Oscar- "love you for enabling me"

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Description: y/n and Oscar phone conversation while y/n at work
Warnings: swearing
I let out a sigh as I sat back in my chair, I seriously hate this job but it paid my bills. I closed my eyes as I brought my hands to my face massaging my temple, a headache coming on. Since I had entered everything seemed to be going wrong. Also everyone seemed to be trying their hardest to piss me off, the majority of the work staff were older men so as you can guess they could be very patronising. They could act like I couldn't do their work when the truth is I could do it ten times better then them if I tried. My boss on the other hand was just a complete asshole, I tried my hardest to never see him. I opened my eyes and focused on the computer in front of me when Ronnie came over a bunch of papers under her arm.
"Mr Irvine asked for you to do these" Ronnie placed the papers in my desk a look of sympathy on her face.
"By when?" I asked her as I looked at the paper.
"Thursday" she replied.
"Thursday?" I looked at the girl in shock. It was Tuesday today but I only had an hour left at work, so it means that I only had tomorrow to do these papers as well as my other work. "He got to be joking right?" Ronnie Just shuck her head.
"Sorry y/n" I let out a sigh as she walked away. I grabbed the first paper of the pile and looking over it.

After looking at the paper for ten minutes my phone started to go off. I placed the paper down and grabbed my phone off my desk seeing Oscars name on the screen. I let out a sigh before answering the phone.
"Hey" Oscar said as soon as I entered.
"Hey" I replied my voice sounding deflated.
"What's wrong?" Concern in his voice.
"Just work" I leant back in my chair.
"Why? What happened?" I smiled as Oscar spoke.
"I want to stab everybody" I played with the corner of the paper.
"Don't get blood on your dress. We have dinner reservations at seven" again I smiled at Oscars reply.
"Love you for enabling me" I laughed as I folded the corner of the paper some more.
"Love you too" I pulled the phone away and ending the call before I could get caught.

I hope you like it
Sorry I was gone for like
So long.
But like 13RW came out and took
Over my life.
I absolutely would marry Zach.
And I've adopted Tyler, Justin, Alex and Tony as my children
Anyway feel free to request
Just message me

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