Chapter 12

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Louis and Will are waiting in front of my house. Amongst them are also sitting Gigi and Felicia waving at me from the backseat. Luckily Will has a van or else we couldn't fit in one car.

"Hi," I say cheerfully while opening the door of the car. Felicia already making some room for me to join them in the backseat. I quickly look back at my house to see Telma waving at me, and I wave back before entering the van.

"Finally we're complete again!" Louis yells with a thrilled smile plastered on his face. He's probably going to smile all night just like this and I couldn't contain a giggle.

"It's so nice seeing you guys again!" I say delighted, turning my attention to Gigi and Felicia who're sitting next to me.

"Yes, it's been a while since we've seen you, girl," Felicia stated cautiously. Her dark curly locks are just as perfect as always.

"Yeah, I've been so busy lately with the new job and dad that I didn't find the strength to do anything else than work and sleep," I say calmly.

"We understand," Gigi answers with a genuine smile.

"Although I'm glad you can start again with Will and Louis," I say gratefully. And the two girls nod appreciatively while looking at each other. Felicia and Gigi are living together so it's only normal they are the best of friends as they share so much with one another. They only saw me at work or if we would hang out after work, but then there was Devon who always wanted to go with me, so Felicia and Gigi stopped asking for a girls night.

"Now Devon is out of the picture, you can finally join us for a girls night!" Gigi spoke out and I could feel a smug appearing on my face. "Sorry if that sounded horrible, I mean I'm not happy you broke up..." She adds softly.

"Of course, we are happy she broke up with him!" Will interrupts with a goofy face. "He always treated you like a child and talked you down at times. I'm sorry but that's my opinion." He stated with his hands in surrender after saying my companion girls beside me glaring at him.

"You've always lacked communication skills, tiger," Louis says in shame.

"It's fine, Louis. I love Will for his honesty and since we broke up I'm feeling so much lighter like there's a weight away from my shoulders. So no hard feelings at all..." I ensure them all.

I could see Will exhaling loudly while winking at me from the rearview.

"However I'm still sad you won't come back to join us..." Louis says dramatically with puppy eyes.

"I know." I sigh.

"But we understand. You would be silly to come back when you get paid a lot more and you have your weekends and nights free now." Will speaks up with his soft, kind voice, already giving me a calm feeling about having no regrets about why I made up my decision.

"Of course, I understand..." Louis jerks his head to Will in defense.

"I do miss every one of you, believe me!" I exclaimed truthfully sending them a divine smile hoping we can change the subject.

After having a pleasant chitchat about Gigi's dating life and Will's new plans for the interior of the building, we arrive at the club Climax. I'm not sure what to expect as this place just opened two months ago. It's new and seems tasteful as there was already a booming line waiting at the entrance.

"I hate waiting," Felicia mutters disapprovingly, probably because of the choice of high heels.

"I told you not to wear them today. What would you expect they are new..." Gigi says irritated while rolling her eyes.

"When could I wear them? When I'm at work??" Felicia joked.

"No, not in my pub!" Will growled.

I giggle and take a look at my phone once more if Telma didn't call. I pocket it back in my purse when everybody gets out of the car.

"You look, great honey." Louis gushed while pulling me against his side. "Maybe we can find you a new lover in here, who knows." He winks seductively.

"No thanks, I'll pass." I pointed out, grinning at him.

"So girls as a true gentleman that I am I arranged us VIP seats!" Will says in confidence while waving the tickets in the air.

"Oh gosh you, when were you going to tell us!" Felicia cried, relieved she takes one ticket from Will.

"I love to irritate you guys," Will laughed out loud as Felicia rolled her eyes. I guess she's so happy she doesn't need to wait that long on those high heels.

Gigi was wearing a midi white dress and Felicia was wearing a sexy red jumpsuit with her new black high heels. Louis and Will were in a suit, probably it's been the first time Wille ever wore one. Louis is more the fashion boy next door so it's no surprise his suit is daring. He was wearing a dark green suit with a black dress shirt and orange tie. Will's suit was simple black with a white dress shirt.

"Guys, come on," Will shouts while heading off to the entrance with big strides, already forgetting us ladies wearing more delicate footwear than he's wearing.

We arrive at the entrance, two presumingly bodybuilders were blocking the entrance. "Tickets," The right one ordered firmly, and I look at Gigi and Felicia who were already grinning, trying their best to hide their upcoming laughter.

Then we pass beside them into the grand hallway where you could hang your jacket. We walk through it, the music greeting us, people cheering the Dj.

The dancefloor was huge. There are so many people in here, it's just crazy.

"Follow me," Will yells and takes my hand and Louis'. With my loose hand, I take Gigi's hand and she takes Felicia's in return. Together we push through the dancing crowd to get to the second floor where are the VIP seats.

Lazily, I seated beside Gigi and Louis, sighing in relief we got through this mass unharmed. I'm still a bit uneasy in crowded rooms as I once got caught in a fight in the middle of the dancefloor. Someone just run over me like I was a doll. I hit the ground hard and got carried away with a concussion. So yeah I hate too crowded rooms so I'm probably not going to dance on the dancefloor.

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