Chapter 6

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I write down a small note for Penny who I'm sure will look at every room I've cleaned to be sure I did a good job. Bathroom 1 check, kitchen check, master bedroom check, hallway check. Tomorrow I'll clean the living area first to make sure every room is clean when he arrives.

I collect all of my things and make sure I don't forget anything before shutting the door. This day wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Cleaning this penthouse is easy like Penny said before, only every muscle in my back is on edge because of the craziest positions I made myself crawl into to make sure there's no dust under the bed or filth in the corners of the rooms.

Satisfied with my accomplishments, I let the elevator carry me to the ground floor. When I step a foot into the corridor, I thought business people would come crashing down to go inside their penthouse as it was passed 6 p.m., but it kept very silent. I look around me still mesmerized by the view of the property. So much green is very rare in this state so I let myself enjoy every minute I can spend here at this beautiful park.

When I arrive home, my feet are killing me. "How was your first day?" Ellen greets me in the kitchen.

"Very well," I say, surprised by my answer.

"That's nice to hear! Your father hasn't stopped talking about your first day as a secretary." Ellen says, blinking an eye.

"I'm happy if he's happy even if he doesn't know the real truth. In a few years, I am a secretary so I don't need to pretend anymore to him." I state calmly.

Suddenly father comes crashing into the kitchen with a bright smile plastered on his face. "Mila, how was your first day?" Dad asked happily.

"Great dad and how was yours?" I ask him in return.

"As always. I'm more interested in your day, sweetheart. What did you do? Tell me everything!" He exclaimed in excitement.

"Uhu, I helped uncle organize several files, and uhm I replied to phone calls..." I tell him unsure.

"You know how it goes the first days of a new job, it's more learning than doing..." I explain it to him and he buys it by seeing his broad smile.

"Of course, sweetheart. You'll learn everything in time. You must always stay patient and motivated no matter what." Dad caresses my shoulder.

"Yes, father. I will." I smile up at him, gently pinching his hand on my shoulder.

"I asked Ellen to make your favorite dish," dad continued and he start taking plates out of the kitchen.

I look at him mesmerized by his demeanor. Some days he can be so depressed and now he's quite the opposite and I can't be more than happy to see him this way.

"Your father even helped me prepare it!" Ellen gushed excitedly.

"No way?" I joked as I know father can't even bake an egg.

"Yes, you would be astonished at what I'm capable of!" Dad laughed and blinks an eye. "I even helped Ellen with some chores!"

"Okay, who are you and what did you do to my father?" I joked.

"I'm trying to be a better father, Mila," his voice sounded raspy, his demeanor quickly changing to an insecure one.

"Father," I start, but dad cuts me off abruptly.

"No, Mila! I haven't been a good father to you or your sister!" At the word sister, I stopped breathing for a second.

"Sister?" I let the word stumble out of my mouth. I'm not sure what to think but its obvious dad isn't in a good state of mind.

Dad nervously looks at Ellen, who also stares at him a bit puzzled about his outburst.

"Dad?" I say softly, encouraging him to speak up as this was the first time he exclaimed something like this. Maybe I need to take him to the doctor for another x-ray of his brain. Maybe his disease is affecting more of his brain than before.

"I lied," he says all of a sudden, a teardrop rolling down his cheek.

"About what?" I ask him with creased eyebrows. I'm stunned by this turning conversation.

"You have a sister. She's one year older than you." He continues, and I can't even process what he's saying. "Your mother took her away when she left us. I tried to find her, but she was gone. She kidnapped my daughter." Dad collapsed in tears.

Astonished about the event, I just stared at him in trance. I couldn't talk, I couldn't move, I couldn't even think.

As quickly as he had entered the kitchen with a big smile, he leaves the room with a teary face. Ellen looks at me and I can't even say a word. I stare at the freshly baked garlic bread that they made, feeling my stomach flip.

"I'm sorry Ellen," the words rolling out of my mouth in a stammer and I stand up from my seat and make my way upstairs.

I close the door of the bathroom, laying my pj's beside the shower. Father told me about my mother that she had run away when I was little, but I'd have never imagined he would keep something huge from me for all those years. Why did he keep silent? I thought we could speak of everything to one another, especially before he was ill. He carried this twenty-six years with him without even telling me and for what? I deserved to know the truth.

I get undressed and enter the shower and turn it on. At first, the cold water soothed my tiredness, but adrenaline flooded my body. When I started shivering I turn the knob to hot and a welcome feeling greets me, my head resting against the wall. This is the first time I hoped to get to work as soon as possible and get out of this house.

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