Monse- "Oh god, we're going to die, aren't we?"

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Description: both you and Monse are bored
Warnings: none
I sat on my bed completely bored at my mind, there was absolutely nothing to do. It was currently the middle of summer and I was at the point of boredom. My parents had taken my young siblings out to try and stop them wrecking from wrecking the house, I decided to stay behind not wanting to deal with the younger ones but now I was sadly regretting my decision. I sighed sitting up grabbing my phone and typing into the group chat.
To: Core4
Who's free today
I stared at the screen waiting for the other to reply, the seconds dragged out as I waited for them to reply. The first one to reply was Ruby.
From: Core4
Sorry can't babysitting
Not long after that Jamal replied saying that he was helping at his father diner. The next person was Cesar who said that he was hanging with Oscar. I sighed, the only other person was Monse but she hadn't replied yet. I threw my phone on the pillow looking up at the ceiling. Another minute passed then another, my phone finally buzzed signalling a new message.
From: Core4
Yeah I'm free
I smiled typing a reply to the girl.
To: Core4
I'm on my way over.
I stood up walking over to my pile of shoes and slipping some on, not caring what they were. I walked out my room, checking that I had everything, my phone, keys and a bit of money. I walked out the front door and made my way to Monse's house.

I walked down the sidewalk till I finally got to Monse's, I made my way to the front door knocking then taking a step back. I stood there for a few seconds before Monse pulled the door opened.
"Hey" Monse smiled when she opened the door.
"Hey" I returned the smile, Monse stepped back allowing me into her house. "You're dad at work?" I looked around.
"Yeah, he's going to be gone for another four days" she sighed walking past me and towards her room, I followed behind her. Monse walked over to her bed and sitting down, I walked over sitting the opposite side.
"Who knew summer could be so boring" Monse laughed at my comment.
"I know right, I thought it was supposed to be fun" I sat thinking for a second.
"You know I have an idea" I smiled at the girl.
"Should I be worried" I ignored the girls comment.
"Want to see what kind of trouble we can get into?" I asked her.
"Oh god, we're going to die, aren't we?" Concern written on Monse's face. I scrunched my face shaking my head at the girl.
"It's a Tuesday, I know how to restrain myself" I laughed at the girl who didn't seemed impressed.
"You absolutely do not" she had a point, I could go a bit over the top.
"Fine, is there something we could do here?" I looked over at the girl, she sat thinking for a second.
"I think we have somethings to make cookies" she stood up and started to leave the room. I followed the girl, Monse quickly made her way to the kitchen opening the cupboards. "Yep here we are" I laughed as she held what we needed up.
"Well let's get started"

We spent the next forty minutes making cookies, we then decided to have a movie marathon. We started with love, Simon followed by clueless, 21 jump street, the pursuit of happyness and we decide to end on A quiet place. Between the movies Monse went and brought the cookies we made, by the end of the night there wasn't any left. The boredom from earlier in the day had gone.

This is my first Monse one
which is insane considering there
like 90 stories in here.
Let me know what you thought.
I didn't know which direction to go with this.

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