Chapter 14

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Sah'Yarah Niyelle Evans|20|sahMay 9Loc:home~12:52 pm

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Sah'Yarah Niyelle Evans|20|sah
May 9
Loc:home~12:52 pm

Waking up groaning from hearing my phone go off constantly for like the 5th time I answered it without reading the contact name.

"Yes"I sighed.

"Bitch open the door u forgot u was doin my hair today"my little sister said.

"Shit here I come" I mumbled hanging up.

"Sighing to myself I threw the cover off of me and moved K5 arm from around me and got up but stumbled almost falling.

"Ian never get no damn head that had my legs like this" I mumbled walking to the front door with a wobble.

Opening up the door she mugged me making me buck at her.

"Why u walking like that"she pointed out as I walked into my room so I could brush my teeth.

"Business....mind urs" I mugged as I closed my door and locked it so she don't come in
"So why did I see u fighting some girl"she said as I melted her cap on her head.

"Girl bitches keep playing wit me like im sweet"I laughed.

"And u fake cause u didn't even come get me"she said as she faked wiped her tears.

"Girl no cause if anybody would've but a finger on u it would've been ww2 out that bitch" I said as I now placed her 32' wig on her head.

"Girl remember that time u was fighting and me and Poot was wit u and then the girl friend hit me an-"she started but got cut off by her phone ringing

"Yes bitch"she said answering the phone for one of her friends.
"Thank you soo much sista gworl"she said as she played in her fresh wig install.

"No problem irk box" I said laughing.

"You should be nice and let me stay with u for the day"she turned to me and smile.

"U can't today cause yeah" I said as o wiped my chair down and tuned off the flat irons.

"And why may I not stay with my older sister "she asked jerking her head back.

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