Latrelle- "so you were just going to leave?"

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Requested: I'll be using the name Lily but you guys can just change it to your name.
Description: lily and Latrelle have always had a thing for one another but they can't be together. Lily is friends with the rest of the gang and they don't approve of Latrelle.
Warnings: swearing
I walked down the sidewalk my earphones in and music on full blast, I walked round the corner spotting Latrelle stood in front of my friends, Monse, Ruby and Jamal. I came to a stop watching the interaction between the four of them, Ruby, Monse and Jamal stood with their hands with talking to Latrelle. I watched as Ruby gave Jamal a dirty look before reaching into his pocket and handing something of to Latrelle, as soon as it was handed over the group scattered leaving Latrelle. He turned walking over to the steps and sitting down. I pulled my earphones out and made my way over to the boy.
"What was that about?" I questioned as I walked over to the boy. Latrelle looked up noticing me.
"Nothing you need to worry about?" Latrelle smiled at me. I rolled my eyes but couldn't suppress my own smile, I couldn't help it, it was just something about him. Before I could speak another voice interrupted us.
"Yo did she pay?" I turned to see a boy probably a year younger then me and Latrelle.
"Pay?" I looked from Latrelle to the boy crossing my arms looking him up and down.
"Yeah pay" the boy took a step forward before I could say anything Latrelle stepped between the two of us.
"She doesn't have to pay" Latrelle looked down at the younger boy crossing his arms. The boy backed down, looking over at me again before turning and leaving.
"Pay? What are you forcing people to pay for?" Latrelle turned to face me.
"Like I said it's nothing that you need to worry about" Latrelle gave me a reassuring smile.
"I swear to God if you say that again I will shove your head where the sun doesn't shine" I kept a fake smile on my face.
"Ohh you know I love it when you take charge" Latrelle took a step towards me leaving barely any space. I felt like I couldn't breath, Latrelle and me always had this flirty relationship but we both knew that we couldn't be together. I was entranced by him more then I had by anyone else. After a few more seconds I finally pulled myself away placing my hand on Latrelle's and slightly pushing him back with a laugh and smile.
"I-I should be getting to school" a blush building on my cheeks.
"Okay, see you around" I nodded walking past the boy but stopping and turning back around.
"Wait aren't you going to be at school?" I looked at Latrelle who was now leaning against the stairs with a smile.
"Why will you miss me?" He smiled again flirting, I looked down before looking back up nodding my head. "Then I might be" Latrelle turned and made his way up the stairs. I turned and made my way towards the school a smile on my face as I thought about Latrelle.

There was only two hours left of school and I still hadn't seen Latrelle all day, I found myself looking around for him in the hallways, during lunch, my friends had noticed I seemed distracted but I just brushed them off and told them it was nothing. I grabbed my books from my locker and made my way to my class, as I walked passed a closer the door opened and someone reached out pulling me into the closet with them.
"What the hell!" I turned snapping at the person Latrelle laughing at me. I crossed my arms with a scowl which quickly fell as I watched Latrelle laugh. "I hate you so much"
"Ouch" he laughed at me some more.
"You know you could have spoke to me like a normal person right?" Latrelle looked at me the smile falling from his face.
"But what if Monse or Cesar or Ruby or Jamal saw us or even Jasmine" Latrelle spoke getting serious.
"Look the only reason I don't want them to know we're friends is because of the hassle. I don't want to deal with it" I sighed leaning against the closet door. Latrelle took a deep breath in not saying anything. "Look how about I blow the off tonight and I'll come hang out at yours" I smiled at the boy, he didn't say anything. "Latrelle?" I walked closer he looked up.
"Yeah sure" he shrugged at me, I smiled at him.
"Well I'm going to go to class" I walked over pulling the closet door opening and leaving.

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