Oscar~ " I dont believe you" part 2

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I looked around my now empty apartment, the last box tucked under my arm. I spent the past three years in the little apartment with my two roommates and it had been the best. I had worked my ass of in my classes and finished top of my class, I was proud of myself. I smiled taking one last look before placing the keys down and exiting shutting the door behind me.
Of course I was sad but I had learnt not to dwell on the goodbye but the memories you'd obtained. I walked down the stairs the box still under my arm. I pushed the door open and exited onto the street. I quickly made my way to my car placing the last box in.
"Hey" a voice called, I turned round to see my roommate Taylor or ex roommate now walking towards me. "I'm going to miss you" she pulled me into.
"I'm going to miss you" I smiled pulling away.
"Are we really going to do this mushy shit" my other roommate Hayden said with her arms crossed.
"Get here" Taylor walked over to her pulling her into a hug before signalling for me to join. "You know your going to miss us really H" Taylor said pulling away, she just looked down her hair covering her face. She finally looked up tears in her eyes.
"Fine I will" I smiled as she admitted it.
"We're only a phone call away" I said.
"Yeah but it won't be the same, no more movie marathons, late night pizza orders" she wiped a tear away as it fell down her face.
"How about we make a deal twice a month we'll try to meet up" Taylor suggested, Hayden and I nodded in response.
"Anyway I should probably head off, it's a long drive" the girls nodded as I made my way back to my car.
"Wow your really just going to go without saying goodbye to me" I turned to see Jake walking over to my car. Jake was someone I had grown close to, we tried dating but it just didn't work, we were better as best friends.
"Never" I laughed walking over hugging him.
"See you soon" he said as he pulled away from the hug. I nodded walking back to my car and getting in starting it. I gave a final wave at the three before driving off back home to Freeridge.

It took me almost four hours to finally reach home, I pulled into the drive way. I got out the car and walked towards the front door unlocking it.
"Welcome home!" A bunch of people yelled as soon as I entered I let out a laugh looking around the room. There was a bunch of familiar faces, people from my high school, the neighbourhood, family and friends. My parents moved forwards both pulling me into a hug.
"It's good to have you home Mijah" my mom smiled at me.
"I haven't even been here for a minute" I laughed as everyone went on to socialise.
"Well I know it's just better" she pinched my cheek before walking to talk to the guest. I smiled at my dad who followed my mom. I walked around the room saying quick hellos before I reached my old friends Maya and Maria.
"Y/n" they greeted me as I walked toward them.
"Hey" I smiled, awkwardness in the air. I hadn't kept in touch as much as I thought I would have. It was hard, when ever we would talk Oscar would always be brought up and I still hadn't moved on, if I'm being honest I still love him but he really hurt me.
"How have you been?" Maria asked as she a glass bottle in her hand.
"Good, its been good. What about you two?" I asked
"Yeah things have been good" Maria answered looking at Maya.
"Things have been perfect, me and Carlos couldn't be happier" Maya answered. I looked over at her noticing she hadn't got a drink.
"Do you want something to drink" I asked reaching over to one of the glass bottles.
"No I'm good" she replied.
"When did you turn down a drink?" I asked looking between the pair.
"I didn't want to ruin your party..." she started confusing me.
"You won't be just tell me" I crossed my arms leaning on the counter.
"Well, I'm pregnant" she smiled, I'd never seen her happier.
"Wow, congratulations" I said completely shocked, I knew her and Caros were serious but I never expected that. "Any shocking news from you?" I turned to look at Maria.
"Nope I'm still me" she laughed taking a drink. I smiled nodding my head before excusing myself. I walked past guest and towards my old room. I opened the door shutting it, I took in the room that was exactly the same as how I left it. I sat on the bed taking a drink from my glass bottle when there was a knock at the door.
"You can come in" the door opened revealing Maria, she walked in taking a seat next to me.
"You were thrown a curveball" she looked at me.
"I wasn't expecting to come back and everything to be the same but I don't know" I shook my head looking down at the carpet.
"Just think that's what you live could have been like if you had stayed and married Oscar" I closed my eyes taking in a deep breathe. "You made the right choice, I mean your lucky you didn't stay around" I turned to look at her.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Didn't your parents tell you" I shook my head. "I'm surprised they normal take any chance to put down Oscar"
"What happened?" I asked.
"He was arrested he's been in for prison for the last couple of months, he only got out last month" I took another drink.
"What was he arrested for?" I asked she just shrugged.
"I don't think I want to know" she stood up and made her way to the bedroom door. "You coming?" She opened the door, I nodded finishing the rest of the bottle.

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