Latrelle~ "hear me out"

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Description: So this one is kind of going to be in two sort of parts. The first part is before everythingand the second is after. How your relationship with Latrelle has changed down to the prophets. This starts the same summer Monse goes to writing camp.
Warnings: Swearing
Requested by; @niqueniquejailee
I stood leaning with my back against the brick wall waiting for Latrelle. The school had finally finished for the summer and I had planned to spend the majority of it with Latrelle. Latrelle and I had been dating for six months and it had honestly been the best six months. We'd spend it mostly just hanging out together, it was nice having someone. After about another minute the doors opened and Latrelle came walking out.
"Hey" I smiled walking over to him.
"Hey" he said pulling me into a hug. "How was your day, no one bothering you right" Latrelle pulled back giving me a serious look.
"Yeah it was fine" I shrugged. "What about you?"
"The usual shit but other then that..." I nodded as the two of us made our way down the street. Latrelle interlocked our hands before pulling me closer to him.

We finally reached Latrelle's house, he opened the door letting me in before following. As usual the house was empty, I'd only ever seen Latrelle's mom twice, his dad from what I guessed wasn't around. I placed my bag down before taking my shoes off. Latrelle walked straight ahead and towards the kitchen, once I had taken my shoes off I followed.
"Want anything to drink" Latrelle asked as he opened the fridge.
"No I'm good, thanks though" I smiled leaning against the counter as Latrelle got himself a can of soda.
"So what do you want to do?" Latrelle asked walking towards me till he was only a few steps in front of me.
"Definitely not what you thinking" I said pushing him back slightly with a laugh.
"And what would that be?" He took a drink.
"You know" I rolled my eyes before looking down at the floor. Latrelle again walked towards me. He stood in front of me before reaching and pushing a strand of hair behind my ear.
"Maybe I just wanted to watch a movie" I looked up at him, Latrelle just smirked.
"Fine, what have you got?"

After spending half an hour deciding what to pick we ended up with some action movie that I wasn't even paying attention to. The two of us were laid cuddled up on the couch. I laid with my head resting against his chest focusing on his heart beat. I occasionally looked away from the movie and at him, he seemed so focused on the screen, I smiled before looking back. After an hour and a half the movie ended, I got up and walked over to the DVD player and took the dvd out and placing it back in the box. I put it back where it was from and made my way back to the couch. Latrelle's attention was now on his phone, his expression was a confused one.
"What wrong?" I asked sitting next to him.
"Nothing" he brushed off as he typed a reply.
"Latrelle..." he gaze then left his phone and was on me.
"Trust me Baby it's nothing" Latrelle locked his phone placing it down before signalling for me to move closer to him. I moved closer but not in the positions we were in before. Latrelle looked at me knowing I wasn't going to drop it. "It's just my friend" Latrelle picked the phone back up unlocking it and handing it to me. I scanned the messages. The messages were between him and his friend, his friend seemed to be talking about the prophets. The messages seemed to be encouraging Latrelle to join. I locked the phone and handed it back.
"You not thinking about joining are you?" I asked. Latrelle didn't reply, he moved forward, he kissed me, he pulled away looking back over to the TV.
"What movie should we watch next?" He got up moving to the pile from earlier.
"I don't mind" I looked at him as he crouched down looking at them. He picked one putting it in and walking back to the couch, I let out a sigh moving closer and resting my head back on his chest.
"Hey, y/n" I looked up at Latrelle.
"Yeah?" I asked with a smile.
"I love you" a smile spread on my face as Latrelle looked at me.
"I love you too" I kissed him, I pulled away and placed my head back on his chest.


Months had passed since that night, things had changed. The biggest thing for me to have changed is my relationship with Latrelle, we were still together but it was really strained. There were times when I thought to myself 'what am I doing?'. I didn't deserve to be treated the way that Latrelle was treating me. There would be days were I would just cry over our relationship. Latrelle has started to blow me off, treating me like I was nothing and Im pretty sure that he was cheating. The reason things were like this is because he'd joined that fucking gang. He didn't change right away but he started to blow me off for parties with the prophets, if he did every come to mine he'd smell like female perfume. I never confronted him about it though as I never had the proof. I think the reason I have stayed with him for as long as I have is because I know he wasn't always like this, I hoped he'd wake up one day and just be the Latrelle I fell in love with. Maybe I was just being naive.

Right now I was sat on his couch waiting for him to meet me here. The same couch that he told me he loved me on but you don't hurt the ones you love for no reason. I held a letter in my hand just in case he didn't come, which to wouldn't surprise me. I started to bend the corners of the envelope waiting for the door to open or my phone to go off saying he wasn't coming. After another half hour of waiting the door finally opened, Latrelle came in. He didn't seem in a good mood. He didn't even acknowledge me as he walked past.
"Hey" I said standing up as Latrelle walked start to the kitchen. "Latrelle" I followed him, again he didn't saying anything. "Latrelle!" I said louder.
"What!" He snapped.
"We need to talk" I crossed my arms looking down.
"What about?" He asked, his voice still carrying anger.
"Us" Latrelle looked me up and down before sucking before sucking his teeth and starting to move round me. "Latrelle" I followed him as he walked out to the living room. He walked over to the couch taking a seat. "You know what, I'm done" I placed the letter down next to him starting to walk out.
"Your done? What the hell does that mean" He questioned standing up.
"I done with being treated like shit, I'm done with with your bullshit!" I yelled. "I'm done with you blowing me off. I'm done with coming second, well not even second. I'm done with us" I tried so hard to not cry or let any other emotion out other then anger. I shook my head and made my way to his front door.
"Hear me out, don't leave" Latrelle said as I placed my hand on the door handle. I turned to look at him.
"Hear you out" I laughed walking towards him. "Give me one single fucking reason why I shouldn't leave" Latrelle looked down.
"Because I love you" He looked up, for the first time ever I saw tears in his eyes. Part of me was dying to hugging him and say that everything was going to be fine, but it wasn't. I shook my head.
"You don't cheat, lie and blow off people you love. You don't hurt them" again he didn't say anything. "I would have never done anything like this to you" I turned pulling the door open but before I could leave Latrelle grabbed my wrist pulling me back in.
"Please, I'll do anything to make it up to you. Please" I stood staring at the boy thinking.
"Leave the prophets" I said.
"I can't do that" I pulled my arm from his grip. "I'll do anything else, I won't go to the parties anymore, I won't blow you off. I promise"
"Empty promises aren't what I need or want Latrelle" I crossed my arms.
"Please y/n, please" he pleaded.
"You have a month to sort your shit out" I said.
"What do you mean by that?" Hope returning to his face.
"Your have got a month to prove to me that you can be the old Latrelle, the Latrelle that I love not this one" Latrelle moved in to kiss me but I placed my hand on his chest pushing him back. "That means we're on pause till after the months up" I looked him up and down.
"I promise I will turn it round" I  nodded my head before leaving and walking down the stairs that lead to his house and heading home.

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