Chapter 11

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After a week of sweating, and debating why I had chosen such a tough job I'm thrilled to jump into the weekend. To have a nice and relaxing weekend without too much to do, just getting some needed rest.

I sigh when I clean the last parts of the kitchen cabinets.

"That was all, Lucy. Thanks and I'll see you tomorrow." Nick came storming into the kitchen dressed in sweatpants and nothing above to hide his six-pack.

I quickly avert my eyes from the sight and try to clean a nasty spot in the corner of the cabinet. "You're still here?" I hear his footsteps coming closer.

I intend to look so I stand up as I was crotching behind the kitchen. A little drop of sweat dripped from his chest and disappeared in his pants. I swallow and don't even recall he had said something to me before.

"What did I tell you about the air conditioning?" He interrupts my thoughts.

"I didn't think it was necessary..." I answer him, knowing he probably noticed my sweaty face.

"It's hot in here, Mila." He says irritated.

"Maybe I like it hot," I tell him in earnest. And that's even the truth, I do like warm weather... At the look on his face I probably better rephrased it differently.

"Is that so?" He says amused, a small smile appearing on his also sweaty face. He must have been training in his gym for god knows how long. Some people do have too much time to spend besides work.

"Yes," I answer him a bit unsure before taking my things and getting away from him.

When I put in all the dirty cleaning cloths I push the play button from the washing machine. Turning on my heel, there's he standing in the hallway with his shoulder resting against the wall, his arms crossed before his stomach.

"Do you have plans this weekend?" He asked, his eyes curiously scanning my face.

"No, nothing particular. Staying home with my father," I tell him with honesty.

"Do you still live at your parents' house?" Nick asked as he was still unaware of the problems in my personal life. I'm not sure if it's time to tell him because I don't know him that long. Time will tell when I tell him, but now is not the time to tell. I don't feel good enough to tell him about dad or anything more about me.

"Yes. Is that a bad thing?" I ask in return, trying to compose myself before he notices something.

"No, it was just a question." He says a bit stunned by my answer. I look up at him before making my way to the front door.

"I'll see you Monday?" I ask him as he was still following me, still barely clothed which annoys me the most. Is he doing this on purpose to make me feel ashamed?

"Tomorrow I'm going to fly to New York. I'm probably gone for a few days I'm not sure how long. Have a nice weekend, Mila." He says before he turns his back to me and saunters away with his hands in his pockets.


I lay on the sofa, dad was already early to bed as he was very tired. I'm debating if I'm going to start seeing a new Spanish show about a gigolo who falls head over heels for a client of his. That seems fascinating to watch, I think. Suddenly my phone rings and in a haste, I look who is calling me now. It's Louis.

"Hi, how have you been?" I get up the phone, immediately feeling a bit ashamed that I've waited so long to call him to ask how he's doing.

"Hi Mils, we have some great news." He rambles. "We bought something of our own. You need to come we're going to celebrate tonight!" He almost yells enthusiastically.

"Wow, that's great news! I'm so happy for you guys!" I say happily. I can't express how happy I am to hear that because they are the best, both of them. How they always understood my situation with dad. How I sometimes had to leave abruptly because of my dad. They just understood me in a way nobody of my former friends did or wanted to.

"So?" He asked impatiently, I could hear Ben in the background when his voice also appeared in an instant after a few seconds of silence. "Come on, Mils. We've missed you and you deserve a night out for once!" He yells into the phone. A giggle leaves my mouth, and in hesitation, I contemplate what to do.

"I'm not sure guys, with dad...I can't leave him alone for that long..."

"Can you ask Ellen?" I hear them both say at the same them.

"No, I don't harass her on the weekends, guys. That wouldn't be fair of me." I inform them.

"Your neighbor Telma maybe? You told us a while ago she might want to help from time to time?" Louis suggests carefully.

"Uh, I'm not sure she's even home..." I tell them softly. Despite my restless demeanor, it's been such a long time since I had gone out and I really would like to go with them. Just a lovely, energetic night is just what I need.

"What are you waiting for, go and ask her!" Ben orders me cheerfully.

"Alright, alright. I'll call you guys back in a minute!" I laugh and get off the couch, still smiling at their determination.

"You look stunning, Mila. I'm certain this is the first time I see you all dressed up like this." Telma says in earnest, making me blush a little. Telma will turn eighty years old next month, however, if you see her makeup and jewelry you wouldn't believe she's that old.

I'm wearing a Lipsy champagne halter neck mini dress I bought I think two years ago because it was so beautiful, but I did never find an opportunity to wear it. Sometimes it's easy to hide behind my jeans and shirt and not make myself more pretty. I know I'm not ugly, but I'm definitely not a vain person. Dad's always been a simple person and I guess I inherited that from him. I'm simple, normal and I am the way I am, the best possible version of myself.

And from time to time, I'm eager to dress up like someone who adores their bodies, but deep down I'll still be that plain girl.

I give Telma a big hug before heading off to my best friends who I've missed a lot.

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