Chapter 21

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As I walk into the living area I see Nick drinking from a water bottle. He must have heard me entering the room with the loud sound of my heels. He turns around with the bottle still in his mouth. His eyes grow big as he gazes at me.

He sets his water bottle on the kitchen counter and kept silent. As I walk passed the kitchen to collect my purse I feel his eyes on me the entire time. The inner me could yell with joy and excitement. He picked me because he presumed I would be naive and a bit insecure, but I've always been confident about myself. The problem is other women and social media make me question myself.

These days it's hard to know if every man loves a normal woman without lip fillers or fake breasts. I have folds from tummy fat when I sit and I definitely don't have the perfect breasts or lips and that's what makes me more insecure these days. Even Devon my ex loved to explore Instagram to look at all the perfect models, but what guy wouldn't? They look so fucking perfect...

I take my black handbag in my right hand which was perfect because it was the same color as my mini dress. It made my legs seem longer, underneath I wore black pumps. I felt confident with the outfit and makeup, even my hair was perfectly curled into precision. Now he knows I can make wonders with just one hour. Hopefully, he's content with how I look because I know if I have to be his fake girlfriend I have to look good.

As I turn on my heel, feeling more confident than ever I watch Nick rolling up his sleeves to reveal his masculine arms. He's wearing one of his many black suits with a nice white tailored dress shirt. It's absurd how many suits he has as I noticed while ordering his closet.

I have to admit he does look good in it. There's no doubt he could be a potential lover to me in another life. He was just the type I would fall for. Tall, athletic build but not too much and I even noticed he's got really beautiful eyes, not to mention his features. His hair was combed to the back which hide his curly light brown hair. I'm not even sure he has any tattoos...

Nick strolls toward me with so much elegance like he's trying his best to look good. He probably walks like that all the time because you'll never know who's watching you. He kept staring into my eyes and for a split second, it made me feel doubtful. Maybe he doesn't like the dress on me? He's pretty serious and not even sending a smile or a compliment. Despite my little doubts I push them aside and walk into the elevator crossing my legs as I hold myself with one hand and in the other, held my purse.

Nick walks into the elevator as well, his expression was serious. Several thoughts swirl through my mind and I can't even understand why he's so silent.

"What's bothering you?" I ask him when we enter the ground floor of the building. He turns his head to face me, and I don't even know him well enough to read his facial expressions because there was nothing to witness. One moment I see his eyes traveling down to my red-painted lips, his eyes traveling back making eye contact. Is the red lipstick too much I wonder?

"There's nothing wrong," he stated calmly, obviously I'm just imagining things. "Let's go to the restaurant." He added, taking my hand in his. The feeling of his warm hand radiating through mine makes it even more evident that his hands are so big in comparison to mine. He could warm my hand in just a few seconds. Devon got smaller hands seemingly more feminine than Nick's big strong hands and again I caught myself comparing Nick to my ex.

We enter a small restaurant I've never been to before and can't hide my curiosity as it's no secret I love good food. I've never gone to a fancy restaurant before because I couldn't afford it, nevertheless I always hoped to someday get invited to a place like this.

The friendly man behind the desk greets us with a warm polite smile. "Nick Donovan," Nick greets him with a handshake.

"Of course, Mister Donovan. It's been a while since we've got the opportunity to welcome you. How you've been lately?" The man asked while eyeing me curiously. His expression seemed a bit puzzled by the sight of me.

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