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You were scared to return home, but your uncle and Shinichirō-niisan assured you that they would not let you get hurt. Trusting in their word, you decided to finally go back.

At first, Shinichirō stated that he would be dropping you off, but you declined him. As of right now, your mother is till unaware of your relationship with Shinichirō. If she were to find out, she would keep a watchful eye on him, maybe even hurt him.

So you politely declined, but Keizo wasn't having it and insisted that both him and Wakasa play rock-paper-scissors to determine who would drop you off. Wakasa was clearly too tired and refused at first, but Keizo kept pressuring him and he was left with no choice but to play.

In the end, Wakasa won and had to take you home. It wasn't as if he disliked you, no it was far from that! He actually was very fond of you, but he was against putting effort into something that did not require so much energy, contrary to his friends.

He didn't understand why he had to play a silly game with Keizo. If the latter really wanted to take you home that bad, then Wakasa would gladly hand him the position. But then Keizo would screech about how it was unfair and about how he wanted a fair battle.

The blonde boy started the engine of his bike, roars echoing throughout the area. The sky had already turned dark and you were wearing your school uniform that you wore before. He helped you up his bike before stopping for a few seconds to allow you to wave goodbye to his leader.

After saying your goodbyes, he revved the engine and went off with you. Unlike Shinichirō-niisan, he didn't go fast at all, in fact he made sure to take his time. The breeze tussled with both your hairs, his short messy blonde hair wiping in the air.

You looked at the side, watching the houses go by as you dreaded what awaited you at home. Wakasa caught sight of your troubled expression and gave you a smile through the side mirror, "Hey, kid!!"

You turned your head in his direction and looked at the side mirror, which reflected his cat like smirk, "Don't worry, you'll be fine.." He reassured, calming your nerves slightly.

You gave him a firm nod and he chuckled at your sight, noting to himself about how cute you looked. You were confused at why he laughed but didn't think much of it.

Soon your neighbourhood came in vision and he slowed down to ask you the direction, "Just keep on going straight and then there will be a huge white house on the right with a turn next to it, take a right and stop at the third house.." He nodded at your explanation but you still instructed where to go when you both reached at your destination.

He parked in front of your house and helped you off the bike, kicking out its stand and leaving it to grab your hand. He squeezed your tiny hand for reassurance and you gave him a squeeze back to let him know that you were okay.

He looked down at his side to see you staring ahead as you ringed the doorbell, the determined look on your face making him crack a soft smile on his face. You didn't need to look up to know that Wakasa was looking at you, but you were grateful that he was with you right now.

Only a few minutes, the door cracked open and the young captain caught sight of a woman in her late-30s, with long [Hair Colour] hair, and [Eye Colour] eyes. She stared at you for a good minute, just glaring into your soul before travelling up to your connected hand and seeing Wakasa.

Her expression changed quickly as she gave him a bright smile, but the young boy was easily able to tell that it was fake. He gave a small smile back, knowing that he didn't want any extra drama.

"Oh my!! [Male Name] never mentioned you before!! I'm his mother, do come inside dear!!" She dragged him in, but he still didn't let go of your hand, making you happy.

AstrophileTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon