Jamal~ "You know you don't need and excuse to hand out with me, right?"

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Description: You and the gang throwing Ruby a small get together and you and Jamal being left in charge of baking.
Warnings: none
I stood staring at the ingredients Monse had dumped on me a couple minutes prior. Monse, Cesar, Jasmine, Jamal and I decided to do a little get together to try and cheer Ruby up, if anything could. Monse had left me and Jamal in charge of baking even though neither of us had no idea how to bake cupcakes, Monse wanted them made from scratch. I let out a sigh as Jamal walked through the kitchen.
"What's up?" He asked walking over to me.
"Just stressing over these dumb cupcakes" I pointed over to the dumb ingredients.
"Not gonna lie it's going to be hard but we got this" Jamal placed his hands on my shoulders, I nodded as I walked and started to set things out.

It had been about twenty minutes and I want to say Jamal and me weren't doing a bad job. I mean it wasn't going to be the best but it was going to be edible. The cupcakes were now in the oven as Jamal and myself started to clean up, I washed as Jamal handed me things.
"Hey y/n was this important?" I turned to see Jamal holding the bag of sugar.
"Please tell me it's open" I closed my eyes praying.
"No..." I placed the washing up sponge back in the bowl and walking over to Jamal taking the bag of sugar.
"I thought you were meant to put the sugar in" I placed it on the counter top.
"I thought you were" Jamal replied, I let out a laugh shaking my head.
"We've just spent twenty minutes making a cake that's going to be horrible" I pushed a stray hair behind my ear.
"Hey, we don't know that. It could be good" I smiled looking at Jamal.
"We'll have to wait and try one" I turned to finish the washing Jamal joined me and started to dry and put things away.

After another ten minutes of anxious waiting they were finally done, I grabbed a oven mitts and turned the oven off before taking the cupcakes out and placing them on the counter.
"See they look good" Jamal smiled walking over to the cakes getting ready but I quickly swatted his hand away. "Ow woman" he retracted his hand and stared at me.
"Hey, they're hot. I'm looking out for you, don't want to go burn yourself" I replied taking the mitts off and crossing my arms.
"Fine" Jamal said dramatically leaning on the counter as we waited for the cupcakes to cool down.
"I how they're okay otherwise we're screwed" I said looking at the cupcakes. Jamal nodded his head in agreement. After another five minutes we both caved and decided to try one.
"On the count of three" Jamal held his cupcake up.
"Okay" I picked on up doing the same.
"Three" both me and Jamal took a bite of the cupcakes, it didn't take up long to spite them back out into the paper towels we grabbed in case.
"Worse cupcakes ever" Jamal said walking over to the bin and throwing it into the bin.
"I can eliminate chief from future jobs" I grabbed my paper towel and walked over to the bin throwing the cupcake away. "So what do we do? Monse's expecting those cupcakes" I pointed over to the tray of disappointment.
"Well she's expecting cupcakes, not those one but just cupcakes so why don't we just buy some. She won't know the difference" Jamal shrugged.
"Why don't you think of that in the beginning, it would have saved us going through all this" I laughed.
"Sue me for wanting to spend more time with you" Jamal threw his hands up. I smiled walking over to him and wrapping my arms around his waist.
"You know you don't need and excuse to hand out with me, right?" Jamal nodded as he pulled me into a hug. "We should probably head out and get them cupcakes" Jamal nodded intertwining his hand in mine as we walked out to the store to but the new cupcakes.

Hope you guys liked
Also sorry it's short
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