Chapter 14

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Light flashes, people crowd together, the music playing somewhere far away in my head. The only thing I notice is the beating of my heart with every step I take.

I'm not sure why I even walked toward him, but he was the first one I saw and I needed help asap. When he sees me coming, his friend also turns his head in my direction.

My mind is blank and at the same time as full as it can be with what if's... I compose and march toward Nick.

"What's wrong?" The question already leaves his mouth before I grab his arm and try my best not to collapse. I can't, I need to be strong. Breathe in breathe out... I exhale loudly and feel some tension freeing my body only if it's just for a few seconds.

"There's a fire... my father..." I swallow.

"Is he hurt?" He asks in concern. "Mila look at me!" He yells while holding up my chin with one hand. Is it because he's frustrated about my lack of communication? I'm not sure and don't even care about it. The only thing I want is to leave immediately.

"I'm not sure. My house is on fire. Will you drive me to the hospital?" I stammer.

Suddenly Will and Louis embrace my waist, their faces concerned.

"What's wrong Mils?" I hear Will and Louis asking at the same time, but there was no time to lose. I had to get to the hospital asap.

"I'll take her. My car is way faster than yours." I hear Nick debating against Will and Louis.

I'm not sure the time they had spent discussing who was going to drive me, but before I know it Nick is leading me out of the club. People made room around him like he was a king. I couldn't care the only thing that mattered was my father at this point.

Nick opens the passenger door and I scoop in, not even trying to be elegant in a dress. "Are they in the Maria Hospital?" He asked which I replied with a humming sound.

Normally it would take fifteen minutes to get there, but we arrived in five. I didn't even mind he would be driving this fast because it wasn't fast enough for me.

We arrive at the hospital and I run on my heels inside, Nick following me on foot. People were watching us as we came running inside. I run toward the first nurse I saw and asked her about my father. "My father, Fill Richards, is he okay?"

"He's fine. He was a bit shaken up, but from what I've heard the firefighters were pretty quick at the scene." The woman informs me calmly and I sigh loudly, planting my hand on my heart in response.

"Oh God, thank you. Can I see him?" I ask the nurse politely.

"The doctor is still inside making sure his longs are fine." The nurse says with a soft voice.

I sigh and look up at Nick who's standing right next to me. A small reassuring smile appears on his face. That's when I realize my father wasn't alone. "Oh no, my neighbor Telma is she also here? Is she alright?" I ask the nurse who was already walking toward her desk.

"She's in the room next to your father. She was in shock, but overall she's also fine." The nurse answers before taking the phone that started ringing in the middle of our conversation.

I'm not sure how long I kept staring into the hallway, standing there, just waiting for the doctor who can permit me to see my father. Nick ushered me to sit down multiple times but I didn't want to listen. I just wanted to see with my eyes that my father wasn't harmed.

I'm fidgeting with my ring who my father gave me on my sixteenth birthday when I feel Nick's tension beside me. Puzzled I look up at him and I find him looking into the hallway. My eyes follow his when I see a doctor standing in front of a room with a woman beside him who was carrying a bunch of papers in her hand. They are discussing things and I wonder what it can be.

Then the doctor approaches us, asking for family members of Fill Richard. I jerk up by hearing my father's name. "Doctor is he okay?" I blurt out.

"He's fine. His longs are fine and he has minor wounds on his hands, not made by the fire. He got lucky." Doc informs me and I can feel myself breathing again.

"And Telma, the woman who was with my father?" I ask him in concern. I feel so responsible for this...

"She's also fine. Do you know if she has relatives by any chance?"

"No, I don't think she has a family. She doesn't have kids for sure and I've never seen anyone or heard her talking about siblings." I say unsure.

"Okay, she spoke of a sister, but they lost contact many years ago. We will try to contact her as her house is also damaged according to the firefighter.

"Oh," I respond softly.

Suddenly I see my friends appearing in the hallway, Louis and Ben's expressions worried.

"This woman wants to talk to you," the doctor says before leaving me a bit puzzled.

I turn around and face everyone, "I'll be right back,"

The woman looks up when she sees me approaching, a soft friendly smile appearing on her round face.

"Hello, I'm Mia from social services. I'm here to ask you a few questions about your father." She introduces herself.

"Social services?" I ask her a bit unsure why she wants me to answer questions.

"I understand from your father's medical illness it must be tough for you to take care of your father."

"Uhu yes, but I manage. Ellen our nurse helps me with the care for my father." I give her the recognition hoping she takes the bait and stops pointing a finger at me as I'm feeling like crap already.

"Yes, but you see because of the incident we can't let your father stay with you anymore. The house is damaged and now your father has lit the house, we don't have any other choice but to place your father in an institution that fits him best. Here I have some papers you need to sign, and we have two options, but we can discuss this later on."

"What?" I stammer softly.

"I'm sorry, this must be hard to hear." The woman says while reaching for my arm.

"Can I first see my father?" I ask her in a daze, feeling overwhelmed.

"Of course, I'll wait here." She says softly.

I can't believe he has lit the fire and could have harmed himself and Telma. I feel deeply mortified as I wasn't there to protect them, to protect him from himself...

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