Your first child with them

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Description: obviously set in the future for Monse, Cesar, Ruby, Jamal and Latrelle. Just a cute idea.

Your child would be the sassiest and would always argue with you about nap time and how much candy she's allowed

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Your child would be the sassiest and would always argue with you about nap time and how much candy she's allowed. Thanks to watching Ruby she pretty good at it.


There would be days where your son would be exactly like Latrelle

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There would be days where your son would be exactly like Latrelle. He'd take so much after him and look up to him. You would also influence your son to make the right choices and tell him right from wrong so he doesn't go down the wrong path.


Your daughter would be the perfect mix of you both

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Your daughter would be the perfect mix of you both. She be super confident but would also have her moments. She also loved solving things and investigating.


You son would be like Cesar, Cesar made sure that he'd never have to go through what he did and would protect him and you

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You son would be like Cesar, Cesar made sure that he'd never have to go through what he did and would protect him and you. Even though he was like Cesar he'd secretly prefer you, when asked he'd say you tell better stories.


Your daughter would be headstrong, some called it stubbornness but she just knew what she wanted

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Your daughter would be headstrong, some called it stubbornness but she just knew what she wanted. She loved to curl up in bed and listen to one of the books that Monse had wrote for her.


When Oscar found out the two of you were having a girl he was scared but wouldn't admit it

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When Oscar found out the two of you were having a girl he was scared but wouldn't admit it. He didn't know how to raise a girl, but you were by his side. Your daughter would be confident, independent and charming. All the santos would love her and protect her and god help anyone that upset her.

Hope you guys liked
Literally looking at these pictures has given me baby fever.
(I'm only 18, too young)
Anyway let me know what you think and
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