How long they've liked you before telling you

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Cesar: 2 months
Cesar didn't want to rush with his feeling especially with the two of you being good friends. Cesar decided to wait two months before letting you know how he felt and asking you out.

Ruby: 3 weeks
Let's be honest you knew when Ruby liked you, he wasn't sly about it. He eventually asked you out after 3 weeks.

Jamal: 4 months
When you found out he'd liked you for the past 4 months you were surprised because Jamal wasn't very good at Keeping secrets yet he had kept this one.

Monse: 1 month
When Monse started to have feelings for you she decided to just tell you and not keep it in.

Oscar: 10 months
Oscar wasn't good with emotions he thought that it would pass but after 5 months he started to acknowledge them and it took him another 5 months to tell you.

Latrelle: 1 week
Latrelle barley even lasted a week without telling you. As soon as he started to have feelings for you he wanted to make you his.

Hope you guys enjoyed
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