Chapter 13 - Happiness

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His statements astounded Riddhima. She made assumptions about everyone's feelings because she could feel the flame in their eyes.

"So this girl who belongs to the water clan changed your mind. Water clan is our rival clan and you very well know that. Because of the Water clan people, I lost my husband, my entire family got shattered, and now you are also not listening to me. Why don't you understand Riddhima is our enemy." Growled Gayathri Raisinghania.

"Grandma, enough. Then you are going to regret it later." Vansh grumbled grabbing Riddhima's hand and tried to walk back to his building.

"Riddhima, you are a witch. You changed his attitude completely. Will you tell me the technique?" mocked Ragini.

"Ragini, Riddhima must have slept with Vansh. The abrupt change in Vansh is due to it. Vansh must have been fully captivated by her. That must be the strategy." scorned Anupriya spitting venom in her words.

Riddhima's gaze observed Vansh, he was controlling his anger. Riddhima wanted him to shout at his family members for damaging her self-respect but he didn't speak up. This attitude hugely disappointed Riddhima.

"Anupriya, You are correct. This girl belongs to the water clan and must have done that too. Then why not my grandson going to wear the shirt which belongs to Riddhima's father. " rasped Gayathri.

Suddenly Gayathri's eyes widened when his grandson unbuttoned his shirt in front of everyone. Ragini was admiring his strong well-built muscles, Riddhima gasped. He removed the shirt and gave it to Riddhima. The bandage on his arms grabbed everyone's attention.

"What happened to you?" asked Gayathri with concern caressing his arm.

Vansh signaled Angre to narrate the whole incident, His bodyguard described the entire incident. Now, Everyone understood that Riddhima had supported him in his difficult times.

"Vansh, I didn't know anything about it. I am sorry for it." Pleaded Gayathri to his grandson.

"Why are you apologizing to me? You should apologize to Riddhima for accusing her. I know that you won't ask sorry to her. Coming to the point, You should have understood why I said Riddhima is more important to me than my family at least now. She didn't care about her health, sleep, or food for the past two days, Her only motive was to take care of me. She did her job perfectly as a doctor for me. But you didn't even care about my health, instead, the first thing you spoke when I entered the mansion was to marry that Ragini." Elaborated Vansh with his dark voice.

"Vansh understand my situation..." started Gayathri but was eventually stopped by her grandson.

"According to you, the most important thing is your privilege and pride in the fire clan. If you don't care about me then why I am going to say that my family is important to me? Riddhima is more important to me now, She is my doctor and personal secretary. Do you understand now?" roared Vansh like a lion holding Riddhima's wrist.

Silence prevailed among the family members. Everyone's head was down. Now, no one dared to halt him. He tugged Riddhima to his building which was a little far away.

The residence where Vansh was staying was entirely in the dark. Riddhima feared going into the building. He was just partially clothed, but that didn't bother him. However, the garden's staff members gave Riddhima and Vansh strange looks.

Riddhima felt embarrassed. He stood in front of the huge door, the door had a scanner that scanned his face which paved the way to open the door. The lighting was low. Riddhima was so unable to see anything.

"Boss, Why did you bring me to your building?" implied Riddhima trying to get rid of his hold.

He twisted her wrist backside of her and pulled her towards himself. Riddhima's breathing became abnormal, her heartbeat was out of control due to the closeness of Vansh.

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