Chapter 9

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Luckily The Vision was just a ten minutes drive, so I helped my dad to bed before leaving the house. I ensured him to call me if there's something wrong. I keep my phone near me in case he should call and drive up the parking lot, already busting with people.

I'm not sure why he wanted to meet me here as this place is crowded and very loud. I put my keys in my purse beside my phone and head off to the entrance of the building. Looking down at my jeans, I shrugg the feeling of embarassment away. I'm probably the only one inside who's being dressed this casual with a blue jeans and white, ruffled shirt.

As I'm just heading for the doorknob, someone bursts beside me coming from the inside, running to the street to clear whathever he had in his system out of his gut. I restrain myself to look at the man as I'm getting nautious. It's only eight o'clock in the evening and that man is probably waisted already. Very sad...

I open the door and scan the room for Nick. Some people watch me as I enter the room, almost everyone dressed properly in dressed-shirts or decent going-out clothing. Stepping forward, I look around me as it was so crowded, but then I found him. He was sitting with a woman at a table and I couldn't believe my eyes. Did he call me to play another scene to get rid of that woman??

I march toward the table when his eyes meet mine. Suddenly, the woman literally was pushed aside by him. When I stopped in front of the table I can hear him saying to the woman, "Can you give me a moment alone."

It wasn't a question but a request for sure as the woman eyes me curiously before heading off without uttering a single word to him. Why are these women so naive? Can't they think properly or does he select them for their low IQ, I wonder...

"Mila, please sit down." He insists. I take the seat across from him and kept silent. "What do you want to drink?"

"Water, please." I answer him politely.

"Water?" He says in a questioning manner, his eyebrow lifts in curiosity. "Don't you drink alcohol?"

"I drink alcohol, but not when I have to drive." I tell him.

"I see," he answers and jerks his head toward the bar. Immidiately a rockstar like waiter appeared at our table, ready to take our orders.

"The lady wants water and I want the same," he instructs the man as he hands him his empty glass.

I bite my lower lip in frustration. He probably means well by not letting me order my own drink, but I can't set the feeling aside. It gives me the same vibes like I'm one of his naive fuckbuddies. He needs control over everything, even over my drink. I'm even shocked he listened and ordered me water instead of something he wants me to drink.

"I respect your decision for not drinking while driving." He says when the waiter left. I eye him curiously not knowing if I have to believe what he's saying.

"A friend of mine died in a car crash tree years ago. He had a major drinking problem..." He says and instantly I regret my upforward judgement.

"So you don't drink either, while driving I mean?" I ask him now curiously.

"That's correct. I'm here with one of my drivers." He admits. The waiter arrives with our drinks and Nick holds his drink in the air. A small smile appeared on his lips and I can't surpress a small grin while saying, "cheers," as well.

He takes a huge gulp from his drink as I take a small sip of mine. I coulf feel a lot of women eyeing us curiously, probably wanting to know if this man in front of me is single or not. I've never met a man that's so desirable for so many women. He can't be everyone's type right? Well, he's handsome for sure but is that so important these days? I believe the character is the most important basics for a commitment with someone. If you don't have a connection and no comparising elements together, I believe there's no point in trying.

"Did you live here all your life?" Suddenly he breaks the silence again.

"Yes, you?" I ask him despite knowing the answer from his grandmother.

"No I haven't. I started my new business here, but my first garage and shop is in New York. The third building is almost ready in Beverly Hills so I have travelled a lot lately." He explains and I'm way too curious to keep my mouth shut and not making myself visibly curious about his life.

"Are you going to stay and settle here or do you have other houses as well?" I ask him.

"That's the plan though, despite having other houses also one in New York and now one in Beverly Hills I'm certain I like it here enough to settle down. My grandmother lives here as well." He informs me friendly.

I nod silently. "Do you have a good bond with her?" I ask him softly.

"Yes, she's the best." He says while playing with his glass, his gaze dreamy.

"That's great," I answer with a small smile, my mind drifting away to my father who I love the most on this planet.

"I want to apologize for pulling you into my dilemma's," he says all of a sudden and I can't even believe my eyes. He just apologized in a very mature way.

"It will not happen again," he continues. His eyes travel over my left shoulder when I see him smiling. I look around to see a man approaching our table. His eyes were light blue, his blonde hair short and messy. The man looked also like he walked out of a modeling show.

"Hey man," he says when shaking Nick's hand. He seats himself beside me and I could feel awkward instantly. I don't know who it is and that made it even more awkward to me.

"Jay, this is Mila my new housekeeper." Nick says and the man eyes me suspiciously.

"It's nice meeting you," he says with a friendly voice, shaking my hand gently. "Likewise," I answer him.

The man grins at Nick for a moment and I could feel he was contemplating if his friend is telling the truth about me. Obviously he knows his friend's reputation.

"Man, I'm not joking." Nick says irritated and the man turns his attention back to me. "Besides, you're early."

"I'm sorry," he says. "Becca wanted me gone so uhu that's why I'm early."

I could understand where his doubts came from. I know Nick a day and in one word I would describe him as a whore. His friend clearly has some issues with a certain woman as well...

They eye each other with a sheepish grin. I could feel I was a third wheel and besides I was tired so I clear my throat, "I'm going to leave and head home. Thanks for the drink and I'll see you tomorrow then?" I say everything rapidly, pressed into one sentence. He did apologize and that has been the highlight of the entire conversation which I really appreciated though.

"Thanks for comming over." He says already turning his gaze back into the crowd, probably searching that girl who sat with him before I arrived.

"Bye," I said.

"Goodbye and sorry again for the interruption," his friend says friendly, flashing his bright white teeth.

I nod and quickly make my way to the car, closing the passenger door closed with force. I can't believe I work for a woman's slayer. However, I'm looking forward to my first paycheck and that thought makes everything so much easier to bear. Let him do his thing and I'll do mine, nothing more, nothing less.

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