Oscar- "Wow misogynistic much"

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Warnings: swearing
I sighed as I took another drink from my cup, another guy sulking away as I turned him down. I didn't want to dance with them, the person that I wanted wasn't even here, that person was Oscar Diaz or Spooky as people called him. We were only friends but I couldn't help but get nervous around him, I knew I was in deep, the sad part was that I wasn't sure if he felt the same way.
"Hey baby" I looked over to see another guy walking over, he slightly stumbled, great another drink perv.
"Not interested" I looked away from the guy.
"You haven't even heard what if got to say" I could sense the guys desperation.
"I don't need to, why don't you just leave me alone" I glared at the guy who laughed looking me up and down.
"You really think your something don't you" I didn't respond I just took another drink from my cup. "Your just another slut"
"Wow misogynistic much" the guy laughed again.
"I'm just pointing at facts, and the fact is that your a slut" I scoffed placing my cup down turning to face him, before I could say anything I felt a hand on my shoulder, I quickly turned prepared to tell this person off.
"Want to say that again" Oscar stood there with a pissed expression on his face. The guy shrunk into himself.
"No-um no , it was just a mistake" the guy quickly got out.
"Your existence was a mistake" I mumbled a smile pulled on Oscars face but he stayed serious.
"Why don't you just get the hell out of here" the guy turned and walked away stumbling into people.
"I had that you know" I turned to look at him.
"I know you did" he smiled down at me I rolled my eyes.
"So what took you so long?" I questioned.
"I had somethings to sort out with the Santos" he pointed over to his gang, I nodded my head. I'm not surprised that they were here. "Come on why don't you come sit with us" I followed Oscar as we walked through the crowd, people moving out of his way.
"Hey y/n" Mateo greeted me as I walked over.
"Hey" I smiled as Oscar took a seat.
"How you been?" Mateo asked as he leant against the wall.
"I've been good.you?" Mateo lifted his hand up flat and tilted it from side to side, I smiled.

I spent the next half hour sat with the Santos, I spent most the time speaking to Mateo and Oscar, they were the only Santos I really knew. A few more minutes passed and the Santos started talking between themselves about something I didn't know, I looked from Oscar to the dance floor, my friend Maia smiled at me signalling to join an idea crossing my mind. I had studied and taken dance since I was about ten years old so not to sound cocky but I was pretty good. I looked back from the dance floor to Oscar, I stood up.
"Where you going?" I heard Oscar say, I turned to face him again.
"To dance. Why don't you join me?" I smiled at him, Oscar looked from me back to the Santos who were still deep in conversation. "Pussy" I laughed walking over to Maia and started to loose myself to the music.

After a few minutes Maia leaned in to whisper something to me.
"Looks like you've got an audience" she looked behind me, I turned to see all the Santos looking over at me. I couldn't fight the blush the started to appear on my face.
"I should..." Maia laughed as I turned and made my way over to the Santos. "Entertained?" I asked as I walked closer.
"Damn Mami I didn't know you could dance" One of the Santos said, I looked down a blush appearing again.
"Aye" Oscar snapped at the santo "Don't you have something else to talk about" he looked back at the group. I rolled my eyes walking closer, as I did Oscar stood up taking my hand into his and leading us out of the party. Oscar didn't slow down till we were a few meters from the house.
"Where are we going?" I asked as I walked next to him. Oscar then stopped turning to face me.
"Why didn't you tell me you could dance" I folded my arms staring up at the boy before walking ahead but turning to face him.
"It never came up plus that's 'party dancing'" I shrugged as I carried on walking, we carried on down the deserted road.
"Party dancing?" He questioned, I smiled taking in our location, across from us was an old playground. I didn't say anything as I crossed the street Oscar following me. "Y/n!" He called as I walked over to an old bench.
"Party dancing is...okay I don't know the best way to describe it..." I said, then a thought crossed my mind. "But I can show you" I looked over at him.
"I don't dance" he looked around.
"If your scared someone's going to see you they won't, it's like two am and it's pitch black, and we're alone" I twirled in a circle as I signalled to our surrounding area. "Come on will you" I laughed dragging Oscar by his arm.

I laughed as Oscar failed yet again, he'd managed to learn most of it but he was stuck in this one part. I grabbed my phone and hit pause on the song.
"I told you I don't dance" I walked forward with a smile.
"Practice makes perfect, I promise you we'll get you to do this dance." Oscar had a smiled on his face.
"That could take forever" he looked down at me.
"Here's to hoping" confidence taking over.
"Yeah" he took a step forward, barely any space between us. Before I could reply Oscar closed the gap between us, it took a few seconds to register what was actually happening. Oscar Diaz, the guy I've liked since I was seventeen is kissing me. Oscar pulled away looking down at me as he moved my hair out my face.
"If that didn't make it obvious that I like you then will you go out with me" I smiled as shook my head closing the gap yet again, Oscar kissed me back instantly.

Hope you guys liked.
Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I thought with being in isolation (I'm from the UK so we're being forced to stay home other then to get groceries, key worker or to exercise, which is only once a day, but ya girl doesn't) I would write more but I haven't, I don't know why I've just been in like a funk. Literally I've just spent the time scrolling through TikTok, Instagram and watching Jackass. I also thought I'd watch all these TV shows but I just can't be bothered.
Sorry for my long ass whatever you want to call it.
Request are open.
Also feel free to message me about anything, I promise I'm nice 🥺

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