Ruby~ "its really not that complicated" (part 3)

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Description: it's been a while since you and Ruby had spoken, when something changes that...
Warnings: swearing
It had been months since Ruby and I last spoke, the first two months really hurt seeing him around but I got used to it. After the fight I not only lost Ruby but the whole group, I didn't want to make things awkward so I stopped hanging out with them. I would message them every once in a while but not how it was, the same went for the Martinez family.
Within the last couple of months Ruby and Robyn has broken up due to her cheating on him and him catching her in the act, Monse and Cesar had started dating publicly which I was happy for and Jamal had grown an obsession with an garden gnome called Juanita.
For my life had been going fine I made some amazing new friends, I was getting great grades and I was living my best live until my mom got sick. She was fine for the first month or so but eventually it took a toll on her, she didn't let anyone know, she tried to but a brave face on but living in a tightknit community soon everyone knew. My dad started pulling extra shifts to cover everything while I tried to help as much as I could, the worst part was the way that people look at you while you walked down the street. You may say they were just being nice but I found it infuriating and the one person that I wanted to comfort me hated me.

I sat on my bed music playing as I finished the rest of my homework, lowly singing to the music.
"Mijah!" I heard my mom yelled I quickly stood up, my books and pens falling to the floor as I rushed to the kitchen where my mom was.
"What wrong?" I asked my heart beating so fast as thoughts ran through my head that something bad had happened.
"Nothing Mijah, I'm fine" my mom laughed as she was sat at the dining room table writing in a piece of paper. "You worry about me too much" she stood up walking over to me with a weak smile on my face.
"Can you blame me" I said lowly, my mom shook her head placing a hand on my cheek.
"I'm going to be fine" she said confidently, I forced a smile nodding my head. "Anyway I need you to grab these things for me, I fancy cooking something proper" she handed me a piece of paper and some money.
"I'll get this then I'll help you" I replied as I stuffed the paper and money in my pocket.
"Mijah you have school work, and I know that it's important" she sternly said folding her arms.
"Not as important as you" I protested. My mom smiled before speaking.
"It's only something simple, the most I'll be standing up is five minutes plus I'm feeling good today. So now just go get that stuff" she moved to usher me out the kitchen and towards the front door. I grabbed my coat before pulling the door open.
"I'll be five minutes, ten at a maximum" I took a look at my mom who had her arms folded with a smile. I nodded before exiting the house and making my way to the store.

We were on the last couple days of spring break so everyone was outside sitting and tanning in the heat. The most I spent outside was when my friend Sofia had asked me to head round hers, the only reason I went was because my parents forced me saying I couldn't stay locked up all spring break. I didn't see it as being locked up, it gave me chance to spend time with my mom and to catch up with school work, which I had been lacking in.
As I walked down the street people would look away before whispering, everyone saw me as the girl who had a sick mom now. I quickened my pace making it to the store, I pushed the door open the cold air hitting me. I took a deep breath as I walked down one of the aisle pulling the list out and reading the ingredients. I grabbed everything that I need and made my way to pay.
"Well if it isn't my favourite customer" Mateo the cashier said seeing me.
"How are you Mateo?" I asked placing the things on the counter so he could scan everything.
"You know the same old mierda" he laughed I shook my head as he started to place the things in a bag. "Anyway how's your mamá?" He asked.
"She getting better, I think" just as I replied the bell above the store door rang signally someone had entered, I turned to look, I saw my heart stopped for a second. At the store entrance there stood Ruby, his mom and the twins, I wasn't sure whether they had noticed me due to the twins playing up. I looked away and down at the floor. I had seen Ruby around but we were never in speaking distance, even in class we sat the furthest away from each other.
"Y/n" I heard someone call, I turned to look at where the voice to see Mrs Martinez smiling at me. "I thought that it was you" she walked closer.
"Hey" I quietly said, Mrs Martinez didn't waste anytime pulling me into a hug.
"We've missed you, haven't we Ruby" she hit Ruby on the arm, his gaze finally met with mine. He didn't say anything.
"That'll be thirteen dollars" Mateo I said interrupting the awkward silence, I reached into my pocket pulling the money out and handing to him.
"Thank you" I said grabbing the bag getting ready to leave.
"Anyway how have you been?" Mrs Martinez said stopping me from leaving.
"I've been okay" I said forcing a smile.
"And your mom?" A sincere look on her face. I bite the inside of me cheek.
"Yeah she's okay, I should really be getting back" I started to head toward the store exit.
"Y/n we're having a little get together tomorrow before Mario goes back to college you should come" Mrs Martinez said as one of the twins pulled on her sleeve.
"I'll think about it" I exited the store and started to walk away.

"Y/n!" A voice said stopping me in my tracks, I turned to see Ruby exiting the store and walking over to me.
"What do you want?" I kicked some stones on the floor not meeting his gaze.
"I wanted to talk" he replied, I looked up our gaze locking instantly.
"I wish I could but I have to get back" I held the bag up turning and walking away again.
"I'm sorry okay!" He yelled. I want to say that I instantly wanted to forgive him but honestly I was filled with nothing but anger.
"So for what? Not believing? Not being there when I needed you?" I walked closer to the boy tears building in my eyes. "You know Ruby even after everything you said when I found out my mom was ill you were the first person I wanted to go to. The first person I wanted to talk to and comfort me but I couldn't I had to do that alone" I tried to keep my voice at a reasonable level.
"Y/n-" "no Ruby, even after you and everyone else found out that she was sick you didn't even send a simple message asking if I was okay, I got one off everyone else but not you. After everything, how long we've know each other, how long you've know my mom, nothing" I shrugged at the end, Ruby broke our gaze looking down at the floor. "Nothing to say?" I asked.
"There's nothing that I could say to fix this" He looked up I could see the tears building in his eyes.
"Maybe try explaining why you didn't" I took a breath in wiping a tear away that had slipped down my cheek.
"I don't know why I didn't" he replied as a tear ran down his cheek.
"That's not good enough" I stressed.
"Jeez y/n I was scared. I was scared that you wouldn't have forgiven me for the things that I had said. I was scared that you didn't want to be friends anymore" I let out a laugh.
"What gave you that idea?" I asked
"You moved on, you looked happy, you had new friends."
"I only had new friends because of everything that had happened. If you would have just talked to me then we would have been fine" another tear dropped down his face.
"I know okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything. I should have believed you with Robyn, I-I should have been there for you" his voice broke breaking my heart. "Can you forgive me? Can we be friend again?" I took a few seconds to think about it, even after everything his was still the Ruby that I loved, the Ruby that used to force me to stay up late to watch crappy tv shows that he loved. The Ruby that threw me the most extra birthday ever. I looked up nodding my head, Ruby let out a sigh holding his hand to his chest. "I really thought you were going to say no"
"I thought about it" I lied as worry crossed Ruby's face.
"No you dork" I laughed, the first time in ages.
"So I'll see tomorrow to wish Mario off"
"Yeah you will" I smiled as Ruby walked backwards towards the shop a smile now on his face. I let out another laugh turning and heading home.
It get good having Ruby back in my live, even if it was just a friend.

Hope you guys liked.
I was wondering whether you'd like me to do a sort of get to know me or not.
Also request are open

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