Cesar- "I promise you this isn't your fault."

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Description: cesar calls you after the shooting
Warnings: spoiler of season 1 ending.
I hummed along to the music as I dried the last plate placing it on the side, it was only me in my small apartment so there wasn't much to wash up, it took me less then ten minutes. I placed the tea towel down and picked up the plate and walking over to the cupboard and placing it inside when the music cut out and the ringtone to my phone started to play instead. I shut the cupboard and wiped my hands on my jeans to get rid of whatever water was left before walking over to my phone and picking it up. The caller ID read Cesar, I hadn't heard from him since me and Oscar broke up over a month ago. I quickly hit answer before lifting the phone to my ear.
"Hey Cesar what's up" I leant against the cabinet as I waited for a response from Cesar.
"Y/n" Cesar voice came through the phone, all I could here was panic and desperation.
"What's wrong Cesar" I was more alert now as I listened to the boy.
"I need you to..." he voice broke as he spoke.
"Cesar you need me to What?" I questioned, the panic in the boys voice now panicking me.
"Can you come to the hospital?" Even though I couldn't see the boy I could tell that he was on the verge of crying.
"Cesar what's happened?" I moved from the kitchen and towards the front door grabbing my keys.
"Can...can you just come here" again the boys voice broke, whatever it was I couldn't question him over the phone.
"I'm on my way" I pulled the apartment door open as Cesar ended the call. I hope it's nothing to do with Oscar. He would have told me right away, right? I walked towards my car unlocking it and getting in, starting my way to the hospital.

Every red light seemed to take a whole minute, and the lights always seemed to be in red or just turned red. Eventually I reached the hospital, I quickly parked in the first spot before getting out and making my way to the entrance. The hospital was filled with people, I had no idea where to go, I had no idea why I was really here. After pondering what to do I pulled my phone out and hit call in Cesar name.
"Y/n" his voice answered, go was the panic and now it was just replaced with sadness.
"Cesar I'm here but I have no idea where to go" I looked around as I spoke.
"Where are you?" He sniffed.
"The main entrance" I replied.
"Okay" he said barely audible before ending the call. I took this as a sign that he was coming to me.

A minute or so passed before I eventually saw Cesar, the first thing I noticed was his head shaven, it was something the Santos did after they killed someone, Cesar wouldn't would he? The boy was also wearing a black tux with a purple tie. As he got closer his face became more evident, he eyes were red and sadness just consumed his face.
"Y/n" he said walking forward as tear threatened to spill. Without a second thought I took a few steps towards him, Cesar had become like a young brother to me, he was family. Without saying another word Cesar pulled me into a hug, I wrapped my arms around him as he let out a muffled cry. I don't know how long we stood like that, a few seconds, maybe a few minutes but eventually Cesar pulled away and started to wipe the fallen tears from his face.
"Thank you for coming..." he looked down, he seemed completely broken.
"Cesar what happened?" I placed my hand in his shoulder as he looked up at me.
"Ruby and Olivia were shot and it was my fault" he quickly spit out as another tear fell down his cheek.
"What?" I said almost like an instinct not believing what he had just told me. I had never met Olivia but Ruby, I had seen him grow up, we went to the same church.
"Olivia, shes, shes dead" a sob came from Cesar again, again I wrapped my arms around him as he cried. "It's all my fault" he kept repeating to himself.
"Cesar this isn't you fault" I replied after the fifteen time, I pulled away forcing him to look at me. "You didn't shoot them, you didn't make the choice to shoot them" I could tell he didn't believe that, he wanted to but he couldn't bring himself to not feel guilty about it. For the third time I pulled him into a hug. "I promise you this isn't your fault."

Hope you guys liked
Also I have started a Outer banks imagine book so
if you like Outer Banks and this book maybe you like that imagine book
Also I hope you enjoyed this.
Also sorry I haven't been writing much
I just ran out of idea plus I don't know what you guys want to see in this book.
What you want more of.

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