Chapter 13

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POV Nick (long chapter)

"Hey! Jay!" I yell with my window down. "I'm going to park VIP!"

"Great, I'll wait here. Everyone is already inside waiting." Jay informs me before I speed away, already regretting to go to this club named Climax. He fucking knows I have a flight tomorrow morning, however I could use the drink as I'm meeting Lucy tomorrow in New York. She still has some clothing that belongs to me.

How can I feel love and hate at the same time for her? Once she was the best thing in my life and now she's become my worst nightmare. I shouldn't never have listened to her, to a woman and get my head all in the clouds. Because of her I had almost lost my firm because she wanted me to occupy her all the time, not to mention how she had drained me wanting to be sure she got all of my money in the process. The times she had spilled my money like we were married was hilarious. Until one day she fucked the compitition. Marvel fucking Bowen calls himself the top guy who knows everything about cars and even sells the most cars in entire America which is crap. He only talks shit about people so I guess they are a great match. Hopefully they will ruin each other.

I step out of my car, making sure I don't have one of my best cars with me to park on this crowded parking lot. The moonlight shines on my old mustang and a sense of pride hit me. I can only be grateful to earn this amount of money to get such a nice collection of cars.

While strolling toward the entrance of the building where Jay's waiting for me, I see people watching my car as they pass by. "I know he's a beast." I whisper to myself in confidence.

Jay lives a block away from the club so he's here on foot. Which means if he's too drunk to stand on his feet later tonight, I'll need to help him getting home safe and sound. He would do the same for me...

I see Jay talking to a girl I don't know and I eye them curiously. When I get closer the girl walks away from him and heads inside.

"Wo was she?" I ask him curiously when I approach him.

"Oh she was my former neighbour." He says.

"The sexy pole dancer?" I grin.

"Yeah, that's her. However she's engaged tough." Jay informed me with a smug face.

"Don't you worry she isn't my type." I answer him while punching his arm lightly.

"Do you have a type? I thought you would do anything that has legs." Jay joked and I roll with my eyes.

After giving our names to the security we enter the room that was already booming with people, the dancefloor so crowded I could only be happy to be 6.1 feet tall. Jay and I make our way to the second floor, of course we're VIP or else I wouldn't even have come to stand amongst the crowd with no place to drink or stand properly.

I spot Cecil, Eric and Tom on the red sofa, already drinking and laughing. "I thought you would let your driver take you," Jay asked hesitantly.

"I'm not going to drink, Jay." I stated calmly and shrug the feeling away as he started about alcohol. I know he just wants best for me, but I'm a big boy and have learned from my mistakes. Ever since Dave died, I've learned the importance about not drinking while driving. He has thaught me that lesson for sure, however it's sad I've learned it because of his death. It could have been me instead of him. We were both wreckless. Most of the people thought we were brothers as our characters just match perfectly.

Jay was always the good boy from the three of us. He guarded us from harm as he's trying to do right now, but sometimes it pisses me off. He means well but I can take care of myself, even when the break up is still fresh I'm aware of my safety. I've grown up very fast because of Dave's accident and I'm not sure Jay sees that. He still thinks I'm the guy who fucks every woman that crosses my path. Maybe I did the first week after our break up, but it's just sex nothing more, no hard feelings and they knew I didn't want a relationship with them from the start.

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