Latrelle- "Oh come on, don't be like that"

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Requested by: @_Lolli_the_pop
Description: y/n is new to Freeridge, one her way to the store she bumps into Latrelle.
Warnings: swearing
(This is two parts)
Freeridge my new home, I couldn't believe it when my mom told me that we  were moving here. I mean this place was know to be riddled with gangs. I was so angry when she told me that we were moving. I remember locking myself in my room and just losing it. In the end my room looked like a total mess. Could you blame me for being angry, that place was my home town, all my friends were there, my life was there not here. I finished putting the last of my clothes in the wardrobe before grabbing the empty boxes and taking them out to the living room.
"Y/n" my said entering the living room. I didn't reply. "I know your angry but don't ignore me" she walked towards me. I rolled my eyes facing her crossing my arms.
"What?" I asked.
"I was wondering whether you wanted to watch a movie later?" She questioned with a smile. I didn't feel like it but I didn't have anything better to do.
"Whatever" I shrugged. My mom let out a sigh.
"I saw there was a store not far away why don't you go and grab some snacks" she smiled reaching into her pocket and taking some money out. "It will also help you get to know the neighbourhood"
"Do I have to" I replied.
"Yes, now go" she shoved the money into my hand before ushering me out the door. I rolled my eyes making my way down the path.

It didn't take me long to find the store, I'm not going to lie I had to stop and ask directions from a bunch of kids around the same age as me. They introduced themselves as Cesar, Monse, Ruby and Jamal. I didn't stay long to actually start up a conversation as I just wanted to get home. I followed there directions and the store came into view, it seemed a bit run down but I'm guessing that was normal. Outside the store there were a bunch of people sat outside, the majority of them looked early twenties except of one. He seemed to be the youngest, maybe not that much older then me, he could even be the same age. The boy had long braided hair, like the rest he had a green top on but he had a black jacket on top off it. I'm not going to lie he was good looking but he probably already knew that. I looked away and kept my gaze on the stores entrance, I received a glance from the gang but they didn't say anything. I pushed the stores door opened and entered. The store was bigger on the inside, it was also a lot more cooler. I walked down the aisle looking for anything that seemed appealing. I walked towards the drink section picking my favourite before walking to the sweets. There were your usual typical candy bars and sweets but there were also few that I had no idea about. I decided to play it safe and grab the ones I knew I liked. I walked to the counter and waited to pay.
"You must be knew" the guy behind the guy started. I looked at the man. "It's a small neighbourhood" he just shrugged as he continued scanning, I just nodded watching. "That'll be ten dollars" I handed the money grabbing the bag and making my way out of the store.

I pushed the stores door open and making my way out into the head again.
"Hey ma" I heard someone yell as I made my way from the store, I turned to see that it was the younger one from the group making his way towards me.
"What?" I asked looking him up and down.
"You know, you look a lot like my next girlfriend" the boy looked be up and down. I rolled my eyes watching him.
"And you look exactly like the the guy I turn down two seconds from now" I turned walking away.
"Yo!" He yelled walking next to me. I yet again rolled my eyes stopping and facing him. Does this guys seriously not get it. " people call me Latrelle, but you can call me tonight" He smirked.
"Or you could call me. I can be reached at 1-800-not-interested." I forced a smile. Latrelle looked back at his gang who seemed to be watching the two of us.
"Oh come on, don't be like that" god he was annoying, also how old were his pickup lines.
"How about you stop with the shitty pickup lines" I replied.
"Fine, I'll stop" he said. "I'm Latrelle" he introduced himself.
"I got that" again he looked back over at his group who seemed to be know standing up.
"Ay I've got to go know but how about you give me your number" he pulled his phone out his jacket pocket.
"I don't give my number to strangers" I said in return.
"But were not strangers, you know my name" he unlocked his phone.
"You don't even known mine though" I laughed.
"Then tell me" I let out a sigh, I feel like he won't quit.
"It's y/n" Latrelle smiled.
"See we're no longer strangers" he said holding his phone out. I pulled my phone out and unlocking it before taking Latrelle's off him. I handed Latrelle his phone back and he looked down.
"You didn't put you number in" confusion on his face.
"I know I put your number in mine" I said slipping my phone back into my pocket.
"That wasn't the agreement" he replied still holding his phone, I just shrugged walking away.
"You'll text, right" he shouted as I walked away.
"Who knows" I smiled facing him walking backwards before quickly turning back round. I spent the rest of the journey home wondering whether I would actually text him.

I hope you guys liked
There is a second part I need to work on.
Request are open,
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