Chapter 17

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It's been a few days since I moved in with Nick. My room is bigger than the living area of my house, that's how big this bedroom is. At the same time I feel bad for taking his money because he's so generous with the amount of money I will get in total. The only thing I need to do is play his girlfriend to the outside world, but inside I can still be me and true to myself. The feeling is a bit doubtful because this weekend I'll need to attend a party for the first time.

Nick asked to practice this evening, which I'm not sure what he means by practicing. In my mind I already had a lovestory about how we met and started dating, but I wasn't sure if it would please Nick because he's such a strange man. For instence he showers two times in the morning before his workout and afterwards. Who does that? It's so bad for nature spilling such an amount of water. And then I imagine many poor children who can't wash themselves for days or even drink fresh water.

I roll with my eyes as I see Nick entering the living area with a white shirt and sweatpants, his hair all messy and wet. Wet stains coming through his shirt, making me eye him for a moment, until realisation hits me.

"Are you for real?" I ask him in annoyance.

"What?" He asked while looking at his outfit like I would care what he wears...

"Did you shower for the third time today?" I ask him in shock. And he doesn't shower five minutes, no it's more like half an hour. A lot of times I hear him singing and I can tell you this he's defenitely no singer.

"Yeah," he answers, letting himself fall on the couch with his phone in his right hand.

I sigh out loud and shake my head in disbelief. It's not like I can't say anything to him because he's not really my boyfriend and unfortunately it's his house so its his rules.

"Come," he spoke, "tell me what's bothering you. I'm not going to sit in my own house while you're whining about nonsense so let's clear out all the frustrations once and for all." Nick says while throwing his phone next to him, laying his feet on his wooden coffee table I just cleaned.

I look at his feet and feel my frustrations getting the upper hand. It feels like I'm living with a teenager...

"You spoil loads of water," I spit out without thinking things through.

"Oh no, don't tell me you're a nature goeroe..." He rolls with his eyes while laughing, jerking his head backwards and resting against the couch. His head turns towards me, still with a sly smile plastered on his face he looks at me with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Are you serious now?" He asked when I see his phone light up with a new text.

I stare at him in disbelief because how could he be so selfish? Doesn't he think about the wellfare of the planet? Or even think about poor people? I can't even imagine if I would be rich. I still would think about my fellow people and I would certainly give money to charities.

I look at him hoping we could discuss this further, maybe even help him understand why I'm a bit annoyed about it, but he startled me when he jumps up from his expensive sofa.

"Change of plans.." He says with his eyes hooked on his phone while typing something. I stare at him, trying to understand why he's so jumpy all of a sudden.

"We are going to practice tonight," he says and I couldn't figure out this man. I thought it was the plan, however I missed some information I guess.

"Yes, I know, that's why I'm here. I was waiting for you. Well I'm curious to what you mean with practice?" I ask him?

"No, a change of plans. We're going to practice elsewhere." He says, still with his tumbs in action while typing something.

"Elsewhere?" I ask him in surprise and compose for a minute.

"Yes, we're going to a club. Only the two of us." He says and I didn't know if I had to laugh or be serious about his sudgestion.

"Only the two of us?" I giggled nervously, not sure if it is strange to go to a club alone with your partner. It's defenitely not what I would do if I would go to a club.

"Yes, so get ready. We will leave at eleven o'clock." He informs me while looking at me. I nod and look at the clock because it's just passed eight. I'm hoping to get a powernap before I can make myself ready tonight. Who knows how long he wants to stay away.

With his phone in his hand Nick leaves the room. I guess I need to hurry if I want to get some sleep first.


A knock at the door wakes me up from my dream. I jerk up when I hear footsteps coming closer. He had opened the door and looked at me in frustration from the hallway.

"Mila are you serious? I thought the contract meant something to you!" Nick snapped at me.

"I'm sorry I forgot to set my alarm, I will be ready in fifteen minutes." I jump out of the bed, running to my bathroom door. Before I closed it I look at Nick, his expression not amused at all.

"It won't happen again," I tell him before closing the bathroom door and getting undressed in a few seconds.

Luckily, I washed my hair yesterday so I only needed to wash my body. In five minutes I was already out of the shower. As I was thinking what to do with my hair, I thought of something that's ready in five minutes. I don't have time to style or even curl my tick brown hair, however I knew what I had to do. I'm going to make a messy fishtail side braid. It's beautiful and classy, which gives me a few minutes extra to do my makeup.

After twenty minutes I step out of my bathroom a bit dissapointed as I promised him to be ready in fifteen minutes. Quickly I take my golden pumps that match my beige jumpsuit, the pants making my legs longer than they are. Satisfied with my look, I take my smallest purse and head toward the living area, my heels making a devine sound on Nick's marble floor.

As I enter his big living room, I see him sitting in his couch, busy on his phone. "You're five minutes late," I hear him saying in annoyance without taking a look at what I'm wearing. It offended me he didn't even look at me. The only thing crossing his mind is that I was late and that bothers him. It will be a miracle if we get along without a fight this evening...

I roll my eyes as I ignore him and walk toward the elevator pushing the button. If he doesn't hurry up he can stay here and mock all evening if he want.

I step inside of the elevator and lean against the mirror behind me when I see him marching toward me. He was wearing a dark blue suit with a black dress shirt, two buttons still open from the top of his shirt. I have to admit he looked so handsome. I love men wearing black.

As he walked past me into the elevator, I smell his parfum and it almost knocked me of my feet that's how much he had on him.

I shuffle from one foot to the other as I feel his eyes scanning me and I was too annoyed to give him a glimpse in return.

"I promise I will make myself prettier next time." I blurted. I hate it when he thinks I'm not taking this seriously because I am.

"Mila look at me," Nick says a bit harsh which makes me look at him with an uneasy feeling.

"You are beautiful," he says earnestly, while taking my hand in his. "Remember, when we walk out of this door we're a couple." He remembered me, giving me a wakeup call. This is it. It's show time.

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