4• What are you into ?

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After a few minutes Dabi ended up letting his guard down, sitting at the edge of her bed, leaning back and supportinh himself up on both elbows while watching her walk back and forth from the suitcase to the bathroom.

" What was that from before telling us you're a masochist ? "

" What part of it did you not understand ? "

The question took him aback, making Dabi realize that he was actually just bringing it up to talk further about it but he certainly didn't have any specific question on it. A couple seconds of thinking gave him something to prolong the conversation:

" How did you find out ? "

" Through a toxic relationship. She would hit me but I found myself enjoying the pain too much, that's why I kinda made her mad on purpose but hey... It was pretty toxic. "

" She ? "

" You need to work on the wording of your questions. " She finally halts on her tracks to stare at him almost annoyed by the fact he didn't elaborate on his questions. " If you're asking about my sexual orientation, I like anyone, I don't really care about gender... Or looks. " A little shrug raised her shoulders before resuming her main task.

For some reason that made Dabi think a bit too much on it, did she clarify about looks after that pause because of him ? Was she referring to him and his scars ? No, probably not. Yet asking her directly and turning out not to be about that, maybe his pride would be affected.

" I'm ready, pyromaniac. "

" Alright, masochist. "

Both could play the name game.

Just as Dabi was about to request to be teleported back to the hideout, harsh knocking on the door startled both of them, making the villain immediately adapt a defensive stand.

" Shit. "

" (L/n) !! I heard you there, you can't avoid me anymore, you already owe me two months of rent, if you're not paying today I'll call the police to kick you out of here ! Now open the door and give me my money, bitch. " What a friendly landlord.

It all happened way too fast but out of mere impulse, she swung the door open to yell back at the man who in return grabbed her by the arm in a grip that was way too tight for comfort, causing her to resort to physical violence, she could have easily used her quirk to make him leave but being touched without her permission, being yelled at, it was so enfuriating for her that a kick to the crotch felt more natural.
Shoving the door closed on his face while hearing him yell for someone to call the police, she almost fell backwards when Dabi pulled her and the suitcase through the teleport circle, making both of them disappear in thin air.

Stumbling and falling right on her rear on the floor of the hideout, she grunted to herself but mostly because of what happened with her ex-landlord.

" Why didn't you use your quirk ? "

" 'Cause I've been wanting to fucking kick his balls back up for so long. "

A scarred hand extended towards her and she could've been rude and just ignore it to stand up by herself but... Maybe she could be a bit less conflictive now. Taking the offered hand, she didn't expect him to pull so hard and so close to his chest but a slight musty scent caught her attention, was that his cologne or deodorant ?

" What ? Are you into pyromaniacs too ? " Because she stood at that short distance from him for too long and he wouldn't waste the opportunity to mock her about it.

" You seem to be too interested in what I'm into, do you want me to be interested in you ? " That counterattack took him aback once more and she seemed to be playing his games at the same level of wittiness.

"Enough talk about me, why don't you tell me about what you're into, flame boy ? "

" I'm into inflicting pain. "

" Oh. " That... That was gonna be fun.

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