Chapter 25

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"Did you tell your grandmother about us?" I ask Nick while clutching my handbag.

"No," he answered before pulling over just in front of a large building.

I bite my lower lip, clutching my handbag even harder while looking at the people entering the building before us.

"Are you ready?" Nick asked, his hands resting on his upper thighs.

I nod, trying to swallow my doubts away but failed miserably. Nick nods to encourage me before leaving me in the car. Elegantly he opens my door already holding his hand ready for me to take.

I step out of the car, the slip of my white dress revealing my right upper thigh for a few seconds. Nick watches me, his eyes also traveling to my bare leg, his expression telling me he liked what he saw. The sight of him gave me a boost of energy. I felt beautiful in this dress, even with my short legs I felt quite tall in this long white dress, also exposing a little bit of cleavage which was no problem to me as I was happy with my breasts. They were not small and I bet everyone would be happy with the size of them.

With our hands intertwined we walk inside. Nick as confident as always walks in taking two glasses of wine from the tray a man was holding at the entrance to welcome us.

I spot Penny, Nick's grandmother wearing a purple long dress, her hair in a fancy updo. "There she is," I tell Nick who's looking around the crowd.

"Great," he says after a few seconds of silence, his expression turning stern.

"What's wrong?" I ask him in confusion.

"My mother is here," he answers through gritted teeth. I look back at where Penny was standing and beside her I spot a beautiful woman in a black dress, her blonde hair was curled nicely. I can see the resemblance from afar. She also has the perfect features of her son.

"Come on," Nick says, grabbing my hand and marching toward them. I swallow hard trying my best to follow his pace.

"My sweet boy," Penny blurted when she spots her grandchild, her arms already opening to welcome him.

"Gran," he let go of my hand to answer her sweet gesture, giving her a big kiss on the cheek.

"I brought Mila with me," Nick says when he withdraws.

Insecure, I just smile awkwardly as I felt four pairs of eyes watching me closely. "Mila, what a surprise?" She says a bit puzzled, her eyes trying to decipher Nick's intentions with me.

"She's my girlfriend," Nick says with an earnest face. I would almost believe his credibility if I didn't know we were truly faking...

"Your girlfriend?" the woman beside Penny raised her voice. "And what about Lucy?" She asked. "You were perfect for each other?" She blurted without considering talking about such matters alone with her son.

"No mother, I'm done with her." He answers irritated before emptying his glass of wine in one huge gulp.

"Nick, you can't mean that!" She insists on not letting this go even when she sees her son doesn't want to talk about it. Also, this was not the time or place to do so. "She's nothing like her," she said before turning her hawk eyes toward me.

"Karen it's enough," Penny says in a dismissive tone. I just look at the woman that should be caring for her son, however, she prefers to not even give me a chance when her son decided to end his former relationship probably for a good reason. I can't even comprehend my father would do this to me and that at a party with so many people to view the scene she's making with her high-pitched voice.

"He blows away his future! What can she offer you? She's nothing like Lucy...she's not half as beautiful as she is!" His mother shouted at him, directly ignoring my presence.

Instantly I felt sick to my stomach. I never expected a warm welcome, but this was just disrespectful. I don't know who this Lucy is, but you can't speak dirt about people when you don't even know them. It's disrespectful that she judges me like that. My father's voice starts to echo in my head. Don't ever let someone talk trash about you...

I don't want to be a part of this bulshit and I don't want to hear another word out of her mouth. My mind screams to stay put and leave at the same time. This is too much, I had to separate myself from the scene for a few minutes just to make sure this doesn't escalate. I turn on my heel, when I hear Nick's voice loud and clear towards his mother.

"Mila is so much more than Lucy will ever be. She's beautiful inside and out so don't you ever speak about her in such a manner again!"

I turn my head toward him, being surprised about his confession. For the first time, I really felt his words to my core. He meant every word he just said to his mother.

Nick turns his head to me and takes two long strides until he was facing me, planting his lips on mine. He took me by surprise while he rests his hands on my back, one hand sliding up under my hair to caress my neck before deepening the kiss by using his tongue. This wasn't a sweet kiss, this was frustration with anger, however, the kiss was so overwhelming that I had to steady myself against him.

After a minute Nick withdraws from me and I quickly felt vulnerable for a moment. The kiss felt so intimate because I felt his needs through the kiss. He needed this to cool down and to take control again. He needed me, even if it was a kiss out of anger or frustration or just to make a point to his mother. I felt desired and I couldn't deny feeling warm because of it.

"Gran, I will bring you your gift tomorrow," Nick says before taking my hand in his and marching out of the building while never giving his mother a goodbye or even a glance.

I look at Nick for a brief moment before he started the engine. I'm still a bit dazed about the kiss. It was so intense and good at the same time that I don't even feel angry anymore. Those feelings were shut down the moment he planted his lips on me. And he was a really good kisser...

"I'm sorry for everything," Nick admits with his eyes fixated on the road ahead of us. "I didn't know she would be here..."

"It's okay," I answer him feeling deep down that it wasn't. She was so disrespectful and rude.

"It's not okay. You're a terrible liar." He stated calmly.

"Alright, but I didn't want to make you feel bad. She's your mother..." I tell him earnestly.

"She's my mother on paper, nothing more." He says harshly and I can't even imagine the pain he must feel with this confession. A mother is all I ever wanted, but the reality is you've got to be lucky to truly have a good, loving mother which we both don't have unfortunately.

I felt his pain and it pained me even more to say that I'm glad he stood up for me even when he had to go against his mother's wishes.

"Thanks for standing up for me, though," I say softly, watching him closely.

"You're welcome." He said, his expression blank while he stared in front of him. I swallow and clutch my handbag once again. It never crossed my mind this party could end on such bad terms.

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