Oscar- "No I'm not, it's just hot in here"

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Description: you challenge Oscar to dance. Also just a bunch of cuteness
(Not proofread I swear I should start doing that 😂😂)
Warnings: none
"Wow you look hot" my friend Willa complimented me as I walked back into her room from changing in the bathroom.
"Thank you" I smiled pushing my hair over my shoulder.
"Who's attention are you trying to grab" my other friend Emilia asked as she applied some lipstick.
"No ones, can't I just dress up for myself?" I looked the girl up and down. Emilia looked from me to Willa.
"Definitely Spooky" they both said at the same time with a laugh. I looked around and grabbed the pillow that was on the chair by Willa's desk.
"No, that's not true" I threw the pillow in Emilia's directions as I spoke causing her to laugh again.
"Oh then why are you blushing?" Willa stood up and made her way over to me while pointing at my face.
"No I'm not, it's just hot in here" I lied crossing my arms causing Willa and Emilia to laugh. The truth was that they were both right, but sadly Spooky or Oscar as I called him were only friends and that's the way it seemed it was going to stay. I walked over and sat in the edge of my bed.
"Are you two almost ready?" I asked the pair, Willa seemed to be finishing her hair while Emilia seemed ready.
"Tú no poder la prisa la perfección" I rolled my eyes as Emilia laughed at Willas comment. I stood up and made my way back over to the desk grabbing my phone, it was currently ten to ten. I unlocked my phone clicking on my messages, I clicked on Oscars names and sent a message.
To: Oscar🧡
You at the party yet?
I hit sent and locked my phone as Emilia stood up and made her way passed me grabbing her heels and slipping them on. Willa followed behind her.
"Wow are the two of you finally ready to go" I dramatically said getting flipped off by the pair of them. As I watched the pair my phone buzzed, I turned it round and saw that I had a message from Oscar.
From: Oscar🧡
Yeah, where are you?
I quickly sent him a reply that me and the others were just leaving.
"Come on then y/n" the pair stood staring at me.
"I've been waiting for you two for like two hours" I laughed walking past the pair of them. The pair mocked me as I walked ahead causing me to turn around and flip them off.

The three of us walked down the road, the house the party was being held out was about a twenty minute walk, but it didn't feel like that. The front of the house didn't have anyone standing outside but you could hear them coming from the backyard.
"Let's get our party on" Willa pushed the gate to the backyard allowing us to walk through.
"I want, no I need a drink after this week" Emilia laughed taking my hand in hers and pulling me to the drink section. She filled three cups up, handing one to me then Willa. The pair downed their drink within one drink.
"Let's dance" Willa grabbed Emilia's hand then mine.
"I'm good, I'm going to finish my drink. You two go ahead" I smiled raising my drink up. The two laughed as they walked towards the make shift dance floor. I watched as the two spun laughing their heads off, I smiled as I watched the pair enjoying themselves. I brought my drink to my lips and took a drink scooping out the rest of the party. There was a bunch of people that a knew, a lot of Santos which isn't really a surprise considering this was in the middle of Santo turf.

"Don't feel like dancing" a voice came from behind me, I quickly turned careful not to spill my drink. There stood Oscar as handsome as ever.
"What about you? I don't think I've ever seen you dance!" I looked the boy up and down. Out of the parties I'd been to Oscar had never been on the dance floor, he'd sit with his usual group just watching everyone. Oscar didn't reply. "So I'm not even going to get a reply" I laughed looking from Oscar to the dance floor again at Willa and Emilia.
"Maybe one day" he smiled down at me. As I was about to speak the sonf changed, no guidance. I smirked as I looked from the dance floor to Oscar.
"What about today" I placed my drink down and started walking backwards slowly still looking at Oscar.
"Na, y/n" he shook his head looking down at the floor.
"Sin bolas" I stopped crossing my arms looking over at Oscar his face growing serious. Oscar places the can that he had been drinking from down next to my old cup making my way towards me and taking my hand in his. Oscar pulled the two of us in to the middle of the dance floor, I got a look from Emilia and Willa both confused as hell.

Oscar wasn't a bad dancer, he was better then I ever thought possible. I mean I didn't really have any idea how he could dance but it wasn't this. After the song finished I couldn't help but smile at the boy, no matter what he did he always surprised me. After the dance was over Oscar took my hand again and pulled me out of the crowd and towards the side gate.
"Where are we going?" I asked still slightly out of breath.
"You trust me right?" Oscar held the gate open. I didn't say anything I just walked through the gate Oscar following behind again taking my hand within his. I couldn't help but smile, it was just the affect he had on me. We walked down the sidewalk, till we reached Oscars car he unlocked the car and held the walked over to the passenger side holding it open for me.
"I know I said I trusted you but can you tell me where we going?" asked walking over and getting into the passenger side
"Nope" Oscar shout the door and made his way over to the drivers side. He opened his door and quickly got in shutting the door. "I promise you'll like it" he smiled at me, I just nodded in reply.

We spent the journey just talking, I was also trying to guess where we were going but gave up when I could no longer recognise anything around us. I placed my head against the passenger seat window as Oscar pulled into a car park.
"Where here" Oscar parked the car and undid his seatbelt. I followed and undid mine looking around us, I couldn't see anything, the street lights did illuminate much. Before I could open my door Oscar did. He stood back allowing me to get out then shutting the door behind me.
"It's this way" Oscar walked forward holding his hand out to me. I looked suspiciously at him. "You said you trust me" I rolled my eyes placing my hand in his. He walked forward, leading the way for us. It didn't take me long to realise where we were. We were at the beach that wasn't that far away from Freeridge. I laughed as I walked forward stepping over the curb onto the sand kicking my heels off, then taking me steps closer to the sea. The view was absolutely amazing, the sea was lit up by the light of the moonlight and the stars looked amazing. I turned to face Oscar who had followed me.
"Did you seriously bring us to the beach at..." I pulled my phone out my jacket pocket. "Half eleven" Oscar smiled before nodding. "You Oscar as something" I took a step forward, Oscar looked down breaking our gaze. "Speaking of something, you can dance"
"That wasn't really dancing" he looked up  at me.
"Then what is? Show me." I took a step closer so that there wasn't much space between us.
"There no music" he looked around.
"That's an easy fix" I pulled my phone out and clicked on one of the slower songs that's I had.

I placed my phone back in my jacket pocket, the audio became muffled but you could still here.
"So show me what real dancing is" Oscar took a step forward taking my hands and placing them around his neck while he placed his on my waist. We both slowed danced to the song, very different from how we'd danced earlier. I closed my eyes and rested my head against Oscar. I stayed like this for a minute till Oscar called me.
"Hmm" I replied pulling away but still keeping my arms around his neck, both still swaying to the song.
"There's something I need to tell you" Oscar didn't seem his confident self.
"Sure what is it" I tilted my head looking up at the boy. Oscar took a deep breathe before speaking again.
"I like you, I like that your not afraid to call me out on things. Your funny, smart, you see the best in everything and everyone. You are also absolutely beautiful, like sometimes I don't think you realise it." I smiled, I could feel tears building in my eyes. "Like I said I really like you, and I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me" I could sense the nerves in Oscars voice. I smiled pulling myself up to him and kissing him, when people speak about sparks this was it. I pulled away resting my forehead against his. "I'll take that as a yes" both me and Oscar laughed.

Here you go, is that like two in one day. Woohoo I'm on a mothereffing roll 😂
Hope you enjoyed
Who should I do next. Remember there's Monse, Jamal, Ruby, Jasmine and Mario that you can pick from. Also I'm not doing a Cesar one next or Oscar as I'm planning on writing part two and I've done a Cesar on don't worry I will write another Cesar one soon I have plans (evil laugh 🤭 jk)
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