Latrelle~ "please forgive me" (part 2)

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Description: This is the second part to please forgive me. It takes place during season 2 with Latrelle returning back to Freeridge.
Warnings: swearing

It had been a few months since Latrelle had left. No one had seen or heard from him, which I guess was a good thing. The police were after him for what he did to Ruby and Olivia. If they were to find him he'd be going away for a long time, Ruby survived but Olivia didn't.
I spent the majority of my time with Monse, Cesar, Jamal and Ruby. When Ruby first got out I was scared that he wouldn't want to be friends with me anymore but he just hugged me and told me there was no way that I could have known.
People at school weren't as easy but I just ignored them, it was easy when you had friends like Ruby and Jasmine. Jasmine was fully prepared to beat someone's ass after they said something to me.

Cesar had spent his time beating himself up, he'd also been crashing between our houses as Oscar had kicked him out. Cesar was trying to stay out the way of the prophets as he was no longer protected. I felt sorry for him, he was constantly living on the edge. There would be times where I think is Latrelle in the same situation.

Today was a normal day, the day was already sucking as I had English first, don't get me wrong I don't mind it but the first thing on a Monday morning. I made my way towards my class as Monse was walking the other way, without warning she grabbed onto my arm and dragged towards the school gym.
"What's going on?" I asked as she carried on pulling me.
"I'll tell you when we find Ruby and Jamal" we reached the gym, Monse pushed the door open and scanned the room. The pair were slowly jogging round the room. Monse signalled for me to follow. The two of us walked in front of the pair stopping them.
"We need to talk" Monse said, Ruby looked between the two of us.
"Neither of you are in this class" Jamal said.
"Officer Hammel said Latrelle is back to finish the job" Monse looked at the pair then at me.
"Finish the job?" I asked, monse just nodded. Part of me wanted to believe that he wasn't but if you'd have told me a year ago he'd shoot my friends I would have told you your bullshitting. I spent the last few months coming to terms with what he did and what he could be capable of, of course it was hard, you don't want to believe the people you love are capable of doing such things.
"Or for hood day. It's the prophets hood day this week" Jamal said.
"Latrelle's not back for some glorified block party. It's too risky." Monse argued back. "He's been put off. So if he has a body on his belt, the body that he missed, he will redeem himself. We have to give Cesar cash so he can dip" everything monse was saying I wanted to argue with, I wanted to defend him but she was right. The three kept talking as I stayed within my thoughts.
"Guys I'm going to head to class" I interrupted there conversation and walking away.
"Y/N!" The shouted as I walked away, I just couldn't listen to it anymore.

I decided not to head to class but rather home. I unlocked my front door and headed straight to my room, lucky my dad wouldn't be home till later. I pushed my bedroom door open and placed my bag down before walking over to my bed and laying down. I hated this feeling, I had worked so hard to deal with the fact I'd never see him again and now he was back. He wasn't back to see me but to yet again hurt another one of my friends. I pulled my phone out my pocket and scrolled down the contacts till I reached Latrelle's number. There's no way that he kept the same number but there no harm in trying. I sat up as the phone started to ring, the phone rang out no one answering. I ended the call. He's not stupid enough to keep the same number. I lay back down on the bed thinking of ways in which I could distract myself. After not finding anything I pushed myself of my bed and towards the living room. Tv's always a distraction right? After flicking through the available tv channels I settled on the one that seemed the most interesting.

After about an hour of watching tv I was disturbed by a crash in my bedroom. I instantly stood up looking around the room for something to protect myself with, my eyes landed on my the bat that my dad kept by the door in case of emergencies. I grabbed it and made my way to the bedroom door. The reason I didn't call the police is 1) we live in one of the safer parts in town and 2) I'm an idiot. I slowly pushed the door open just to see if there was actually anybody in there. There was. The person had the back towards me, they were wearing a green jacket with the hood pulled up. I pushed the door further open placing the bat down, I instantly knew who it was. Latrelle.
"You know my dad could have been home" I said causing him to turn round.
"Don't you think I already checked that" he replied. I took the next minute taking him in. Even though it had only been a few months he looked older. At the corner of his left eye he had a tear drop tattoo. He was proud of what he did. I crossed my arms looking down.
"So what are you doing here?" I asked looking back up.
"You called me" he was right but that doesn't mean I expected him to show up.
"Yeah but you didn't answer" I said.
"I didn't have the phone, a friend of mine did and he told me you called so..." he trailed off.
"Just because I called you doesn't mean I wanted to see you. You should have just called me back" I lied at the first part, it was dangerous for him to be here.
"You don't want to see me? Is this about the shooting because you said you forgive me for that" he took a step forward.
"I-I did but seeing that" I signalled the the tattoo near his eye. "I thought you'd regret it but your proud" Latrelle didn't say anything he just looked away shaking his head. "My friend died because of you, you should feel bad, guilty even not getting a tear drop tattoo of your face" I remained calm as I spoke. Again he didn't say anything. At the beginning of the day I was semi happy about the possibility of seeing Latrelle again but he was pissing me off right now. "Look if you've come to kill Cesar don't, just disappear again." Latrelle finally looked at me.
"You don't get to say what I do, if I'm here to go after Cesar then I'm going after him" was all he said. I shook my head.
"Well I guess we truly are done for good" I replied.
"What makes you so sure" Latrelle questioned walking forward.
"If you truly cared for me you wouldn't hurt my friends cause that would hurt me, and you don't hurt the people you care about ever" I took a few steps back. "Just go back out the window and never return. I don't want to see you ever again" I moved to the door standing watching, waiting as Latrelle moved to the window knowing that I was being serious. There was no last words. Nothing, that's life. It's not a fairytale were everyone forgives everyone.

Hope you guys enjoyed
Right now I'm ill so I don't know when I'll update next. That's also why the endings rushed.
Sorry if the endings all over the place,
I didn't want everything to be forgiven
Maybe if he showed some remorse but...
Don't get me wrong I still like Latrelle, his interesting part of me imagines him in the same situation as Cesar.
Also I got fed up with this one as I had pretty much been working on it for three days
Hopefully it will be a Jamal one
Let me know what kind of one you'd like to see.
Also request are open

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