in. I should stop this, I should pull away it's wrong. But I didn't, instead I wrapped my arms around his neck deepening the kiss.
"Mario" the door opened causing the two of us to part. "I'm sorry-shit" Ruby stood there not knowing what to do.
"Ruby it's-" "Ruby you cant say anything" Me and Mario's started to speak at the same time.
"I won't I promise" he looked between the two of us still confused. "I just thought I should tel you everything's out to eat" be pointed behind him. I smiled walking out not saying a word to Mario.

There is a part two but it was just getting too long so I've tried to split it up.
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