Oscar~ none of my business

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Description: Returning from college and hearing that Oscar has moved on...
Warnings: swearing
Today was the first time I was heading home in almost six months, it's not that I didn't want to it was the fact that college had kept me so busy I just didn't have time.
After about two hours I Finally was driving though the neighbourhood where I grew up. After a few minutes my house came into view, I took in the surrounding area and the house opposite, Oscars. Oscar and I first started dating when we were sixteen, we carried on till we were nineteen but me being at college became a problem for Oscar. It wasn't that he didn't trust me it was just the distance, he wanted me at his side all the time but I wanted to better myself and study for the career that I wanted.
Outside Oscar there was a bunch of people, who I'm guessing were the Santos. The lawn had a sofa resting against the wall which some of the Santos was sat on while the others were sat on the stairs or standing up. I scanned them again looking for Oscars face and it didn't take me long. Oscar was stood in the middle of all the Santos talking. I pulled the car up in front of my moms house, I turned to look to see a few of the Santos already looking over this way wanting to see who it was. Even though me and Oscar were no longer together him and the Santos still looked after my mom while I was way. I let out a sigh grabbing my sunglasses from the passenger seat and put them on before taking my keys out. I took a deep breath and opened the car door stepping out. The weather was deceiving because even though it was sunny there was a slight breeze, the breeze blew my hair as I walked over to the trunk of my car grabbing my back. I looked over to my left yet again taking another look at Oscar and the Santos, I could tell they were still trying to figure out things. Within the last year I had changed, I dyed my hair and decided to let it grow out unlike when I was a teenager where I used to cut it to my shoulders so it was easy to maintain. I also made some new friends who helped me learn new makeup techniques and different taste in clothing, to me I didn't change that much I just figured my style out.
I shut my trunk and made my way towards the front door pushing my hair over my shoulder. I let out a sigh as I knocked on the door, the wait was only a couple of seconds. The door was pulled open and my mom stood there with a smile on her face.
"Y/n" she smiled pulling me into a hug, I hugged her back dropping my bag to the floor. "Come in" my mom said stepping back pulling me in slightly. I grabbed my bag and headed inside.

Everything inside was pretty much the same, I don't know what I was expecting, maybe the walls to be a new color but they weren't.
"Sentar" my mom said as I walked over to the living room. I smiled before taking a seat on one of the couches. "Do you want anything" she smiled as she stood by the kitchen.
"Mom I'm fine, plus if I needed something I could get it myself" my mom nodded walking over to me and sitting on the other couch.
"So how have you been?" She asked.
"I've been good, I've made some new friends and they're amazing" I replied.
"That's good" she said. "I'm just glad that you're back"
"Same" I smiled before looking down then back up. "So how's things been round here? How's everyone doing?" I tried to act like I cared about how everyone was doing but I only really wanted to ask about Oscar.
"You mean Oscar?" She asked.
"No" I lied pushing a strand of hair behind my ear.
"Yeah you do Mijah" she laughed shaking her head. I avoided her gaze as she answered my question. "His good Mijah, I don't seek him as often but he seems good" I looked up at her with a questioning look. How could she not see him as much, he only lives over the road.
"What do you mean you don't see him as much?"
"His just busy with the santos and with Gabriela" she shrugged. Gabriela, who's Gabriela.
"Who's Gabriela?" I questioned raising an eyebrow.
"Who?" My mom said trying to play dumb.
"You said that his been busy with someone called Gabriela, who that?" I crossed my arms.
"It doesn't matter who that is" my mom laughed trying to act like it was nothing.
"Mamá" I sighed, she knew I hated it when she lied to me.
"It's his girlfriend" she looked at her hands in her lap. To say that it didn't sting would be a lie, I mean who wants to hear that the guy they planned a future with had moved on.
"It's fine, we've been separated over a year. What he does now is none of my business" I tried acting like I didn't care that this was just another thing.
"Mijah..." I just shook my head standing up grabbing my bag.
"I'm going to unpack and jump in the shower" I forced a smile before walking over to my old room.
"Okay, I'll get in working on something to eat" she smiled.
"Thank you mamá" I said.

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