Oscar- "you heard me!" (Part 2)

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Description: This is part two. It's been a year since y/n left Oscar, she knew she'd eventually have to face him.
Warnings: Swearing
It's been a year since I left Oscar and within that year I built myself a new life. The first two months I crashed at Marcus's house but I was able to get a good paying job and get myself a small apartment just on the outskirts of Freeridge. I never ran into the Santos or Oscar, I knew I would eventually have to face him but I just wanted to be in a stable place.
Mine and Marcus relationship had stayed platonic, I needed a friend more then I needed a relationship and he understood that. After everything with Oscar I didn't want a relationship. Deep down part of me still loved Oscar and cared for him but the last year taught me to love myself and that I didn't deserve to be treated How Oscar treated me.

I smiled as I looked down at my outfit, I was wearing a white skirt with a simple black sleeveless top, I added a white blazer to the look. I grabbed my black heels putting them off, I ran a hand through my hair grabbing my purse before leaving the apartment.
Today was my little brothers graduation, he begged me to go, I was hesitant as I knew Cesar was also graduating meaning Oscar was most likely going to be there. I took my keys out unlocking my car and hopping in starting it up. Within the year I had accomplished my own independence with such things as driving, before Oscar or another Santo would just  usher me about.

It took me about twenty five minutes to reach the school, I parked up getting out the car and locking it. I made my way to the front of the school waiting for my parents to arrive. As I waited my phone buzzed signalling that I had got a text, I pulled it out my pocket reading it.
From: Marcus🧔🏽
You sure you
Don't want me there?
The message read. I smiled at Marcus concern before typing a reply.
To: Marcus🧔🏽
I'm sure,
I'll be okay.
Thank you though ☺️
I locked my phone putting it back in my pocket.
"Y/n!?" I turned to see Ruby, Jamal and Monse walking towards me.
"Hey" I smiled walking to the group as they pulled me into a group hug.
"I'm surprised to see you here" Ruby pulled away followed by Jamal then Monse.
"Why? It's also my brothers graduation as well" I laughed but the group were dead serious.
"Because of everything that happened between you and Oscar" I looked down before replying.
"That's old news. Are you guys excited to be graduating"
"Hell yes. College is not prepared for Ruben" Ruby said causing us all to laugh.
"You never change do you Ruby" I smiled it was nice to know that.
"Why would I"
"You guys should probably head in" I looked behind me and towards the school entrance, the group nodded before leaving.

Not long after the group left did my own family turn up with my brother.
"Y/n, you came" he smiled as he pulled me into a hug, with the last year he'd shot up meaning he now towered over me.
"You really think I'd miss this" I pulled away from him with a smile.
"It's good to see you Mijah" my dad pulled me into a hug followed by my mom.
"It's good to see you" I replied letting my mom go.
"Look at you, very smart" my mom complimented me.
"Thank you" I laughed.
"Okay we can catch up later let's get this graduation over" my brother smiled walking over to the school entrance. I just reached the school entrance as my phone started to ring, I let out a sigh pulling it out my pocket. Veronica the caller ID showed I let out a sigh.
"Everything okay?" My mom asked as everyone stopped.
"You guys go in I've just got to take this call from my boss" I replied signalling for them to go. They left as I pressed answer. "Veronica" I smiled as I put a sweet voice on.
"Y/n I need you at the office tomorrow" she said urgency in her voice
"Is everything okay?" I asked the woman walking away from the entrance. Veronica wasn't a bad boss, she was really sweet and understanding, I really lucked out having her as my boss.
"Just come in tomorrow" she ended the call. I could tell that she was busy from her voice. I sighed slipping my phone back in pocket. I turned back ready to walk through the entrance when I noticed a group of people walking their way towards the entrance. It was easy to identify them from what they were wearing, Santos. Leading them was Oscar with Cesar stood next to him, I looked down quickly walking through the entrance trying to not be seen. I achieved my goal, I walked towards my parents as they stood with Ruby's parents.
"There she is" my mom noticed me. I smiled greeting the Martinez's. Ruby, Monse, Jamal and my brother stood to the side talking.
"Hey guys" I turned seeing Cesar joining the group Oscar with him and the few Santos but they were interested in scanning the surrounding area.
"Took you long enough" Monse said looking at the boy. Cesar just rolled his eyes before looking past the group and at me his eye instantly widening. Shit.
"Y/n?" Cesar took a step forward, I looked from Cesar to were Oscar was staring. As soon as he heard my name he turned looking at me with the same look as Cesar.
"Hey" I smiled giving Cesar a small wave.
"Is that all I get a wave" Cesar laughed walking forward pulling me into a hug. I pulled away looking over Cesar's shoulder, Oscar now stood closer. I took a deep breath.
"We should probably go with the rest" Jamal pointed over to the rest of the class.
"Yep" they left now leaving a huge space between Oscar and I.

I didn't say anything neither did he. I couldn't even look him int the eyes, I don't know why I was suddenly feeling insecure.
"So your not going to say anything?" I could feel Oscars gaze on me, I looked up.
"What's there to say?" I crossed my arms.
"I don't know maybe an apology" I let out a laugh looking at him, he was being a hundred percent serious.
"Wow, I'm not the one that should be apologising" I looked him up and down.
"Really cause as I remember your the one that left, not a word, you just left" I bite the inside of my lip as anger boiled up inside me.
"And why did I do that? Oh yeah because all you did was cheat on me" I took a step forwarding pointing at him as I spoke. "Nothing to say Oscar" I was not backing down. "You know the last year has been the best year of my life in a long time, within that year I've learnt to love myself and that I didn't deserve the way that you treated me. I also learnt that you must have never loved me if you cheated on me so easily, if you hurt me so easily." Again he didn't say anything. "No if you excuse me I'm going to enjoy my brother graduation and I'd appreciate if you didn't speak to me, actually don't even look at me okay" I turned away from the boy I once loved.

Part two
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