Dating Latrelle includes...

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Dating Latrelle would include;
* worrying about him.
* Latrelle being into PDA.
* He would let every guy know that you were his.
* wanting to hate him after what he did to Ruby and Olivia but you just couldn't.
* "what the hell did you do!"
* The crew being off with you after.
* Being scared to see Ruby when he got out of the hospital.
* Ruby not blaming or hating you at all.
* "How could I hate you. This wasn't your fault, you didn't know"
* You and Ruby crying.
* feeling pressured to break up with him.
* The pressure would be from; your parents, Monse, Cesar and people around the neighbourhood.
* It affecting your relationship with Ruby's family.
* Being quizzed by everyone to see if you knew where he was.
* "I have no idea where he is"
* People giving you dirty looks especially at school or whenever you were with Ruby.
* The whispering.
* "I can't believe his still friends with her"
* "She probably knew what was going to happen"
* Crying in your room.
* Wanting to scream 24/7.
* Hearing Latrelle was back in town through Ruby.
* When Latrelle eventually did get back in touch you didn't know how to feel.
* "I'm sorry"
* For what? Shooting my friend? Actually killing one of them. Leaving me and not telling me where you were?"
* "It was safer-"
* "That's bullshit"
* Arguing a lot.

Hope you guys enjoyed.
Also how many people actually like Latrelle, I'm just wondering.

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