Oscar~ "im invisible to him" (part 2)

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Description: A follow on from the previous Oscar story...
Warnings: swearing

It had been a week since the party, I hadn't seen Oscar or any of the santos since then. Oscar and a few of the others had messaged me asking where I was but I didn't reply. I just needed time to myself, away from the santos, away from Oscar...
I had spent the majority of my free time with my mom and little sister. She told me about everything that had been happening within her group of friends starting with a new girl called Olivia joining them. I smiled as she spoke, some of the things I already knew due to Cesar telling me but her telling of it made me laugh, let's just say she's a little dramatic about things.
"Mijah" my mom said as she walked in the room drawing mine and my sisters attention.
"Yeah" I asked.
"Would you go and grab me some things from the store" she held a piece of paper out to me before reaching in her pocket and pulling some money out.
"Sure" I stood up taking the things out of my moms hand. I slipped them into my pocket heading towards the door.
"Hey" my sister said standing up walking towards me grabbing some paper off the side before walking up to me.
"Qué" I asked her as I opened the door.
"Since you'll be going pass there can you drop this off at Cesar's" she held the paper out to me. "Please, I was going to do it later but considering your passing by you could do it" I started to protest. "It would also give you a chance to see Oscar" she smirked. I looked down at my feet, my sister knew I liked him, she guessed. She didn't know that I wasn't speaking to him. I let out a sigh as I reached and took the papers from her.
"Fine but you owe me" she rolled her eyes walking away. I checked I had everything before making my way towards the store.

Walking to the store I took the long way avoiding Oscars house, I was only going past on the way back to drop the papers off and if he asked me to hand around I had an excuse to leave. I entered the store strolling down the aisle till I found everything on the list. I made my way to the front of the store ready to pay. I quickly payed and stared to leave, I pushed the door open the summer breeze hitting me. I held the papers and bag all in the same hand making my way to Oscars house.

After a couple of minutes I was at the top of the street where Oscars house was located. I walked down the street towards Oscars house. It was the usual sight, Oscar and a bunch of his Santos sat out the front. I quickly scanned them looking for Cesar but not spotting him. I let out a sigh as I walked closer towards them.
"Well look who it is" one of the Santos said spotting me as I walked up to them. Oscar turned to look at me. I glanced over at him our eyes meeting, I quickly looked broke the gaze holding the papers up.
"I brought these for Cesar, apparently they're important" I held them out to Oscar who took the paper but didn't say anything. The silence only lasted for a couple seconds before I spoke up again. "I should probably be on my way"
"That's it you drop some papers off and just leave" A Santo said.
"I have to get back my mamá is expecting this stuff" I lifted the bag. A bunch of the Santos just nodded, I turned and started to head off.

I was at the top of the street when a car pulled up next to me, I turned to look to see Oscars car pulled up next to me. I let out a sigh before bending down to look in the window to see what he wanted.
"What?" I asked rather harshly.
"Get in" He reaches over to the car door handle and opening it. I knew he wasn't going to take no as an answer. I placed the bag on the floor of the car before getting in. As soon as I got in I let myself sink into the chair as I had done on numerous times before. Oscar started the car pulling off from the curb.
"So why have you been avoiding me?" Oscar asked as he stared at the road in front of him. I didn't reply I just focused on the road as we came up to my turning, instead of turning he carried on going straight. I furrowed my eyebrows, there's no way Oscar missed that on accident his dropped me off home enough times.
"You missed the turning" I pointed out just in case
"I know" he replied.
"Are you going to turn round?" I turned my gaze to him, he just shook his head. "Oscar I'm not in the mood for these games, just take me home"
"I'll take you home when you answer my question" he replied.
"Fine, I was avoiding you because every time I see you it hurts. Seeing you with other girls hurt. So I was avoiding you to stop myself from hurting and to try and figure a way to get over you" I let everything out, the car went silent again. I took my gaze from him and towards the window trying to hold the tears back. "If you trying to find words to let me down or anything like that it's okay, I already know that you don't like me back" The rest of the car ride was silent, Oscar didn't even look at me. We finally reached my house, I reached the for the door handle trying to unlock the car but it wouldn't budge. I turn to look at Oscar who was still staring straight ahead. "I thought we were done talking" I said quietly.
"Look y/n..." "don't" I cut him off holding my hands up.
"Y/n let me speak" His gaze met mine. I nodded as he let out a sight placing one hand on the steering wheel. " I do like you..." he started looking away from me, my heartbeat started beating so fast as he spoke. "But you deserve so much better then me" I furrowed my brows looking at him.
"Stop lying" I said automatically. Oscar turned to look at me.
"I'm not, your so much better then me. I mean you're in your last year of college about to make something of yourself" I rolled my eyes as he spoke.
"I don't care if you think I deserve better cause I already know your the best. I mean your always there when I need you, I know you'd never let anything happen to me, my mom and sister love you" I said with a laugh at the end. Oscar looked down at the floor. "Also I'm not perfect. So don't tell me I deserve better" Oscar just nodded. "So..." I dragged out as I picked up the bag. Oscar had a smirk on his face.
"So what" the smirk still on his face.
"So what's this now?" I asked signalling between the two of us.
"How about I pick you up tomorrow" he replied I smiled reaching for the door open which opened.
"See you tomorrow" I smiled getting out of the car and walking towards my house and opening the door giving Oscar a quick wave before entering.
I honestly didn't expect things to go that way.

Hope you guys liked.
Also 3K reads that's insane, thank you for everyone that reads these. Also any request just let me know. The next one will be a part 2 Ruby one

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