Chapter 15

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I'm looking at my father as he's fast asleep. I can't imagine he could have been gone if it wasn't for Telma who caught the smell of fire in an instant. What if she also fell asleep like she normally does on our couch. It was late and yet my father was awake starting a fire in his bedroom. What was he thinking?

A lonely tear drops from my face and I feel Telma pinching my hand in recognition. "I'm so sorry Telma..." It was the only thing I could say. None of my words could make a difference, but I had to make sure she knows.

"It's alright sweety," and I feel her hand shiver in mine.

"No it's not. Your house is damaged and it's all my fault." I cried, every fibre of my body ached for her, for my father, for me, for the change we were going to face now my father won't be living with me anymore. Deep down I know this is the right decision for his wellbeing and safety because I can't be with him twenty-four seven if I want to our bills need to be paid.

"Mila look at me," she says a bit stern and with a shaking body I turn my head, feeling I could collapse in a pile of misery.

"This wasn't anybody's fault, not even your fathers. He's just sick, Mila. This wasn't anybody's fault." She says calmly but the cracking of her voice gave me a glimpse of what she must feel right now. Here she's reassuring my feelings even when she could have been killed by the man that was laying in front of her, silently in a deep sleep like nothing ever happened.

My father is sick, but I never imagined he was already in a state like this. He couldn't even rationally think at that point as Telma told me he was staring at the fire that already made its way to the curtains. Why didn't he run away from the uprising danger?

A knock at the door broke my thoughts. A nurse peeked inside, sending a sweet smile to us.

"Have you spoken to your father?" She asked curiously.

"Yes," I replied shortly. "But he couldn't remember anything." I sigh.

"I'm sorry to hear that... Maybe you could get some sleep as well, it's 2 o'clock in the morning. Can you stay with your friends?" She sudgested.

At first thought I didn't want to leave my father alone. What if he wakes up without me. I still need to talk to him about the institution, about him not going home anymore...I can't even vision myself alone in our house without him, altough I knew I needed some sleep, or else I would be a wrack by the morning.

I nod at her and Telma pinches my arm softly. "I'm going to sleep as well." She says softly standing up from her chair.

"I'll see you tomorrow and then I'll help you to find something to stay for a while." I reassure her in order to reassure myself at the same time. I haven't got a place to stay and now I'm proposing to help Telma even when I'm also homeless.

"It will be fine, Mila. We will talk about it tomorrow." She says and leaves the room. I feel so guilty about everything.

"He's in good hands." The nurse interrupts the downfall of my negative thoughts while standing at the end of his bed with a gentle expression on her face.

I nod and walk past her, turning around to look at him one last time before leaving the room feeling my world come crashing down on me like a horrific storm.


I wake up with my cellphone still in my hand, light peering through Louis and Ben's curtains. I stare at the old ceiling above me, my back already aching from the position I had to lay in because of the compact couch. It's been a week since I stayed with Louis and Ben's very small appartment. Turning on my side, I see a small note on the coffee table in front of me. I pick it up and read it, "sweetheart we're gone for a few hours. We're going to sign the contract. Call if you need us."

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