Latrelle- "please forgive me"

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Spoiler (for end of season 1)

A/N: This takes place after Ruby and Olivia were shot.
Description: It was the same night that the shooting happened, Latrelle then turns up at your house begging for forgiveness from you.
I opened the car door getting out, I had my heels in my hands as I walked towards the front door. My dad came putting his arm over my shoulder ushering me to the front door, he was worried something else was going to happen, he wanted me inside and safe. He unlocked the door moving out the way and allowing me inside. I placed my shoes on the floor as soon as I entered before walking over to the sofa and sitting down trying to take in what had happened within the last hour or so. We just been dancing having fun then the next Ruby and Olivia were lying on the floor in a pool of their own blood. Ruby could barely breath and Olivia...
Without warning I bust out in tears, the events playing over and over. There was also one other fact that was killing me, the person that pulled the trigger was none other then my boyfriend Latrelle. How could he do that? They were my friends, they were innocent. My thoughts took over. I was only brought to reality by my dad pulling me into a hug, I gripped onto his shirt, my makeup staining his shirt.
"déjalo salir mija" he stroked my hair as I carried on crying. My dad only knew the half of it. He didn't know that it had been Latrelle, and when he finds out...
My grip tightened, I started to cry even more. "está bien" he mumbled trying to reassure me.

Me and my dad stayed like that for another ten minutes before I finally pulled away.
"Why don't you go take a shower Mija" he smiled. I nodded standing up and walking the bathroom. I grabbed two towels before going in the bathroom and locking the door. I placed the towels down and walking over the bathroom mirror. God I was a mess. My mascara had ran down my face. My eyeshadow was all over the place. The lipstick I had on was no longer there, and my hair looked as though I had just woken up from bed. I stood in front of the mirror as I wiped away the rest of the makeup. My eyes were now noticeably puffy and red. I stood staring at the girl I saw in the mirror, a girl that knew she'd have a hard choice ahead of her. I shook my head before walking over to the shower and turning on the shower. I unzipped my dress stepping out of it, the dress now lay on the floor. There was no way I was going to be able to wear it again after tonight. I kicked it to the corner of the bathroom before finishing undressing. I stepped into the shower, the water ran down my body, I honestly wish it could clean everything away. I stood staring at the bathroom tiles, I let out a sigh grabbing the shampoo and conditioner before quickly washing my hair.

I stepped out the shower wrapping the towel around my body while using the other one for my hair. I picked up my dirty washing chucking it into the laundry basket, I picked the dress up prepared to do the same. This dress had meaning to it, it was the dress I wore on my first date with Latrelle and now it could be the dress that I saw Olivia and Ruby die in because of Latrelle. I stared down at the piece of fabric. I grabbed my dressing gown from the back of the bathroom door quickly putting it on and leaving. I had the dress tightly screwed up in my hand. I walked to the kitchen where my dad was making himself something to drink, I ignored his stare as I walked over to the bin. I took the top of holding the dress over the bin.
"What you doing mija?" My dad asked.
"This dress, I, I..." I held it over the bin as tears filled my eyes again.
"Don't do anything you'll regret" he walked over to me taking the dress, I looked up at him. "How about I hold on to it" he smiled. I nodded before heading back to my room. I opened my door turning my light on. My heart jumped as I saw Latrelle sat on my bed. I quickly shut the door before glaring at him. I hated him but at the same time I loved him. Maybe I didn't hate him just his actions. Is that possible?

As soon as Latrelle saw me he stood up, he was wearing what he was in earlier tonight.
"What, what are you doing here?" I could feel the tears already in my eyes.
"I needed to see you" he eyes met mine.
"What made you think I wanted to see you?" I crossed my arms.
"Y/n..." he started to walk towards me, I took a step back for every step that he took forward. That was until my back hit the door. He stopped walking forward as soon as it did. "Please forgive me" he pleaded. I met his eyes, he was breaking my heart. "Please..."
"How? How can I do that?" I asked him. "What if it had been me dancing with Ruby? Would you still have shot him?" Latrelle looked down at the floor. "They were innocent" my voice broke as I spoke.
"I'm sorry" Latrelle's gaze was still on the floor.
"Are you though?" The tears started to fall. Latrelle looked up noticing that I was crying and started to walk forward, I quickly put my hand out stopping him. "Don't" I warned. I could see the hurt written across his face.
"Y/n, I, I..." He turned walking away from me and towards my bed sitting on the bed in frustration, he held his head in his hands leaning forward. I let out a sigh walking to the bed and sitting next to him, I placed my hand on his back. He looked at me, he then turned to look at the floor again. I rubbed his back trying to calm him down.
"I've got to leave" he blurted out. I let out breath, it physically felt like my heart broke within my chest. "I want you to come with me" he added.
"What?" I looked at him removing my hand and placing them in my lap.
"I want you to come with me. I love you and I don't want to leave you" He turned to face me taking my hands in his. How could I, leave my dad, my friends, Ruby, Olivia. On the other hand I can't leave him alone. I closed my eyes taking in a long breath thinking all the options over.

"I can't" I relied.
"What?" He seemed shocked by my answer.
"I can't, I love you but I can't" Latrelle let my hands go and turned to face forward. We sat in silence for a minute before he stood up.
"Well I guess that it" he said walking towards the window.
"What? We can still stay in touch" it was my turn to walk towards him.
"No, we can't. You've made your choice" he walked to the window opening it.
"Latrelle don't be like that" I walked forwards placing my hands on either side of his face making him look at me. "I love you, we can still work" Latrelle placed his hands on my wrist pulling them so my hands let go of his face.
"No we can't" He turned his back to me. He climbed out the window, when he was out he looked at me. "Goodbye y/n" he started to shut the window.
"Latrelle I forgive you" I sighed. "I know you had no choice, like I know you have no choice now" Latrelle stares at me, for a second I swear I saw a tear. Never in my life had I seen Latrelle cry. He quickly turned pulling his hood up and walking away.
I can truly say tonight is the worst night of my life

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